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  • Users: calicokat
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  1. calicokat

    I think I broke a 2 day old chicks wing - help :(

    We got 30 chicks on Wednesday morning. Last night I was wiping off bottoms that were looking poopy - trying to get ahead of any pasty butt issues. As I held one I didn't realize I'd bent her wing. Once I noticed, I adjusted the way I held her, but when I put her down - that wing sticks out...
  2. calicokat

    First time hatching, humidity questions

    Morning all! I've set my first batch of eggs in our Styrofoam incubator with a fan and an automatic turner. Thought all was going well enough. Today I found a big problem - at the start, I filled the wrong well with water! What now? They are already at day 9 :( And how do I monitor the...
  3. calicokat

    Hamburg with big growth in nasal cavity?

    Ok, I"m stumped on this one, hoping someone can help me figure it out :) Both of my hamburg hens had strange brown bumps/growth in their nasal cavity. One had it on both nasal openings, the other only on one. I've been watching it for a few months, and they don't seem to be in any pain or...
  4. calicokat

    Rooster lethargic & crow sounds strangled or half swallowed

    Putting up the flock tonight I found our older Silver Spangled Hamburg on the floor of his cage, not up on his roosting perch. Two days ago I thought our little rooster had just started crowing, I was hearing a strangle-y half crow sound. But today I saw this guy make the sound. It was almost...
  5. calicokat

    Looking for a Blackberry Cobbler recipe

    Now that I have a couple dozen jars of blackberry jelly, DH would like me to make a cobbler out of the next few quarts I pick. I've never made a cobbler before, so does anyone have a great recipe that they could share? Thanks! ~kat
  6. calicokat

    Stick figure family car stickers - with chickens ;0)

    Yeah, I'm one of those folks with the stick figure family on my van's window. It was time to reorder because it was beginning to peel badly. I was tickled to discover lots of new body types to choose from, and best of all -- a CHICKEN in the pet choices! Nice to have all my pets represented, LOL
  7. calicokat

    Uh oh, I bought an incubator!

    So now that I've gone over the edge and joined the hatching folks, LOL a few first time questions. Where do I place the incubator in the house? I've read that it need to be in a room with a stable room temp, but we don't have AC in our house, so maybe it would be better in the cellar? There...
  8. calicokat

    Anyone playing LogosQuiz on their phone?

    Me oh my! The 16 yr old DD was playing this game on her phone. She showed me and asked if I knew what a certain logo was. . . . well, yeah! I gave her a few that I recognized. She thought I was amazing. We muddled through a few more on her phone, then she showed me how to get the app on...
  9. calicokat

    High School senior pranks

    I was reading an article about a Senior prank in a town near me. I'm not good at links, but if you search "senior prank post it notes" you can probably find the info. 6 kids put 11,000 post-it notes inside the school, wallpapering doors, bulletin boards & windows. Most thought it was cute...
  10. calicokat

    Help what am I ?

    We have a mystery chick adn I'm stumped about what breed it is. Mystery chick is the black one in front of the two polish chicks. Any ideas would be appreicated
  11. calicokat

    Little Chick - but what kind? And Polish coloring?

    We hatched some polish babies earlier, in the 4H leader's incubator (super good way to cut down on peeking, and stressing -- when the incubator is off site, LOL) When we picked up the first hatch group, there was an extra bird he didn't need from his eggs, so he guilted me into taking it...
  12. calicokat

    Day 24 - none hatched :0(

    I was so excited about eggs that we were incubating from some new hens we aquired. Our 4H leader put them in his cabinet style incubator. He had a batch of RIRs in there too that he was hatching for himself. They all hatched, but mine did not. We cracked them open and all were fertile and...
  13. calicokat

    Remove spurs for showing?

    We have a few roos who are growing some pretty big spurs. They aren't a problem just around the coop, but I was thinking ahead to when DD shows them this year (4H and an open show) -- do we need to remove them to show? Or should they be left alone? I would think judges would prefer no spurs...
  14. calicokat

    Help me with a song title pretty please

    I'm going nuts trying to figure out a song title, and I'm hoping someone here can put me out of my misery! There's a commercial for "The Voice" (on NBC) and a guy sings part of a song (slow, R&B ballad maybe?), one of the judges - a country singer I think, on the end, hits his buzzer thingy at...
  15. calicokat

    Frontline for Crest Mites - Polish

    We have our first outbreak of crest mites in our polish. I've read that Frontline for dogs works well - but is this the spray, or the green single application tubes?? I have a green tube dose for a large dog at home and I'm hoping I can use that. Does anyone have the dosage for bantum and...
  16. calicokat

    Could it be bedbugs? & they're coming to Christmas - UH OH

    DH ran into his sister shopping today. She had an ugly scabbed up arm and said that they had bedbugs. They were planning on "bombing" the house and if that didn't work, they thought they could get the temp up in the house during warm weather months to take care of it. Their house is trashy -...
  17. calicokat

    Spoiled Silver Spangled Hamburgs in sick bay - too cute!

    Had to bring 2 of my SSH's in for a night so I could treat their goopy eyes. They each got a bath and some massaging of the combs and wattles with oil. Then tucked them in a basket on the small heating pad. Nah, no spoiled birdies at MY house! Surely this basket is NOT sitting on the dining...
  18. calicokat

    Can I be petty for a minute about my mom?

    I have to laugh. My mom said that this year she & Step Dad are just going to buy for the 5 grands this year (ages 13 - 18), not the kids (we're late 30'- mid 40's). Ok, fine. And the truth is she likes to spend as little as possible on them anyway, always asking me what her budget is, did we...
  19. calicokat

    Time to get him out of house - but it's cold in coop, help?

    I had two birds in the house being treated for goupy eyes. The hen was fine after one overnight. Put her back into coop. But Mr. roo has been in for 2 or 3 days, on a heating pad off and on. Both of his eyes were goopy, and I think he had Gape worm too. After one dose of wormer that part...
  20. calicokat

    American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

    I know there are all kinds of folks on BYC, so I'm hoping to get some input from those who are American Baptist Church members. And I really, really hope this can be done without getting this conversation locked, because I need some outside opinions & information on how other churches handle...
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