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  1. below_gravity

    any strategies to fatten up layer roos

    Hello, we have raised meat birds; but now I have some Orphington X Layer roos that are coming of age and we're looking to process them. Do you have any strategies for "fattening them up"? They look rather lean. We were considering confining the 3 of 'em to a smaller area (4x5 ft pen) and...
  2. below_gravity

    Processing question: cut arteries or head off?

    We are getting ready to process our first batch of Cornish X. We have donea few on our own and have always just cut the head off, but have noticed in all the instructional posts here, it is suggested that just the arteries get cut. Why is that?
  3. below_gravity

    5 week old chick with legs locked forward, no balance

    We have a five week old Cornish cross chick who is having trouble. It appears that her legs are locked forward. And she sits on her butt, not on her belly like the rest of the chicks. I've been reviewing vitamin deficiencies, but nothing seems to match up. She does not have curled toes. She is...
  4. below_gravity

    Wanted: 4-6 female chicks in NJ/ Eastern PA

    Hello, a good friend of mine is looking to start a flock with with her two daughters. She is looking for 4 to 6 sexed female chicks to get started with. They will be pets. Anyone hatching and have some chicks to sell, or want to split an order? Please post what you have. She just joined...
  5. below_gravity

    How to transport birds to butcher?

    We have our order of 50 Cornish Xs coming, double what we have done before. Twice previously we took the chickens to Goffles poultry to be processed a 1 to 1.5 hour drive from home; in the back of a pick up truck with a cap. It was problematic, and we are concerned about loss now that we have...
  6. below_gravity

    Raising Cornish Xs in the Summer Heat?

    So the question is, do any of you raise meat birds in the heat of the summer. If so do you take special precautions? Do you slaughter them earlier? We have done 2 batches of meat birds (about 30 at a time). both times it was early spring and temps were low for the most part. We noticed...
  7. below_gravity

    Bloated or Egg Bound hen

    Noticed RIR hen in the morning looking bloated and waddling. Let the hens out to free range hoping running around might help. Bloated hen was out and about all day waddling. Hen has an extremely bloated abdomen. I cannot feel any egg. Brought hen about 30 min ago and placed in warm bath...
  8. below_gravity

    Wanted ASAP: 2-4 Layers - friendly - NJ

    I am looking for 2 to 4 layers. Pullet to year old. Breed does NOT matter. Must be somewhat friendly . Will be pampered. Have inside coop with outdoor run and usually get let out to free range on the farm a few evenings a week and weekends. I currently have 8 4 year old BO and RIR hens who...
  9. below_gravity

    RIR and BO hens - free to local home

    I have a flock of 7 RIRs and 7 BOs. I introduced 11 more birds and now would like to thin the numbers a bit. The hens are a year and a month old. They are very friendly, docile, and come when called (heeeerrre chick, chick, chick, chiiiiiiiiickeeeen) I would like to see 4-8 of them go...
  10. below_gravity

    Feeding Mixed Flock - Cornish X and Americaunas

    I have 20 Cornish X, 5 Red Cornish, and 5 Americaunas comming tomorrow. I have one brooder which I was planning on keeping them all in. I can seperate them if I HAVE to, by dividing the brooder, but I would perfer to keep them together at least for the first week or two. That being said, what...
  11. below_gravity

    Using Last Year's Starter

    Is it ok to use last years starter feed for this years chicks? I have about 10 lbs left but I don't want to make the chicks sick. I have to run to the feed mill to pick up more but if I could put if off for a day or two that would great.
  12. below_gravity

    Chicks are comming...can I give them to the broody?

    Can you give chicks to a broody in a flock who is sitting on eggs? Just a random thought. I am getting 25 chicks from schlecht hatchery (20 Cornish X, 5 Red Cornish, and 5 Americaunas). I just so happen to have a broody but it didn't even occur to me till right now that I could give her...
  13. below_gravity

    What Size for 25 Meaties

    I will be ordering 25 meaties in two weeks and would like to be able to put them in a chicken tractor. What size would be appropriate? I was planning on letting then free range but we discovered that we now have a resident fox family when two of my hens went missing...and almost a third who is...
  14. below_gravity

    Share order in NJ (Im in Clinton Area)

    I'm going to be placeing an order for meat birds to come in the week on April 19th. Would anyone be interested in sharing an order. I am planning on getting 25 meat birds for myself. I will consider any hatchery but I was leaning toward Schlecht Hatchery. I bought from Ideal last year and...
  15. below_gravity

    Butterscotch-Pecan-Oatmeal Cookies

    I needed an idea for my 5th Christmas cookie and have the ingredients to make some Butterscotch-Pecan-Oatmeal Cookies and am looking for a good recipe. I ran across Betty crockers's recipe which looks great except that it uses betty crocker mix as the base. SO, I was wondering if any one here...
  16. below_gravity

    Need ideas on getting chickens to the garden

    So my garden is just about finished for the year. They only thing left going is some green beans which are enclosed in a fence. I would like to get the chickens in the garden for a week or two (which is fenced in). Their coop is about 150 feet away from the garden. Have any ideas about how...
  17. below_gravity

    First egg...others need to get with the program

    I got my first egg a week ago today I just wanted to share little story.... The funny part is. This is my first time having chickens (8 RIRs and 8 BOs) since I was a little girl. The one developed waddles and a large comb about four weeks ago. The rest have very small combs and waddles...
  18. below_gravity


    Does anyone know if plastic with Microban in it would be safe for the chickens. It is suposed to be safe for us.... I am looking at some 5-gallon dog waterers on sale online for a reasonable price but they have microban in the plastic.
  19. below_gravity

    Waterer from GunDog Supply

    My 3 gallon TSC water has crapped out on me after 6 months. Has anyone tried this waterer from Gun Dog Supply. It looks very durable but like it could present a problem for cleaning and freezing? Do you think it's worth a try? If I guess I will...
  20. below_gravity

    Nesting boxes 3-4 feet high?!?

    Did I screw up? I put my nesting boxes up last weekend and have them 3-4 feet off the chest high (so maybe even 4-5 feet) so that it would be easy for me to get the eggs out. I was going to put the perches at about 5 feet. Is this way to high?!?!
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