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  1. hatchcrazzzy

    rooster crowing

    if a rooster crowing and fight are they ready to breed
  2. hatchcrazzzy

    being sick

    i just got of the hospital yesterday am feeling good had low sodium, hope everyone else has good health jclu
  3. hatchcrazzzy

    hatching the 4th and 14th

    any one hatching on the 4th or 14th
  4. hatchcrazzzy

    price off

    woulds like to know a fair price for baby bantam serama please help
  5. hatchcrazzzy

    what happened to chat

    were did chat goes did they close it please let me know needing a chat fix
  6. hatchcrazzzy

    bc marans

    i had some one give me bc marans eggs and 2 of them hatched yellow what happened
  7. hatchcrazzzy

    chat not working

    is your all chat working
  8. hatchcrazzzy


    i got some eggs from a lady uppose to be americana. came from babies have yellow feet and no muffs the eggs were greenish blue what happened can these be americiana.thanks for your help
  9. hatchcrazzzy

    1266 gqf sportsman incubator dallas tx

    incubator around dallas for 300.00 pm me if you are interested sold
  10. hatchcrazzzy

    still no smoking

    quit march 5th 2009 and am now smoke free
  11. hatchcrazzzy

    t g thankgiving my goose

    i had a goose i named it tg thanksgiving but he is to friendly what should i do.he cuddles and wants you to hold him i have other geese but i never seen one this will i eat him in november.please help me all my friends are teasing me
  12. hatchcrazzzy

    cat question

    my cat is sneezing and has a runny nose what can i buy at the feed store for him
  13. hatchcrazzzy

    Eating a goose

    I would like to know the age to eat a brown chinese goose
  14. hatchcrazzzy

    head bitten

    i have had 3 chickens with their heads i guess bitten their eyes are swollen shut.and puffy it only happend in one pen where they can be gotten what would chew on their heads but not kill them
  15. hatchcrazzzy

    head bitten

    i have had 3 chickens with their heads i guess bitten their eyes are swollen shut.and puffy it only happend in one pen where they can be gotten what would chew on their heads but not kill them.
  16. hatchcrazzzy

    lets trade eggs in texas

    i live in Kemp Texas 40 miles from Dallas if you would like to trade eggs let me know i have pure Rirs and pure ees and pure Rouen ducks and Brown Chinese geese
  17. hatchcrazzzy

    anyone hatching

    anyone hatching around the 23rd
  18. hatchcrazzzy


    anyone from around dallas texas
  19. hatchcrazzzy

    geese eggs

    i just sat geese eggs that will hatch on the 29th anyone else hatching geese
  20. hatchcrazzzy

    i have gone crazzy

    ok i got it bad i have 41 big chickens and 21 babies in the brooder ees and 204 eggs suppose to hatch on the 21 first i started last year with 2 hens and 1 rooster has anyone else go down with this disease i have 7 bators 5 little gaints 9200 and 2 cabinet bators a 1202 and 1 newer one a 1266...
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