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  1. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Hello everyone

    I’m not new and was probably easy to forget but I’m back after I don’t remember how many years. Looking forward to refreshing my memory and learning new things after all these years
  2. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Check This Out!
  3. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Best Beer You've Had?

    I can't decide. It's a tie between Anchor Porter and Orval Trappist Ale. What about you?
  4. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Help a kid

    I found this on another site I visit and thought it would be a worthy cause. "Help a kid with cancer reach his dream. Toyota Motorsports is sponsoring a design contest where participants get a shot at having their design run as the pace car in the NASCAR All Star race in Charlotte later this...
  5. Suburban chick farmer 09

    First hatch! (pics)

    I bought the Eggs from jag, who was kind enough to send 2x the amount I paid for. The postal service wasn't very kind however. The box was smashed up pretty good. 2 of the eggs were cracked. The other 22 went into the bator. This was my first hatch and I was so worried I never candled...
  6. Suburban chick farmer 09

    David Frum

    An honest take from a Conservative regarding the healthcare bill. Conservatives and Republicans today suffered their most crushing legislative defeat since the 1960s. It’s hard to exaggerate the magnitude of the disaster. Conservatives may cheer themselves...
  7. Suburban chick farmer 09


    If I started eggs Fedruary 26, would lockdown be March 16th or 17th?
  8. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Turning the eggs

    How bad would it be if I couldn't turn the eggs for 24 hours? I have turned them three times a day so far, but I won't be able to turn them at all for 24 hours.
  9. Suburban chick farmer 09


    Is non-medicated chick starter with 18% protein okay to feed ducklings?
  10. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Little Giant

    For Valentines Day my wife bought me a Little Giant circulated air incubator with forced air fan kit. What a wonderful wife! (she doesn't really like chickens) Is this a good incubator?
  11. Suburban chick farmer 09


    I don't know what is going on! I let a hen hatch 3 eggs. After they hatched, I kept her separated with the chicks for a week. She was then allowed back in the coop, and she took her chicks in every night for the past two months without a problem. Now, for the past three days she just...
  12. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Anyone see this? We don't need reform. How these people can sleep at night amazes me.
  13. Suburban chick farmer 09

    The nerve of some people

    ** removed pic for being inflammatory**
  14. Suburban chick farmer 09

    New chicks.

    I don't know if you can sex mutt chicks but here they are. The person I recieved the eggs from had a Barred Rock rooster. The hens were Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and Austrolorpes.
  15. Suburban chick farmer 09

    What breed am I?

    I took my two and a half year old nephew to the feed store with me to pick up a few things. A few things ended up including two new chcks. All his idea, who can tell a two and a half year old no? I need some help with breeds. The guy at the feed store said they came from Ideal as a rare...
  16. Suburban chick farmer 09

    BYC mentioned

    BYC mentioned on the news here in St. Louis tonight. Heres a link.
  17. Suburban chick farmer 09


    I have a broody hen. The first week she was broody I would go in and toss her out of the nest box at lest 20 times a day but that didn't solve the problem. I don't have any roosters so I couldn't let her try to hatch any of the eggs my hens lay. I found someone close by with a rooster and got...
  18. Suburban chick farmer 09

    Broody hen?

    How long does a hen stay broody? I've been tossing her out of the nest box several times a day. Should I continue doing this or should I just leave her alone until she gives up? I don't let her sit on eggs. My kids check the nest boxes about every hour.
  19. Suburban chick farmer 09

    My son had his kindergarten graduation today. (pics)

    The kid loves to smile. Him with a couple of his girlfiends. Yes, I said couple, he said they understand that he doesn't want to hurt anyones feelings.\\
  20. Suburban chick farmer 09


    Is it okay to feed your chickens store bought mushrooms?
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