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  1. R

    On the topic of Easter Eggers... *Generally Speaking*...

    At what age... ROUGHLY... will I be able to see sex differences in EEs? EEs seem to be so special (read: difficult) because they are a 'non breed.' I have read SO many different things that my head is swimming. Feathering, coloring, number and position of nubs on comb... etc etc. But...
  2. R

    Just experienced something new when hatching... looking for answers?

    Just hatched 13 of 14 eggs. Transferred the chicks out to brooder. The remaining egg had yolk all over it and it was stuck to the tray in the hatcher. I immediately thought BAD EGG and went for gear just in case of explosion. i got the egg loose and there was in fact a deceased chick...
  3. R

    Preparing eggs for incubator.... 'healed' cracks?

    When preparing eggs for the incubator, I ran into several eggs that appear to have been 'healed cracks' from somewhere in the hens reproductive tract. I soaked them in Manna Pro Egg Cleanser because they were pretty messy from the rain. Would you set these or should I pass? I have some older...
  4. R

    Looking for pics of juvenile (6 wks +/-) Rhode Island Reds

    I am wondering if anyone has a minute to show me pics of their Rhode Island Red chicks that are maybe 6 weeks old. I hatched some eggs from a friend. I sorted out the mixes.... and now I am left with 7 and I have no idea what I'm looking at here. I've got big combs and little combs. I've...
  5. R

    So I assisted a hatch....

    I am not new to hatching... and after my first inexperienced and miserable hatch assist attempt in 2015, I am cautious to make sure I am moving forward properly. Chicks started pipping and hatching mid Sunday morning. Today is Monday. All eggs were candled on Friday before being placed into...
  6. R

    Someone found what is maybe a 'bad broody' sitting on a clutch of 8 eggs...

    Won't bore you with the bad broody part of the story. No incubator space to continue the incubation of these eggs. Do you think.... anyone?!...Bueller?... that these eggs can be candled today and then refrigerated for 17 days, brought to room temp and then put into the incubator? Any...
  7. R

    'Odd' (to me) behavior... any insights?

    I have a flock of chickens which are the product of ISA browns hens and what is likely some unknown kind of brown sexlink rooster. They are just over a year old. It is kind of cool how their coloring turned out, which im sure has nothing to do with this. They lay some really big honkin'...
  8. R

    No idea what to do.... aggressive pretty newly hatched chick

    Two questions... 1. How do you handle a jerk baby chick? 2. How do you suggest I handle trying to integrate a last hatched one into the group? Background... I had 10 eggs start hatching on Wednesday morning. I am pretty sure that this little jerk was the first to come out. Yesterday...
  9. R

    Breeding our own 'meats'...etc etc

    We have year old Dark Cornish and White Rock chickens. Got these specific breeds to start a breeding program to 'make' our own good 'meat birds'. Basically, 'Cornish x' of some kind. *I know that commercial hatcheries have years science going into their breeds so ours will never approach the...
  10. R

    Fowl pox in meat birds

    I have a sex link cross rooster that I am growing out for harvest. In the past couple of days, i have noted he has a pretty substantial case of fowl pox.... the black sores on his face, comb and wattles. Does having fowl pox render the meat unusable/unsafe for consumption? Thank you.
  11. R

    10 (TEN) year old silkie gal can't stand up or move forward

    I have a 10 year old silkie that I am afraid is nearing the end of her pretty long run. I help her in and out of the coop each day. About a week ago, she was apparently not in the mood to go down and turned around on her decent and got her foot caught in some chicken wire. By the time I ran...
  12. R

    Crop issue... and it is complicated....

    I hatched this girl 4 years ago. It was a horrible hatching summer.... poor incubator Temps contributed to eye problems in 2 other chickens .... and then this one, who seems to be blind and deaf perhaps with other cognitive probs. She had a will to live.... and once I figured out how to feed...
  13. R

    Rhode island Red chicks.... any differences between males and females?!!

    Alright.... go ahead and laugh... because I am (at least a sad little chuckle) I got a box of chicks from Murray Mcmurray this morning. Always thrilling. In the box I have white rocks, dark cornish and Rhode island reds. I can figure out who's who in the zoo, generally.... but I've got 2...
  14. R

    Really gross poop pics... coccidiosis vs cecal

    I have 10 4+ week old incubator hatched chicks. They are being being brooded in a wire floored hutch off the floor of our big coop. Today, I found these lovely specimens sitting on top of their heater. 1st thought was coccidiosis... but could be cecal poops? I really try not to overreact at...
  15. R

    Assisted hatch... umbilical stump?

    I have a chick that was positioned incorrectly and pipped at the smaller end. The oldest of his hatchmates arrived Tuesday evening. The 2nd, Wed around noon. I waited for a while and it became clear he wasn't going to make it out. Long story short, I assisted. I had been firmly in the 'do...
  16. R

    5 to 7 year old bantam La Fleche hen with respiratory symptoms

    Good morning. My last problem child was from the same coop ( Symptoms are not remotely similar. We wound up putting him down. In the beginning, I thought that perhaps she was...
  17. R

    5 or 6 year old rooster unable to walk/tremors?

    Yesterday, 5-6 year old bantam la fleche rooster jumped down from the coop and immediately lost balance when he landed. He is (was) the alpha of 2 roosters in the same coop. Very unsteady walking.... when watching his stride, he put one foot directly in front of the other (think supermodel...
  18. R

    Mini Brinsea Advanced.... missing water pot cover...Ideas?

    Does anyone have any clever ideas for a homemade water pot guard for a Brinsea Mini Advanced?
  19. R

    Sneezing, coughing, hiccups and worms, Oh My!?

    EDIT.... This has been going on for a long, long time. Like MONTHS. Let me preface this by saying that from what I have read, chickens 'really do not get hiccups.' I have a 7+ year old black sex link that seems to have hiccups. When I say "hiccups," I mean, something that sounds like a...
  20. R

    Capsized hen---what could this be?!

    Ok... so... I keep having these "firsts." Lucky me. Yesterday, came upon what I believed at the time was an expired girl. When I went to go in the coop she whipped her head around at me and I shrieked, and she seemed none too pleased with the ensuing racket from everyone else. She had been...
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