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  1. TheOLDNewChick


    Logged in as TheOLDNewChick Last visit: 04/21/2010 12:27 pm Wow! That's crazy. So, I decided I'd pop in for a visit and see how everyone on Planet BYC is doing.
  2. TheOLDNewChick

    This ain't right.

    We got 4 inches of snow last night. And it's still here. What the heck!
  3. TheOLDNewChick

    I'm getting excited again.

    After being almost completely chickenless for the last 5-6 months due to predator attacks, I think I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. I took a break because I was simply tired of losing chicken after chicken, especially after putting in so much time, effort, and not to mention...
  4. TheOLDNewChick


    It's SNOWING! On my birthday. I'm excited!! It next to never snows here.
  5. TheOLDNewChick

    Happy birthday...

    to me! Yeah. It's my birthday.
  6. TheOLDNewChick

    Wish me luck, everybody.

    Send me good luck vibes, everyone. Pray that my memory doesn't fail me. My drivers ed final is tomorrow and I'm nervous. I think I have it, but I tend to go blank when it comes to tests. So everyone cross your fingers and pray I pass with flying colors. Then comes road skills. And I'm still...
  7. TheOLDNewChick

    Bye guys!

    I shall be back tomorrow night. I'm heading to Shreveport for the Jason Aldean concert tonight. Don't forget to miss me!
  8. TheOLDNewChick

    Anyone else watching...

    Ghost Adventures Live right now? I've been glued to the TV & the webcams. Y'all caught anything off the webcams?
  9. TheOLDNewChick

    ATTN: All ladies.

    I wanted to make a suggestion for all the BYC ladies who're married, going to be getting married, in a relationship, etc. My mom and I are reading a book that has been a blessing. It's by Michael & Deborah Pearl (founders of No Greater Joy ministries). It's titled "Created To Be His Help-Meet"...
  10. TheOLDNewChick

    Okay. Well.

    I know I posted a while back about all my predator attacks and loss of birds...well. My wonderfully amazing boyfriend is helping me re-do my chicken yard & coop from inside out. Replacing bad boards & fencing, reinforcing the wire, putting up new doors, cleaning out my brooder, etc. so I can...
  11. TheOLDNewChick

    I need a little bit of help...

    ...and if anyone dares a smart aleck remark, I will throw a spork at you. That means you KS, Debi, PC, Maple, Justina...and anyone else that's out of whack. ANYWAYS. I need a new title, me thinks. Suggestions?
  12. TheOLDNewChick

    20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity.

    Someone on anothg GJF thread mentioned trying to find this, and I had it in my e-mail inbox from ages ago. Enjoy the laugh. 20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level of Insanity 1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and Point A Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They...
  13. TheOLDNewChick

    To all feller Luzianianz.

    A LOUISIANA BLESSING Note: If you are not a resident of Louisiana or never have lived in the hot, humid South, you may not understand the weight of this blessing! Bless this house, oh Lord, we cry. Please keep it cool in mid-July. Bless the walls where termites dine, While ants and...
  14. TheOLDNewChick


    I'm now down to three chickens. Over forty have disappeared randomly in the matter of three weeks. I don't hear anything, no feathers, no remains...nothing. They're all locked up snug and tight at night, too.
  15. TheOLDNewChick

    I have seriously LOST my marbles.

    I'm excited for hurricane season. I just want a few massive know, high winds, dark clouds, rain...the works. And then I'll be happy. It's too hot right now. Just a small storm would make me happy.
  16. TheOLDNewChick

    Blah, blah, blah & the things that go with it.

    It's hot. I just got off of work, I'm hungry. I've been feeling sick all day, and I'm dog tired. I sit.
  17. TheOLDNewChick


    Is it possible to magically just...wish them away for a while?
  18. TheOLDNewChick


    Is it possible to magically just...wish them away for a while?
  19. TheOLDNewChick

    My chores...

    ...are currently being neglected, and I can't give credit to anyone but you crazy bunch of chicken lovers.
  20. TheOLDNewChick

    I referred someone to BYC!

    I stumbled across a nice young womans blog about her new homesteading life, and read an entry about her mother (mother-in-law, maybe?) giving her fresh from the farm eggs. She gave the information she had about hens, and what she'd learned. So, I e-mailed her and told her for further...
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