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  1. StarMeKritten

    Please help me sex these 12 week old mixed breed chicks

    I have really struggled to sex this group of chicks that was hatched by my broody. Mom is a silkie/ cochin mix and dad was my mean old buff orpington rooster. I never intended for this pair to breed, but she got out for a few minutes one day and that was all it took. She had already gone broody...
  2. StarMeKritten

    13 week old blue silkie

    Pullet or Cockerel? I can't decide.
  3. StarMeKritten

    3 month Rhode Island Red gender?

    Approximately 3 month old Rhode Island Red that I bought yesterday. I'm not familiar with this breed. What do you think? Cockerel or Pullet?
  4. StarMeKritten

    Chick feather color vs adult color

    I am wondering if the first flight feathers that start coming in are a good indication of adult color. I am a little confused right now because my less than a week old australorps have white wing feathers coming in. Will they feather in black later? Or did this lady sell me some mixed breed...
  5. StarMeKritten

    Adding new guineas

    I have 3 guineas, 2 males and a female. The males have been squabbling as breeding season starts. I have been hoping that adding more females will help sort things out. A friend of mine is giving me two more because they have been bothering her neighbors. I have already picked up a female and...
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