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  1. ohiofarmgirl

    Salmon Faverolles mix chicks!

    Breed purists look away!!! What a combo! Salmon Faverolle momma x Light brahma baby daddy... these are some adorable chicks for sure. Came from a crazy hatch where I got one chick per day for about 18 days. Chicks are almost feathered out, many have the extra toe. Cute as bugs! Central Ohio...
  2. ohiofarmgirl

    Runner ducks! This spring's hatch

    Runner ducks for sale in Central Ohio! Just $8 each! Local pick up, cash only, straight run, may be able to deliver (fee depends). Terrific foragers and tons of fun. PM me for more info and to purchase.
  3. ohiofarmgirl

    Golden Campine- FREE to a bad home

    Thanks everyone! Apparently the suckers.... I mean.. the good folks who want to give her a GOOD home are lining up! We found someone who is coming to get her today! Yay! :-) ================================== Come and get her. One completely loco Golden Campine is available FREE in central...
  4. ohiofarmgirl

    Ganders, ganders, ganders!

    All females have found new homes - just a few ganders left. Whites are $25 - Roman tufted x Embden. And one spectacular speckled gander available for $40 - Toulouse x Roman tufted. Available for pickup/delivery only in Central Ohio. Meet you locally or delivery fee depends on where you are...
  5. ohiofarmgirl

    Bourbon Red young tom turk available in Central Ohio!

    Bourbon Red young tom turk available in Central Ohio! From last year's hatch - we have one too many toms so this fine gentleman is looking for a flock of ladies of his own. Father and sibs are huge - great temperament. Almost to full display with a few more feathers coming in. Local pick up or...
  6. ohiofarmgirl

    Gander and Gooses - some silly

    Tufted cross lady geese and one spectacular speckled gander for sale! Local pick up/delivery (Central Ohio) and cash only - $25 each or $40 for the speckled gander. The big Embden in front is too mean to sell.. but the rest are looking for greener fields. We have a couple too many ganders for...
  7. ohiofarmgirl

    PenG Procaine dosage for goose?

    One of my year-old geese seems to have lost an eye to injury. I have PenG Procaine Benazthine (150,000/ml). She is about 12 pounds, so .5ml for three days? Can anyone confirm the dosage? 18guage needle SubQ, correct? thanks!
  8. ohiofarmgirl

    What Is This!??!

    I'm not icked out by butchering but this sent me flying across the kitchen and hiding under a table... what the heck is this? it appears to be a greenish section on the bird's tenderloin/oyster in the breast. it seems contained to one area so i'm leaning toward some kind of...
  9. ohiofarmgirl

    Should I give them a duckling to raise? Goosedragon? you out there?

    Goosedragon? you out there? here's one for you... it doesnt look like my older pair of geese are going to have a successful hatch this year. last year their only gosling died. the pair are over by my momma 'scovy watching her babies... the geese did this last year when they lost their own...
  10. ohiofarmgirl

    The Silence(ing) of The Guineas

    i cant believe we are such big dumb dopes... so our stupid guineas - a total of 5 with 2 older and 3 younger - have been screeching nonstop for months. all. nite. long. they arent being murdered by wolves, nothing is in their coop.. no reason just constant screaming. we couldnt figure out what...
  11. ohiofarmgirl

    Shrill shrieking guineas

    yikes! my guineas have been screaming for 3 days and nights STRAIGHT. i'm about to take the hatchet to them.... no, they are not lacking anything.. food, water - check and double check no, as far as i can tell neither wolves nor tigers are out there threatening them... no, there's nothing in...
  12. ohiofarmgirl

    Snow turk! Pic of one of our BR's on the frozen tundra

    One of this summer's young males - we call him The Ostrich because he's taller than our tom, TurkZilla
  13. ohiofarmgirl

    BR hen - all her feathers are falling out in clumps! now what?

    help! no, she isnt molting - this is most of her feathers falling out in clumps. this morning i went out and she is half bald - since its about 28* i ran her into the house b/c she was shivering but now what?? backstory: she had a failed clutch and we took her off the nest about a week ago. a...
  14. ohiofarmgirl

    New duck garage and newly installed ducks!

    Can you stand the cuteness!! Baby ducks are just 'it'...arent they??? our momma 'scovy and her babies.... and the new 'duck garage' - needs painted and roofing materials... to be finished next week! herd of cute baby ducks....
  15. ohiofarmgirl

    Aggressive drake? is he just asking for 'the pot'?

    this morning our this-spring's drake not only FLEW at me - he has done that before and i excused it that he just wanted the feed i had....but this time he landed on my shoulders. it was a good thing i had a hat and a big sweatshirt on! he's a big as a small collie and i was glad i didnt get...
  16. ohiofarmgirl

    Helped hatch 2 BR's...** UPDATE: they made it!!

    Our best BR turkey momma, Brambled, hatched 4 beautiful babies two days ago but left the remaining nest of eggs (still 6 left). we took the eggs in the house and put them under a heat lamp. a couple were trying to pip and we could hear the peepin' -- but not a ton of progress. so we 'helped'...
  17. ohiofarmgirl

    Geese only lay in the spring, right!?!? help! quick!

    only seasonally layers- right? my toulouse goose that is, with am embden mate i'm asking b/c my mean ol son of a gun gander was just out there beating the crap out of my goofy old bumblefooted hen! i saved her (thanks dogs!) and ran him off to the pond but he ripped a lot of her feathers out...
  18. ohiofarmgirl

    Florescent lights for hen house??

    does it make any difference right now if we use a regular bulb or a florescent one in the hen house at nite? we'd like to keep them laying for a while more and we are now less than 14 hrs of daylight. the florescent one gives off horrible light (to me) and since we dont need the heat from we...
  19. ohiofarmgirl

    How could Charlie leave me!?!? Charlie Gibson retiring?

    who's gonna tell me "..and i hope you had a good day" ok i'm gonna sulk all day. i think brian williams is to snarky and katie is too casual. now diane? well drat. anyone else bummed by this??? signed, i love charlie gibson and am not ashamed of it
  20. ohiofarmgirl

    unless someone talks me out of it...

    i'm gettin' guineas! anyone? anyone? any reason NOT to get them?? i've been nillynalling around about it for 2 years and i'm really wanting to take the plunge. we already have all manner of poultry - live far enough for the neighbors that (hopefully) they wont cause any problems ... and man i...
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