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  1. robot rooster

    Can I raise Ducks with chickens?

    Here is the situation... I started out with 8 chickens and slowly they have started dieing. I do not know what has killed them, but I want to start raising ducks instead (this was my third attempt) I heard ducks are virtually disease free, but can I put them in the same cook I had for the...
  2. robot rooster

    Hawk attack left her with half her face.....Very Sad

    I could not find my girls today, they were outside with me the entire day. Then I noticed that only one was walking around. I found the rest of my flock under a big was missing...... I found her still alive with half her head missing. She was still trying to stand up and...
  3. robot rooster

    Pig skins....Help

    So I just got one of my hogs back from the butcher and I asked him to save the skins for me. As a child I remember driving home from the beach and getting home made pork rinds, they were crunchy and very good. My question: How in the world do I make these things crunchy? I have baked them...
  4. robot rooster

    Non Genetically altered??

    I am looking to grow some chickens for consumption. I looked at the cornish hens but they are all "hybrids" We want to go with something more "organic" and natural. Does the fact that they are hybrids mean anything I should be concerned about? Or are they just mutts? Understand, I WILL NO...
  5. robot rooster

    Check out what greeted me this AM

    During my morning chores I happened to walk by the egg door and opened it up to see the head of a black snake staring right at me. I knew it was too early for them to get an egg, as my girls usually lay later on in the morning, but it was in the egg box that they usually lay in (I have two...
  6. robot rooster

    I hate dogs....

    So I was out of town for a day, and stupid hen (that is her name, poor thing really isn't all there in the head) got out. Apparently the new neighbors let their dogs run free every evening at 7...they did not kill her, but possibly hurt her wing, she is limping and holds her wing out (maybe...
  7. robot rooster

    Farm Geese???

    Please someone tell me the purpose behind them? We have a pond and a garden and I WANT THEM GONE! I need to get them out of the garden somehow!
  8. robot rooster

    Keeping the Temperature Set

    OK, just put the eggs in (11 for first hatch all barred rocks) I have had the incubator on all day to make sure the temp was set before I placed them and it was good at 100 all day. But I noticed when I got home today that it was up above 110? why is this, and how do I keep the temp at 100, I...
  9. robot rooster

    Bringing home the bacon!!!

    Got the Yorkshires yesterday, They are awesome! Question, do people shut up pigs at night like they shut up chickens? Well, I was going to post pictures, but not sure how...
  10. robot rooster

    My Barred Rock laid a white egg...what gives?

    For real, it is white, with a few rough looking "bubbles" on it. They free range, and I also give them potatoe peels and cabbage for nutrition, but this is odd. Why?
  11. robot rooster

    My chickens are trying to get inside!

    My chickens and roosters this morning are trying to get in my house! Three are on the front porch and two are trying to get in the window on the back porch! What gives?
  12. robot rooster

    Do pigs and goats swim?

    I am getting some Chain link fence for mad cheap and I want to know if I can use this for my pigs as well as some nigerian pygmies. We have a pond I am was thinking about taking the fence right up to the pond and using it as a barrier. Do you think this is a good idea? I have never seen a...
  13. robot rooster

    Goats and pigs

    Can pigs and Nigerian Dwarfs roam together? In other words, if I build a pen big enough for both of them roam freely, would it be ok, or would the pigs kill the goats? Stupid question, but still one I'm pondering
  14. robot rooster

    Did I just mess up their laying cycle?

    I have four Barred Rock hens that I purchased back in December. I read about putting a red light in their coop to make up for the lack of sunlight due to winter. Well, I did, and it worked...3 to four eggs daily! However, last night I left the light on all night. Did I mess anything up?
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