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  • Users: Cyan Night
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  1. Cyan Night

    Am I being unreasonable?

    Not really sure where to post this besides the breeders area. Back in September I bought two chickens from a breeder. They were supposed to be a BCM and OE. Well, the BCM turned out to be Blue, not black, so I let that slide. But now, four months later, the OE is laying and the eggs are pale...
  2. Cyan Night

    Does this look like a BCM and OE?

    I'm getting a little paranoid since my BCM isn't getting any copper in her feathers. She doesn't look as dark as some black copper marans do either. She does have the feathered feet and is about four months old. My OE looks like one (supposedly a second gen) but I'd like some opinions on her...
  3. Cyan Night

    Is there a substitute for Tylan 50/200?

    I went to my local feed store to pick up the medication but they didn't carry it, nor had they ever heard of it. The only thing they could offer me was tetracycline and I already have it and find it's not really working. Is there another medication similar to it that I can look for or other...
  4. Cyan Night

    Can white rocks get as big as the cornish cross?

    I recently adopted a chicken from my dad's coworker. He stated that she was a leghorn, so it came as a huge surprise when she came home and looked around 10 pounds, if not bigger. First thought; that is not a leghorn. I have no experience with white rocks or broilers. Her legs are massive, so...
  5. Cyan Night

    Is this a Swedish Flower hen, a mix of, or just a mutt?

    This is Flower (I know, creative name, right?), I got him from a neighbor who got hatching eggs from a woman who said she had SFHs and Speckled sussex. Could he actually be a purebred or is he a mix? I think he's gorgeous and need to get rid of him soon (I hate ending up with roosters :barnie...
  6. Cyan Night

    BLRW gender?

    So I think I'm pretty decent at sexing chicks, but this one is driving me up the wall. Her name is Skittles and she acts like she's had too much coffee. I bought her as a sexed chick (again), she feathered in quickly, but those red areas on her wings worry me. Her comb is peach and she has...
  7. Cyan Night

    Chick born with leg problem/possibly paralyzed?

    I just adopted this little chick last night from my neighbor whom hatched eggs he bought online. I couldn't help but think he was adorable when I first saw him. His leg is bent, stiff, and almost dryish. I can't even really bend it or manipulate it to see if it's a slipped tendon because of the...
  8. Cyan Night

    Does anyone have experience with hatchery cuckoo marans?

    I picked up two little cuckoo marans at the local feed store, who gets their chicks from Privett. They were apparently sexed, as most of the chicks they order are, but lately I've been getting a lot of roos. More than 10%. Right now I have two suspected roos and now a third, being one of the...
  9. Cyan Night

    Cheap layer feed in Phoenix?

    I've been spending about $19 for a 50lb bag of layer feed about every other month. I've heard of people paying less, but I don't really know of any good feed stores in my area. I've tried looking up places, but they usually don't have a website or let you know their running prices. Anyone in the...
  10. Cyan Night

    Anyone want to take a guess on the sex?

    My little polish chick, Suzie Q. I have a feeling she's a roo, but I'll have to wait. Anyone wanna take a guess for now? [/IMG]
  11. Cyan Night

    How accurate is crest sexing?

    I bought a four day old polish chick almost three weeks ago, and of course, they weren't sexed. I've read that they are a very hard breed to sex, but I've also heard that sexing by crest is accurate at a young age. Have any of you had luck with this? The anticipation is killing me but I'll...
  12. Cyan Night

    Vomiting chicken

    My production red just starting acting very strange. I received her about a week ago from a neighbor, so she's been seperated from the others. She's about three months old. A while ago I noticed her with her mouth open, moments later she threw up what looked like water. She's also scratching at...
  13. Cyan Night

    Can I eat her eggs?

    I was told that the first eggs you can't eat because of their medicated feed. I'd like to switch her over, but her friend is younger (about a month and a half) and hasn't started laying yet. Is it okay for my younger one to have layer feed, or should I seperate them until she starts? I only have...
  14. Cyan Night

    Injured and depressed chicken

    I've had chickens for about 4 months now (my first time owning chickens), and unfortunately last night my dogs chewed through the run and coop and killed 3 of my 5 pullets. Two were 6 weeks old and one was four months. One of my survivors, another four month old one, received an injury to her...
  15. Cyan Night

    Are trumpet vines okay for hens to eat?

    All around my yard there are trumpet vines growing. Where my coop is built, there are vines that the chickens have devoured. I only have two 10 week old girls, and I'd like to know if the vines are okay for them to eat. I'm still relatively new to the chicken world so I'd like to get to know...
  16. Cyan Night

    New to BYC and excited to learn more

    Well I'm new to the whole chicken-owning world and I'm just learning as I go. I have two 10 week old chickens and any tips would be appreciated. Thanks!
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