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  1. vnploveschickens

    Switching chick starter to flock raiser for free-ranging chicks

    Hello, Just wondering if it would be ok to let my 2 - 5 week old chicks to start flock raiser feed that my mixed flock eat. My experienced broody hen, Luna, has them out and about with her since they were about 5 days old. Should I continue with chick starter? Thanks in advance.
  2. vnploveschickens

    Cotati/Rohnert Park, CA area. 3 Cockerels/1 Rooster for Sale

    Cockerel / Rooster Sale Pick up or meet up part way to deliver Our hens need your help. We need to part with 3 cockerels, two Buff Orpingtons and a Americauna/Orpington cross. The rooster is a Orpington/Brown Leghorn cross. The Buff Orpingtons were hatched on May 16th from eggs...
  3. vnploveschickens

    Hen Not Eating/Drinking. Very Worried. Need suggestions!

    Hello All! I am very worried about my Blue Red or Red Laced Blue Wyandotte. Her name is Emma. I got her from Cheryl Cohen last November. I don't know her age, but she was laying. A few days ago, I noticed that she wasn't running for treats like everyone else. So I kept my eye on her and...
  4. vnploveschickens

    Need Your Expertise

    These Speckled Sussex, I just don't know what they are. But they are such characters, I love them Can you tell which GLW is the pullet and roo? I thought the one with the bigger comb and waddles was the cockeral but I have seen "him" squat several times, even looking in the nest box...
  5. vnploveschickens

    We Got an Exciting Surprise! New Pics! UPDATED! Its 2 Sweet Chickies!

    New Pictures!! I am sooooo excited!! Our buff orpington, Luna, has been setting on 3 eggs since Wed. afternoon April 14th. Its her first time and she was so good. She let me get her out 2x daily, for food, water and poop break. Then she quickly got back on the nest. Look what I found this...
  6. vnploveschickens

    Do I Have More Than One Roo ???

    Hi Everyone, I got chicks at the Penngrove Feed Store in Feb. They were hatched Feb 17th, so they are about 8 weeks old now...boy did they grow fast!!! I need your expertise to see if I have one or more than one cockeral, so here goes. Here is the Gold Laced Wyandotte that I think is a...
  7. vnploveschickens

    Its Daylight Savings Again! Ugh...

    Can you believe it!! This Sunday March 14th, its spring forward with the clocks. I like having the lighter afternoon/evenings. But I wish that the time was just one way OR the other. I hate changing all the clocks, stove, microwave, coffemaker.....and I don't feel rested for at...
  8. vnploveschickens

    Look, We have new babies!! **3 Weeks Old Already** Post#6

    We got them when they were 3 days old (hatched 2/17/2010). Supposedly they are 1 Sicilian Buttercup, 2 Gold Laced Wyandottes, and 2 Speckled Sussex. Here they are at 5 days Here they are at about 2 weeks (already!!) They all have their little tails and feathers starting already...
  9. vnploveschickens

    Substitute for Crisco Shortening ???

    Hi Everybody, There are a couple of cookie recipes that use Crisco and I'd like to substitute for something healthier. I thought this might be a good place to ask. Thank you in advance. Val
  10. vnploveschickens

    I think my Loko is broody!

    Hi everyone, Loko, who is a buff orpington and will be 10 months old next week, has decided that she wants to sit in the nestbox. Last week, she was free ranging with the others, but looking all puffed up. Over the weekend, she just wanted to sit on the nest. Loko would puff up when I went...
  11. vnploveschickens

    Yeah, I'm a Grandma again!!

    Nickolas Owen arrived today, a healthy and hefty 6 lbs 10 oz. His Mom & Dad are doing fine and are very happy. Nick is my 4th grandbaby! He has 2 sisters, Shayla and Gracie and 1 brother, Jack. They've been anxiously awaiting his arrival! Nick is a big boy!! Here is Mama & Nick! Here...
  12. vnploveschickens

    Wellsummer hen not feeling MAMA PASSED AWAY :(

    Hello Everyone and thanks in advance for your advice. Mama, who I estimate to be about 8 months, is not feeling well. About 10 days ago, she started moving in slow motion, not eating as much, not greeting us, not "talking" as much. So we brought her in, quieter, warmer, but still doesn't seem...
  13. vnploveschickens

    What is My Rooster ??

    Hi Everybody! We hope you can help us identify our gorgeous rooster. We are new chicken lovers. We got him in November 2008. His name is Herman and is about 2 feet when standing tall. He is great and looks so proud when he crows. He has yellow legs and a big comb and waddle and white ear...
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