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  1. manychitlens

    12 week old light brahma, boy or girl?

    Hi all! I posted when this chick was about 4 weeks old, but I'm still stumped. Lightning Speed is 12 weeks old today. Any brahma experts who could weigh in? S/he does have 3 rows of peas, but it's not really sticking up from the head like a lot of males I've seen of this age with pea combs. If...
  2. manychitlens

    6 week old chick drooling/spitting up?

    Hi all, I have a 6.5 week old chick who just did the weirdest thing, and I just wanted to make sure that I didn't need to take any immediate steps. They are currently free ranging in my backyard, which they do for about 2 or 3 hours per day (basically whenever I can supervise). A few minutes...
  3. manychitlens

    Light Brahma of questionable gender

    Hi again :) I posted earlier about my blue orpington chick, and now I would love some expert opinions on my 4 week old light brahma. This is Lightening Speed. I tried to get a full body profile, but this one lives up to the name my 5 year old gave it and is too quick. I can take more (or better)...
  4. manychitlens

    Blue English Orpington, anyone want to take a guess? :)

    This is Frank. Frank is 3 weeks old today. I'm pretty sure that Frank has about 14 copies of the slow feathering gene, because he is still almost totally fluffy. He is like a monster sized 3 day old chick, lol. :) I know it is VERY early to be making guesses on an Orpington, but does anyone have...
  5. manychitlens

    Ear infection in chick?

    Hi everyone, I have a chick that is almost 4 weeks old. For the last couple of days, she's been shaking her head a bit more than what I would consider normal. It's not like she's shaking it slowly, it's quick movements like she has something that she's trying to get off of her face, if that...
  6. manychitlens

    New Chickener!

    Hi everyone! My name is Heather and I live in Northern California with my husband, 4 kids (3 boys and a baby girl), 4 dogs, 3 cats, and mean old rabbit, haha. We started 10 years ago with 1 dog and then added everything else (including the kids) so clearly chicken math is already alive and well...
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