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  1. TaraBellaBirds

    Abandoned eggs

    My best broody has a clutch of 12 eggs. She is usually great but I think she gave up this time. The eggs were early on, I gave them to her on the 29th. I went out of town that weekend and have been busy since I got back. I would go out in the mornings to feed and water. At these times...
  2. TaraBellaBirds

    Scots Dumpy U.S.

    Hello everyone. Since all of the threads about this amazing breed are several years old, I thought a new one was in order. I wanted to focus on breeders in the U.S. but any and all input from all over is welcome! So far the only U.S. seller I have been able to find (up to date) is...
  3. TaraBellaBirds

    Sex changing cockerels

    These guys are 8 weeks old and I was sure all were roos, now not so sure. I need to be certain in a week since they are due for caponizing. They are mix breeds Buff Brahma or Maran roo over ??? This one is shy and I couldn't get a decent shot Pretty sure this one is still a roo...
  4. TaraBellaBirds

    Chick making no progress, 36 hours now

    Hatch date was Thursday 8/21. Most hatched late Tues night (I always have early hatches on my mixed breeds for some reason). I removed 13 fluffy babies Wed evening and left one newly hatched and three in progress. Two of the three were out Thurs morning, but the one little fella still had a...
  5. TaraBellaBirds

    Any hope?

    I had set 20 eggs on the 31st. Yesterday would have been day 7. While I was working my 3 year old sneaked away from the DH and managed to turn of the incubator. This would have been between 5 and 8 o'clock PM. When I got home about 9:30 pm I checked the 'bator and realized it was off, temp...
  6. TaraBellaBirds

    Rebal Dottie in 'The trials of Broodyhood"

    I would like to introduce Rebal Dottie she is a Buff Rock, 1 year old, and royal-pain-in-the-butt. Ever since she was a chick, Dottie's out again, Dottie's in the garden, Dottie's on the porch, OMG Dottie is headed for the road.....(FYI the coop and run are on the back side of our property...
  7. TaraBellaBirds

    BrownCoats Unite!

    A place for anything Firefly! Share Quotes Links Fun Gear Or just introduce yourself!
  8. TaraBellaBirds

    MItes......and gone

    So I just had to share..... I have two broodies that have been on a shared nest about two weeks now. Day before yesterday I went out to close up and saw mites covering my poor Rebal Dottie's face (buff rock)! I knew what to do thanks to BYC. So yesterday I went out and dusted both of...
  9. TaraBellaBirds

    Buff Brahma and Light Brahma Offspring

    Hello BYC. I have fallen for the Brahmas. As of now I have 2 one year old LightB hens and 1 BuffB pullet (she is 16 weeks) and two (soon to be one) BuffB roos. I plan to breed them this fall and wondered what would offspring of the two Light Brahmas look like with the Buff roo? It would be...
  10. TaraBellaBirds

    Opinions and Experiences with keeping cats in coop

    I have got an insane amount of mice in my coop right now. It is an old coop connected to the garage so we close up holes as best we can. The biggest issue is that I have a severe allergy to rodents which causes anaphylaxis. Traditional traps are just not taking care of the problem. Has...
  11. TaraBellaBirds

    Hatching day 18

    Okay I have a few things going on. Today is day 18 and I was going to do final candle and remove tuner for lockdown tonight. I started candling a few minutes ago and noticed one egg had a hole.....I thought ***...picked up egg and saw a little beak and the little one made a peep I...
  12. TaraBellaBirds

    Ahhh, Nervous Wreck!!

    I am on day 18 of my first hatch! I just locked down. Temp is at 99.8, humidity at 74%. I had a few fluctuations during the last week due to power outages, I covered but forgot to uncover for about 20 min after power came back on and temp got up to 101!!!!!. I never candled but all but one...
  13. TaraBellaBirds

    Kid tolerant breeds!

    We made the decision to raise chickens for the production of food. We did all our research and choose some amazing breeds that were suitable for our needs. What we didn't prepare for was how much the kids (and us too) would enjoy playing with the birds! All was well until I took in a little...
  14. TaraBellaBirds

    So Much For Slowing Down Production!

    My 16 laying hens were hatched in April of this year and since laying have been pretty consistent. I have been getting 8 to 10 eggs a day. So I was expecting a drop in production, even though I have breeds that are supposed to lay through the Winter. They did slow down with the first cold...
  15. TaraBellaBirds

    Are my Girls just weird?

    So my flock of 16 hens has been laying for a few months now. The thing is that almost every day I get 9 eggs! Exactly 9! Is this normal that they be so consistent or is this just a fluke! We joke that they have an obsession with nines like I do, you know perfect number and all! Anyway...
  16. TaraBellaBirds

    What the Heck?

    Can anyone enlighten me on why fertile hatching eggs are usually more expensive than live chicks? I can understand on some rare breeds or with a personal breeder. I just ask because I have been researching on eggs. I myself am not quite ready to hatch yet, but I have a customer that wants...
  17. TaraBellaBirds

    She really needs a name!

    I need some ideas on a name for my favorite hen! She is a 25 weeks old Buff Orpington and I adore her plucky attitude. She is pushy and vocal, and lays beautiful pinky-peach eggs 5 to 6 days a week! So the most unique and fitting name wins!!!!!
  18. TaraBellaBirds

    What is a good incubator?

    I have never incubated before. I can tell by threads that it is a difficult and can be a stressful process. I want a good affordable incubator that will take most of the "is the temp/humidity right? How often do I turn?" questions away LOl! I've looked at several different incubators and...
  19. TaraBellaBirds

    Good feed for the last four weeks

    I have four (15 week) Austrolorps, and three (5 month) Jersey Giants, plus a mean *** columbian wyandotte (hate that bird). What would be a good protein percentage to put them on until D-day?
  20. TaraBellaBirds

    Silly Birds!

    I just had to share the hilarious sight that met me as I closed up my coop tonight! My favorite girl (buff orpington) was laying on my poor white rock. Straddling her!!! She is a funny girl! Here is a better pic of her, she is the best! And an awesome layer!
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