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  • Users: MaggieRae
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  1. MaggieRae

    Any horseback riders here?

    I'm looking for some fellow horse friends! Tell me all about yourself and your ponies. What do you do with them? To get started... I have 3 horses. Dakota, Mia, and Cowboy. They all do several things, but each has their favorite discipline. Dakota, an 18 year old paint horse, worked cows...
  2. MaggieRae

    20+ week-old Silkie. Gender Guesses?

    This is Little Big Bird, as my neighbor affectionately calls him. I say him, but I have no idea on gender. I wasn't going to ask, just wait for a crow or an egg, but as neither have occurred... The antici... pation is killing me! My bet was cockerel, as he loves to chase the dog around. Am I...
  3. MaggieRae

    Birds Dying and I'm Not Sure Why

    I started this summer with 6 from my original flock and, as of today, I'm down to 3 remaining. The birds are just over two years old and consist of Australorps, Easter Eggers, and Silver Laced Wyandottes. They are all standard size. The first one was dead when I got home (An EE). With all the...
  4. MaggieRae

    Chick with Injured Eye

    So, I received 4 chicks from MPC early Tuesday morning and I'm a bit disappointed. 2 of the chicks suffer from pasty butt as well as other issues, despite the fact I've offered electrolytes/ vitamins in their water, fed plenty of protein both in the feed with the addition of chopped up hard...
  5. MaggieRae

    Day old Chick with Foot Injury: possible broken Toe?

    I just picked the chicks up about an hour ago and noticed that, besides the usual ungainliness, the bantam silkie seems to have a broken toe and has difficulty moving around. Is there anything I can do? I'll continue searching the forum, but I figured I might get a better/faster reply if I...
  6. MaggieRae

    Crazy weather...

    I mean, seriously?? Beautiful 90+* day today with the sun out. I was going to go fishing earlier but saw the Severe Storm warning for the county two above us. Now, lo and behold, it's hailing. Marble sized hail that melts the second it hits the hot ground. I had to run out and move my truck...
  7. MaggieRae

    Archery/ Bow Hunting

    So, check out what I got this past Saturday! I'm not planning to hunt with it (as of now, although I could be convinced. I've already gone through Hunters ed just in case), but I got this specific version so that I can hunt in the future should I choose to. I'm sure there are some seasoned...
  8. MaggieRae

    Is this bumblefoot?

    Does this look like bumblefoot to y'all? I would have posted on the surgery thread but I need to get to Dallas pretty soon and I can take her with me if I need to, but it would be difficult. Could she last until Friday if it is? Or does she require immediate surgery? Is there another way to get...
  9. MaggieRae

    My easter egger turned into a rumpless araucana in a week (Pic heavy)

    I think she's molting. This post is in regard to Cleopatra, also called Cleo or simply Lo when she needs a clipped word to get her attention. In her former glory... Check out that booty! Now, I show you what has become of my sassy little hen... Not really sure what was going on here...
  10. MaggieRae

    Someone sent me this email, thoughts? It's very pro-chicken, which of course I like. So, what are y'alls thoughts on it? Would you pass it on (As I've just done to y'all)?
  11. MaggieRae

    My SLW died...

    Everyone was fine this morning. I went horseback riding, came home, and found my poor girl keeled over in her nest. The fire ants had eaten her pretty eyes and covered her face. She had been acting "off" for the past couple of months. Lethargic, yet noisy, surprisingly. It's been hot, but...
  12. MaggieRae

    Avenged Sevenfold... Any fans?

    I love their music, but due to iTunes being a pain, I've paid for the album (Nightmare) but am unable to download it. So while I wait for them to correct the problem, my cousin and his friends are torturing me by telling me just how awesome it is. (Don't worry, there will be payback.) So are...
  13. MaggieRae

    Guess what I did today... (hint: involved old cars)

    I went to a jazz party in a friend's barn and found out the family owned two Chargers. 1967 and 1968 I believe. I even got to go for a ride in the 1968 one. It was so dark of a green, it looked black. It was freaking awesome. We saw how it shifted from first to second, then tried to time it 0 to...
  14. MaggieRae

    Has anyone seen this? Popsicle maker...

    Zoku Quick Pop Maker This looks like it would be awesome down on the dock during the summer(now!), but I've never had one before. Has anyone seen this? Bought one? If you have, what do you think of it?
  15. MaggieRae

    A skunk just skunked my dog who is now smelling awfully skunky...

    I hate skunks. They smell everything up and now they've taken my dog over to the smelly side. We used a 50-50 vinegar-water mixture, dawn dish soap, shampoo, and tomato paste/water mixture to get rid of the smell and taste. She's in her kennel now, moving around and licking. I feel so bad for...
  16. MaggieRae

    Hens attacking another hen?

    I recently got rid of my rooster (about 2 weeks ago) because he was just tearing up the hens as well as attempting to spur me. I had no trouble dealing with him, but I didn't like the girls having bare backs and bald heads. He also made them hide under the coop whenever I walked in there, which...
  17. MaggieRae

    Found a Lemon Blueberry Bread recipe...

    And I really liked it! Lemon Blueberry Bread For any of y'all who have trouble clicking the link, I can copy and paste the recipe below: Ingredients * 1/3 cup melted butter * 1 cup white sugar * 3 tablespoons lemon juice * 2 eggs * 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour *...
  18. MaggieRae

    POL pullets or willing to split an order in North Texas

    I'm looking to get two new hens to replace my rooster. If anyone is interested in splitting an order, or has 2 POL pullets, please contact me. I would prefer to split an order if anyone is interested, just because of bio-security. Thanks!
  19. MaggieRae

    Australorp rooster Free to good home

    Lucy (Lucifer) is almost a year old (Hatched June 22). I have not shown him, nor do I know whether he is show quality or not. I've be informed via BYC that he might place at a local show, but I don't have any interest in showing chickens. He needs more hens than my 7. He would make a great...
  20. MaggieRae

    Kayaks, what do you know about them?

    This summer is coming up and my family has always thought about getting one or two, but don't know what to look for. Should we buy new or used? If we buy used, what should we check for? Any pertinent information would be much appreciated! I know nothing about kayaks, but I've ridden in canoes...
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