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  1. victoriagoodrch

    lethargic (seems constipated) rooster; what to do?

    hello. my beautiful rooster called spot has been lifeless and can barely stand for about a day. another one of our chickens just died from similar symptoms, so i'm resorting to coming here for help. he stands up and looks like he's going to poop, but can't. he also barely will eat and drink...
  2. victoriagoodrch

    roosters close to killing each other

    hello. i have a cage of 21 chickens and 3/4 of them are roosters. we hatched them from our other chicken's eggs so we couldn't get rid of them ((although we are now being forced to)). many of the roosters are becoming very mean and cruel to the other roosters, even the hens sometimes. they...
  3. victoriagoodrch

    old english game rooster listless and wing feathers down

    hello! i added this to another thread but i'd like as much help as i can get. my old english game rooster is very listless and tail feathers down. not sure if he is eating or not. i saw him drink a little bit earlier, but not a substantial amount. is there any way i can save him? he is my baby...
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