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  1. nate1the1great1

    Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

    Well its not exactly 2015 year and a little early for eggs but I have eggs and am hatching come and talk to us on here and share your stories and how your hatching is going :D :thumbsup I have a great feeling that this is going to be a great year for hatching. :jumpy Here are some pix in the...
  2. nate1the1great1

    GORGEOUS cockerels!!!!

    Hello, I have 3 Cockerels for sale 2 are 3 months old ( barred rock and a blue laced americauna bantam) and another cockerel that is 7 months and I have know idea what he is but he is REALLY GORGEOUS. DM me for pix but it would be nice to get something from these bc i did incubate and hatch and...
  3. nate1the1great1

    Do vitamins help a chicken get better when they have a cold

    Ok so me and my mom are arguing bc i have lost 2 of my most prized bantams in 12 hrs due to colds and I said i need to get some vet-rx to help treat it but she says that we should use the vitamins we have for them that we have now and i didnt think that it will help so will you tell me what to...
  4. nate1the1great1

    Trained 2 year old Pekin drake

    Hello i have my trained 2 year old pekin drake for sale hes very kind but needs atleast 4 ducks for himself hes funny and very kind to kids and likes to give u kisses. I live in colorado plz pm me for more info on him.
  5. nate1the1great1

    Mini brown crested runner duck??

    I got her at 9 months old she is now 1 year and she hasn't laid any eggs for us yet and also she lost her crest due to my pekins mating with her but here's a few pics
  6. nate1the1great1

    Is this a Phoenix pullet

    I got a bunch of eggs from a guy and i hatched.this one and it was all black with a rusted head it cme out of a blue egg but it's no americauna look
  7. nate1the1great1


    OK so yesterday my mom saidf that one of my 2 month old ducks is acting weird so we pick it up and it didnt move we put it down and it went and drank thasn this morning it was dead now another one is acting the same and than just 5 minutes ago my 6 year old brother ran outside and went behind...
  8. nate1the1great1

    Speckled sussex chick?

    I recently went to tsc and they said that this was a speckled sussex and it was there favorite breed and its a straight run but idk look at it plz
  9. nate1the1great1

    My whyadotte Roos beak is broken

    I got a 11 month old silver laced wyadotte roo today and I was observing it and I looked at his beak and the top part at the end was broken i was wondering will it heal and fix or will it stay? Thank you Nathan
  10. nate1the1great1

    Fun games

    Whoever guesses the pic first gets to post another pic
  11. nate1the1great1


    my chicks are starting to hatch and its day 19 and the one americauna chick is out but its stomach isnt totally closed soo should i let it alone for the night or do something
  12. nate1the1great1

    Will my duckling be okay

    I have a black Swedish duckling and its leg looks ok but when it walks it limps a tiny bit but it still runs over to eat and drink but it sleeps a lot but still acts like a duckling
  13. nate1the1great1

    do bantam eggs hatch quicker than a normal size chicken

    i got 5 old english bantam eggs in my bator aand i wandered if a bantam egg hatches quicker than the big chickens
  14. nate1the1great1

    candled eggs

    all right i have 19 chicken eggs in my bator and when i candled them 6 of them look like they are on day 14 but are only 1 week old i know there fertilized b/c when i candle it kicks and i see veins but they are very far along but i dont know how b/c i put them all in at the same time and the...
  15. nate1the1great1

    goose egg or duck egg

    i went out to my pen this morn and in the corner there was a giant white cream colored egg that was 2x the size of a RIR chciken egg my ducks lay tinier eggs but im not sure if they layed a bigger egg or if my african geese layed it
  16. nate1the1great1

    Can someone show me some pics of a speckled sussex egg cause my dads friends gave me a dozen eggs an

    PLZ POST PICS I NEED TO SEE SOME EGGS and also i wanna see pics of a speckled sussex mixed with a americauna roo cause that wat the he has
  17. nate1the1great1

    how to tell the difference between a peahen and peacock at 9 months old

    i have 2 peafowl that are 9 months old one has a light brown under featheres ( under his top flight feathers) and the other has a dark chocolate under feathers. and i wanna know which one is a male and the other a female i know there is a male and a female i just wanna know.
  18. nate1the1great1


    I was wondering how much i should pay for some new members of the family. I live in colorado and I wanted and know and am going to a place with the following, a peacock and a peahen, a female duck, a male and female goose, 4 hens and a roo plz tell me how much i should pay for all of them
  19. nate1the1great1

    duck breeding season

    hello i was wondering when the duck breeding season is beacuase i has 2 male and 1 female pekin ducks i separated the male from the other male and female because of fighting and they have been mating alot and i was wandering when they are gunna start laying eggs so then i can be prepared for her...
  20. nate1the1great1

    aracauna banti chickens not laying eggs

    my aracauna banti chickens wont lay any eggs there 7 months old and i dont know why there not laying.
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