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  1. micaelasducks

    bubblegum flavored amoxicillin for a duck?

    Hi all. I have been dealing with a very sad duck with a leg injury. I was able to get some amoxicillin, that was sold for veterinary purposes... but is clearly actually the bubblegum amoxicillin they give to kids! I am not sure what makes the bubblegum flavor, but would this still be suitable...
  2. micaelasducks

    adult pekin female with splayed legs and difficulty walking -- ideas, advice?

    Hi all! I took in a female pekin this past september (so 5 months ago). She was adopted from the SPCA and the only information I had is that it was some kind of animal hoarder situation. I assume her diet was probably not ideal. She started laying eggs in early January -- so that makes us think...
  3. micaelasducks

    those of you with "elderly" ducks -- when did they stop laying?

    Hi everyone. I have a pair if 8 year olds ducks living out their golden years. In the past we have had issues with laying eggs -- one of them had a lash egg last summer and it was quite the drama involving nursing her back from near death. We also lost a female duck to egg binding/prolapse in...
  4. micaelasducks

    duck with a single eye issue -- eye has a white glaze, keeping it closed, but doesn't necessarily look infected.

    Hi all! This morning we noticed my blue swedish keeping her eye closed (first picture). When we started to look closer her eye appears totally glazed over and as if there is a white film covering it -- possibly we are looking at the inner eyelid? It is hard to tell what is the eye and what is...
  5. micaelasducks

    we have a possibly egg bound duck with an unclear xray. Anyone have any ideas? xray posted.

    Hi everyone. I posted about my ill duck a bit ago. For about a week she has not been acting like herself. Quiet, standing still, less interested in eating, little activity. This is the x-ray, the results say that she "might" be egg bound or have an egg with poorly defined shell within her, but...
  6. micaelasducks

    Lethargic duck — not quacking or acting like herself. What to do?

    Hi all. Looking for any advice. I have an Indian runner who the last few days has lost her spunk. She is 7 years old and has been slowly losing vision over the last few years but is typically very busy, active, loud. We had a few very hot days and noticed she was quiet, not eating as much, and...
  7. micaelasducks

    Duck picked up and dropped by fox right in front of us. No visible injuries, but limping. What to do?

    Hi all. I have a runner duck who, right in front of us (two adults outside with the duck) got picked up by a very brazen fox. We scared it off and it luckily dropped the duck and ran. There are NO external injuries amazingly. No skin punctured. But my duck is limping and I’m worried about some...
  8. micaelasducks

    adding a single duck to a pair. realistically, what can be spread via "close" quarantine?

    Hello! I have a pair of ducks, and we have a lead on adding a single female to the crew who is having a hard time with the males in another flock. We are able to quarantine her in our shed for as long as necessary, but technically it is not all that far from the coop with the other two girls. It...
  9. micaelasducks

    Duck with broken leg — update with x-ray!

    Hey all. Memorial Day weekend my Swedish started limping and we suspected a broken leg due to the severity of the injury. After some progress she had difficulty walking again and we had her get an x Ray. The result is a broken femur!! Thought people here might be interested in seeing the x Ray...
  10. micaelasducks

    poor duck with a leg injury. Any advice would be helpful! pics and videos included.

    Hi all. I have lost two ducks in the last six months or so to unrelated issues. First was a runner who became VERY ill and lethargic and weak. We are unsure of her cause of death. Second was a pekin who had a catastrophic prolapse. Now I have a swedish who has appeared to injure her leg. Visual...
  11. micaelasducks

    my pekin laid her first spring egg and immediately prolapsed. help!!

    Have any of you successfully treated a prolapsed vent before? My pekin duck laid a monster of an egg this morning after months without, and has now prolapsed. Based on various things I looked up, I gave her a warm bath, sprayed with vetericyn, and attempted to slather on some honey. I attempted...
  12. micaelasducks

    My duck is having trouble seeing.

    I have a 3-4 year old Indian runner girl who seems to be having some bizarre issues seeing. On the one hand, she is still the group leader and leads them around, leads them into the coop at night, etc. On the other hand, they have always been able to be hand fed, but she may bite at the air...
  13. micaelasducks

    Duck is lethargic and having trouble walking. Please help!

    hi all. I have no idea what's wrong with my adult female Indian runner. She has been lethargic and listless and often seemingly not keeping up with the flock. When held, if put down, she will seemingly be unable to walk or support herself on her legs. She has minor bumble foot spots on each foot...
  14. micaelasducks

    duck with vaguely strange behavior -- any thoughts?

    My duck, while eating, drinking, and foraging as usual seems to have had a personality change. While she was once the flock's leader, she is quieter and slower than usually, occasionally sitting alone instead of running around with the group. Often she just stands still and stares. She seems to...
  15. micaelasducks

    runner has decided to become broody -- should I let her be or try to stop it?

    My sweet runner has built a nest and collected eggs. While she spends her "free time" sitting on the nest, she still gets off the nest to run and greet people, to get snacks and drinks, etc. Should I remove her nest, or should I allow her to keep sitting on it? The eggs are not fertile, we have...
  16. micaelasducks

    what is my duck doing? weird head motion?

    Sorry for the terrible video quality, but you can see the duck clearly enough. My duck does this strange dead bobbing that is different than typical head bobbing. She's responsive and will stop doing it for a treat or if she finds something to nibble and never does it swimming. Any thoughts? It...
  17. micaelasducks

    any ideas on who is laying which eggs?

    We have two runners (chocolate and fawn/white), a pekin, and a blue swedish. They were hatched mid April and are starting to lay. Our pekin is still laying soft mushy eggs for some reason even though they are on a layer formula and have oyster shell so not sure if any of them are hers, unless...
  18. micaelasducks

    what does this duck head bobbing behavior mean?

    These ducks are all female, they often all look at each other and bob their heads. For these ducks, what do you think they are saying to each other? They are about 3 months old. Here is a video:
  19. micaelasducks

    new ducks! some questions and identification issues!

    I have received a group of four ducks from McMurray Hatcheries. Despite it being a low of 20ish degrees last night, they arrived this morning safe and sound. I have questions about a few of their quirks. One duck seems to have some issues swallowing. She seems to try to dry swallow often even...
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