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  1. socks

    raven watching adult chickens, should we worry?

    Hi, a big raven has taken to sitting on a branch near our outdoor pen. My husband has been concerned. I thought they would only attack chicks and we don't have any right now. Then I read a post here about a rooster getting an eye injury from a raven attack but haven't seen any other mention...
  2. socks

    painful egg laying - supplements?

    Two of my hens make quite painful sounding squawks during laying. This can go on for 15 minutes or so. They are about a year old. I am beginning to wonder whether there is a supplement I can give to help them out. A friend suggested adding more oil to the diet. Has anyone heard of this...
  3. socks

    Will a non laying hen go broody?

    What I mean is, I have a 4 year old hen. Last year she went broody for the first time and raised a lovely flock. I've been keeping her because I hope she will go broody again. (there are other laying hens) She never was a very good layer but now....may not be laying at all, not sure. So then...
  4. socks

    goose stepping rooster?

    Hi, my 4-5 year old rooster has been kept by friends for a few months and I will be getting him back tonight. They pointed out that he now has a distinct goose step and we are wondering what this might be from. I realize I did see the beginnings of this awhile ago. He has had foot issues in...
  5. socks

    Golf balls and fertile eggs together under broody?

    Hi, I'm back again with questions after a forum search came up empty. So, we got lucky yesterday and caught our broody out eating and drinking (well, not carousing ) and were able to remove the questionable eggs under her and replace them with 4 golf balls. Now I have gotten eggs for her...
  6. socks

    how hot can fertile eggs be kept?

    Hi, as far as I know eggs that you are keeping for a broody hen should be between 10 C. and 15 C (oops! 50-59 F.) Over the last 3 days I've collected eggs, kept them in an open plastic bag (I read they should stay moist) in the basement. I didn't realize the basement is no longer 15 C. but...
  7. socks

    Broody hen bossed out?

    Hi, I've been hoping one of my hens would go truly broody for awhile. One of the one year old Barnevelder's has showed inclinations in the past. This time my husband said she stayed in the nest for a few days but it was only tonight that I got to go down in the dark and see if she was really...
  8. socks

    just a shell problem or....?

    Hi, I've got 3 old hens (3 1/2 years) and 4 1 year olds. I have one hen, I think an old bird laying some very odd looking shells. The shape and size is fine but the outer shell looks like she started to form another shell on it. At least that's what I thought at first. You see these patches...
  9. socks

    Hay in covered run advice needed

    Hi, I have a covered run of about 12 by 15 ft and the coop and run is 3 years old. My 8 chickens don't get out so much (about 1/2 hour most non-rainy days) and I don't like the idea that I have a fairly toxic run. It only occurred to me lately that I should have put something down like sand...
  10. socks

    help integrating flock please 3 out in the cold

    Hi, I have four 3 year old birds wyandotte etc.(including buff orp. rooster) and four 8 month old Barnvelder girls. When the BVs were old enough to go outside we decided to make a separate small coop as we needed to keep them separate till they were grown up and I also hoped this could be a...
  11. socks

    second coop or add on your advice needed

    Hi there, my 3 hens and rooster are 2 years old now (no plans to off them) and I got 4 Welsummer chicks (supposedly all girls). We have a hoop house type run over our small coop so we were planning on adding on to one end of the the run and having a separate coop for the newcomers. That is, in...
  12. socks

    Help! rats and 1" hardware cloth question

    Hi, I've had my chickens and coop/run for 2 years now. The run encloses the coop in a hoop style (think greenhouse) housing which is covered with one inch hardware cloth (welded wire). We have been so happy with the security of this run that we have left the coop door open since the first few...
  13. socks

    Help!! Cannibal hen eating rooster need advice!

    My rooster lord of 3 hens did a valiant thing last week and took on a coon after telling the girls to go inside the coop. I had them out free ranging and was gardening nearby so heard the screaming (the coon was yowling horrifyingly) in time for (eventually, he was in the brambles) scare off...
  14. socks

    advice needed on single attached nest box

    Hi, I did search but haven't found the answer to my queries. In an effort to squeeze a little more space out of our little coop I have decided to put that little nest box on that I've been thinking about (o.k. I admit I won't be doing it but husband will job being the advice and since he...
  15. socks

    Oxine Available in western Canada

    Hi, I know there are a bunch of Canadians on this list and hopefully enough westerners for this to be useful information. It has taken me a few months now to track this information down (and thankfully my rooster recovered his voice on his own and is fine--haha! I guess many people would wish...
  16. socks

    Oxine available in Canada

    Hi, first of all I hope I am posting this in an appropriate place. You see there are a bunch of us Canadians who don't always have access to some of the nifty products that are mentioned here. Anyway, I have been hard at work trying to track down Oxine and there is some good news...
  17. socks

    lonely chicken in quarantine, advise?

    o.k. our mistake, we went to get a couple of Araucana type chickens for our friends who took our extra rooster and oops! we ended up getting one for ourselves. stupid, we should have gotten two because she is very lonely and freaked out(but there were really only 3 available). We transformed a...
  18. socks

    all ash dust bath, bad idea???

    Hi, we had a nice dust bath going in the summer and then kind of forgot about it and it dwindled to nothing. Right now everything is wet, wet and I don't want to take an expensive trip to town to buy sand if I can avoid it. What I do have on hand is wood ash from our stove. I know it is usual...
  19. socks

    still trying to figure this out, please help

    Hi, I wrote a couple of days ago about my 5 month old B. O. rooster and his kind of strangled sounding crowing that started 3 days ago. Since then the only other symptom I have noticed is that after he crows there is kind of a bellows sound. Other than that he seems healthy and is eating...
  20. socks

    Hoarse crowing, is he sick

    Hi, after searching for this topic (no joy) and posting it in behaviors yesterday (no response and wrong area I guess) I am putting it here. My 6 month old Buff Orp. rooster started crowing very strangely yesterday morning. It seemed to improve throughout the day but something always seemed...
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