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  • Users: lindz8504
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  1. lindz8504

    First time incubating.... what went wrong?

    I just had my first ever incubator hatch.... I set 33 eggs. 3 were clears from the first candle, but I left them until the next just in case. At lock-down we saw development and movement in all the eggs, with a couple that were dark and we weren't sure, so we left them in. 10 chicks hatched-...
  2. lindz8504

    TSC chicks are pecking each other!

    I bought some chicks from TSC last week. There are 3 "Red Pullets", 3 EE's and 2 white mystery pullets.... The reds and ee's were day old chicks and the mystery pullets were about a week old. TSC marked them down to $.50, so I bought them. There were actually 26 of them, but my aunt took 23...
  3. lindz8504

    What can I feed baby chicks until I can get out to get some Chick Starter?

    My aunt has some week old baby chicks, and can't get any chick starter until Friday. What can she feed them in the meantime? These are her first chicks, and she is afraid of doing something wrong!
  4. lindz8504

    Thinking about getting some geese but have some questions!

    I have been thinking about getting some geese. I am just worried that they will be very messy like ducks are. Do geese make as big of a mess in the water and make a muddy mess out of everything? I am thinking specifically about the Buffs.
  5. lindz8504

    Trying to decide which feed to buy for my mixed age flock.... These are the only feeds that they carry that aren't a laying blend, or medicated in a 50lb...
  6. lindz8504

    I think we have Cocci...... what do I do?

    I went down this morning and noticed some bloody poo in my broody coop that has a hen and 7 chicks in it. The chicks are 4 weeks old. I haven't noticed them being lethargic or anything, but they are a little "ratty" looking which I attributed to them starting to feather out. I know that I...
  7. lindz8504


    I have had several people suggest and seen on several web sites as well to feed your chickens yogurt.... Is there any particular kind? I have strawberry yoplait in my fridge now, and was wondering about giving them a cup of it to share?
  8. lindz8504

    Fairly new to this and not sure if I need to be concerned or not!

    I have about 4-5 pullets walking around this morning holding their wings out from their bodies. When I walk to them to pick them up, they straighten up and scamper off not making it easy to get a hold of them. There are 3 that I can usually pick up with no problem. They are 19 weeks old and...
  9. lindz8504


    I currently have 4 bantam buff cochin chicks and 3 black copper maran chicks. They are 3 weeks old today through Wed (staggered hatch). BUFF COCHIN BANTAM #1 F. BLACK COPPER MARAN #1 BUFF COCHIN BANTAM #2 F. BLACK COPPER MARAN #2 BUFF COCHIN BANTAM #3 F.BLACK...
  10. lindz8504

    What breed is this pullet?

    She was hatched in mid July. Her feet are clean and black. She has very dark eyes as well. She is roughly the same size as a bantam cochin cockerel the same age. I originally thought she was cochin as well but now I am not sure, especially with the clean legs. Any suggestion as to what she...
  11. lindz8504


    I have a broody that I goofed up on her clutch of eggs. Instead of collecting the eggs and putting them under her all on the same day, I left the eggs that were laid every day for a week. I only had one hen laying so she ended up with 6 eggs under her. I also had the other hen go broody, and...
  12. lindz8504

    What breed and sex is this?

    Ok, I know these aren't the greatest pictures, but I was lucky to be able to get them! This chick is roughly 2 1/2 months old I think. I am not sure of the breed or the sex. Does anyone have any suggestions? I think maybe possibly a Australope.
  13. lindz8504

    Using Hamburger grease in "suet cakes"?

    I fried hamburger last night and drained the grease. I was wondering if I could add seeds, pellets, oatmeal ect and make a block or a cake out of it? I know in school we used lard and peanut butter to make bird seed cakes. Would hamburger grease be that different? Will it hurt my chickens if...
  14. lindz8504

    My 3 brooder babies... No idea what they are. Any suggestions?

    I am guessing these guys are about 3-4 weeks old, and not really sure what breed/mix they are or anything. Does anyone have any suggestions? The guy my dad got them off of had a mixed flock, and I know he had Cochins, Australops, Barred Rocks, and some white chickens, but not sure what...
  15. lindz8504

    I lost my first flock member yesterday.....

    Aside from a few day old chick, I lost my first flock member yesterday. I had gone to the store and left my husband home with the kids, dogs and chickens. The girls were out free ranging, and my husband was unloading some stuff off his truck about 75 yards from the coop. Both of our dogs...
  16. lindz8504

    Fairly new to this!!!!! Thick egg membranes? Any ideas for the cause?

    I have 3 hens laying right now, 1 Buff Orp. and 2 buff Cochin Bantams. The B.O's eggs are large, brown and they crack much like store bought eggs. The Cochins' eggs are smaller and lighter brown and are a PAIN to crack, and often the shell will peel away from the membrane before I can get it...
  17. lindz8504

    I have 2 rouge chicks! Integrating them?

    Ok, so a little background information..... My dad does games/rides at fairs ect and was ordering chicks to be prizes for them. I DO NOT agree with this and have since talked him into inflatable prizes!(Go Me!) He had thirteen 4 week old golden comet chicks "left over" back in May, which he...
  18. lindz8504

    My chickens are sneezing!

    I have 13 Red Star pullets that are about 14 weeks old, as well as a few cochin bantams and a buff orphington that are grown. I've had the Red Stars since they were about 3 weeks old with absolutely NO problems! The Cochins and B.Orphington are newer members of the flock, but I did quarantine...
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