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    Chicken Breed List

    I have been making a list of all the chicken breeds I can find because I think it would be cool and I have had a hard time finding one, and I looked everywhere. There are both recognized and not recognized breeds on it. Here is what I have so far please feel free to correct me on anything wrong...

    Broody Muscovy Questions

    One of my muscovies has gone broody. She was making her nest this morning. I don't really want to hatch out any more babies right now because 19 ducks just hatched this morning. So the question is can i give her the babies? Will she take them? I had a broody chicken take a single chick the other...

    Looking for some incubation/ brooding help.

    I have 9 days left for my 10 duck eggs. 4 are under a broody duck and 6 are in my incubator. I am planing on moving the 6 out to the hen when they have 4 days left. This is her first time brooding and my first time allowing the mother to take care of them. I had a Muscovy hatch a clutch but sold...

    Help with breed and/or gender.

    There are 10 bird. Ranging 8 to six weeks. The pictures are not the best they were not willing to corporate! For the most part they have small combs. I will try to get better pics either tomorrow or the next day. The two big ones are 8 weeks old and probably Barnyard mixes. The smaller one is...

    Egg color?

    I have a Roo hatched out of a green egg. Will he have genetics for green eggs, as in breed for green eggs? How does that work?

    First goose egg.

    On Saturday I bought a pair of Sebastipol geese.they are 2.I had a Gander once and loved him. Well today when I checked on them there was an egg. I think it is theirs. (They are in quarantine with two female muscovies but the egg is big.) Now for the question. Do i just leave it with them? Will...

    Can you tell breed/age?

    I went to a poultry swap and got some new additions. I was told the breeds but to be honest there were so many I don't remember. Thanks for any help. These are mixes. I was told 3wks. Correct? This is a group shot #1 #2 Thinking 3 days old #3 #4 #5 Some group shots. I know...

    Any guesses on breed?

    Came from a brown egg. It could be a mix. I don't know any possible parents because the eggs were not mine. Thanks!

    Rhode Island Red, Red Sex linked, or Production Red?

    I am confused on what these girls are. There are six of them from an assortment. Thank you for your help. And also i was told my Cochin looks like a male. I think shes a hen. She is five months old. What do you think?

    Will my duck learn to be a duck?

    I hatched out one duck out of four eggs. She was raised with Guinea hens and a turken roo. When she is big enough I will move her with m duck flock. I want to know if she will learn how to be a duck. She has met the ducks and does know how to swim. She wants nothing to do with the ducks, but...

    What breeds are these?

    I ordered her as EE but when someone said they are not. I have three for sure EE and just thought she looked different. There are two of these black ones but i do not know what they are. Thank you for any help.

    What color would you call these runners?

    I have some runners i got from Holderreads and i dont know what to color call them. Sorry for the bad pics i will post better ones later.

    What breeds/gender are these guys?

    The firt two are 15weeks This one is 9weeks I know this one is to little for sexing but i was wondering what you thought it mother could have been. It is a mix and came out of a brown egg. The father was 1/2 Flyer. I This is the father of the black one and...

    Limping duck

    I have a Silver Apple Yard duck who is limping around. She has no cut on her foot but it does look swollen. She is around 16w old.It started about five days ago. There is brewers yeast mixed in with their feed and i have been giving Vitamins in their water. Also she has clean pool water to swim...

    What is this chickens gender?

    Here he was a a few weeks. Here he was today at 7weeks. He is 1/2 EE 1/4 Flyer and 1/4 something else

    My new geese!

    So my feed store is having an open house. Lots of birds and pigs for sale. Stopped by to see what they had for birds and came home 2 Emben goslings. Already in love! I have two year old Toulouse already so I know what to do. Now for a question. Ashly (the feed store lady) said that she thought...

    My first Guineas!

    So 23 days ago a friend gave me two guinea eggs. I put them in the bator but didnt have high expectations. It was only my second hatch and got 1 out of 4 chicks the first time.Today I went out to candle them to see if they piped. I read they could hatch early. When I look in the bator window i...

    Harlibell Ducks.

    I got two Harlibell ducks with my Holderread duck order. I have looked all over the web and found out little about them.I know they are KC x Harlequin but that about it. So I thought I would start a thread to see if anyone could tell me more about them. Also i would love to see pics of them as...

    Is this a goose egg?

    I have two geese that we think are both males. They are separated because they are fighting. Today I found this in the duck coop were one geese stays. Thanks!! This is a chicken egg on one side and a duck on the other.

    Holderread ducklings, help tell me which is which.

    This is my first holderread bunch and I cant tell what each one is. I ordered 2 silver appleyard 2 Saxony 2 golden cascade and 6 runners (assorted). also included were 2 harlebells. I think they are harlequin x Campbell by the name. .
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