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  • Users: ReseisCL16
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  1. ReseisCL16

    Hybrid Breeding Genetics

    Hi all! I recently had a little hen go broody under my barn and her eggs are due to hatch next week. This is the second generation of (accidental) Rosecomb-Dutch bantam crosses that I've bred and I'm curious about what this batch will look like. The parents are offspring of a Silver Dutch...
  2. ReseisCL16

    Russian Tumblers??

    Hey there all! I'm back with more pigeon questions! Since I first bought Portuguese tumblers 3 years ago, I have absolutely fallen in love with pigeons! Now I've got a loft full of white Homers and a smaller loft for my Ports. I love to watch them dive and swoop (although I've yet to see any...
  3. ReseisCL16

    Black or Blue?

    Calling all Cochin lovers! Yes, I am a huge fan too, especially of the banties! This year I ended up with a spicy little hen, Malt, who has a color pattern that I just can't define. She's headed for show in a month, and I've got to have an actual color to call her. Conformation wise, I think...
  4. ReseisCL16

    Moving A LOT of Birds Long Distancel

    Hey all! I need some advice. There is a distinct possibility that I will be moving unexpectedly to a different state this summer and, if that happens, my birds would be coming along. However, I do have quite the flock. Here's what I've got: 47 hens 6 roosters 5 ducks 23 pigeons (18 Homers, 5...
  5. ReseisCL16

    Emergency Chick Hatch!!

    so crazy story, my hen tried to hatch 4 eggs. Successfully hatched 1. She left the nest for good 3 days later and so I put her other eggs aside. One of those eggs just hatched about 24 hours after I removed the eggs and I found the chick still wet and on its back. I'm currently holding the chick...
  6. ReseisCL16


    so crazy story, my hen tried to hatch 4 eggs. Successfully hatched 1. She left the nest for good 3 days later and so I put her other eggs aside. One of those eggs just hatched about 24 hours after I removed the eggs and I found the chick still wet and on its back. I'm currently holding the chick...
  7. ReseisCL16

    Training Birds

    Hey there everyone! I'm still new to the homing pigeons, and at the moment I'm trying to get my wedding dove release business off the ground. The only problem is that I'm having a heck of a time actually training my pigeons. I was told to just leave their door open so that they could learn...
  8. ReseisCL16

    Baby with Leg Problem?

    My two and a half weeks old squab has one leg that splays awkwardly out to the side. He has a very hard time walking on it because it slips outwards, but manages just fine in the nest. He's gotten his fair share of crop milk and is bigger than his nestmate, but I'm concerned about how he will...
  9. ReseisCL16

    Good Heaters?

    Hey all, Does anyone know of a good heater that will heat a 150 sq ft chicken coop? I'm building a new one, and need the heater so that frostbite isn't a problem this winter. Thanks for the help!
  10. ReseisCL16

    Squab Help

    Hi again, it's me with the Ports. I may have mentioned this in previous posts, but due to a mistake on my supplier's end, I ended up with three hens and one cock. Technically, the cock is paired with a specific hen, but he does naughty things with all of them. All three hens have been on eggs...
  11. ReseisCL16

    Dislocated Hock?

    My 6 month old Buckeye pullet hurt her leg a few days ago and it has steadily gotten worse. At first, she could put a little weight on it , but now she hops around on one leg and can't bear any weight on it. It seems twisted to the side, so that the hurt hock is pointed towards the other one...
  12. ReseisCL16

    Help! Cold Newly-Hatched Pigeons!

    It's -8 degrees outside right now (coldest night of the entire year so far) and my grizzle pigeon just hatched an egg! I think it was almost two days late, but it hatched. I was pretty worried about the cold, so I have two heat lamps in their loft right now, one a 150 watt and the other a 90...
  13. ReseisCL16

    White "Dove" Release

    Hey all, I was looking into starting my own "White 'Dove' Release" business where I lived. I have found a white pigeon breeder near me, so that's covered. I was wondering if there was anyone else out there that found this business successful and how they trained their birds to come home...
  14. ReseisCL16

    Help! Racoon and Skunk Killing Flock

    Last Sunday, my Silkie never got into the coop. I couldn't find her in the bushes, the barn, anywhere. The next day, my Rosecomb rooster (also champion-bred) was mauled by something. His head had been eaten. The disturbing thing is that this last incident happened IN THE MORNING, after I had...
  15. ReseisCL16


    So I am on the cusp of getting two pairs of Portuguese Tumbler pigeons in the next few days and I have been spending a whole lot of time pulling together a loft and covering all my bases. I've done chickens for close to 9 years now, and I'm very familiar with them, so pigeons are definitely...
  16. ReseisCL16

    Slightly Confused...

    So I was all set to get a few pairs of Portugese Tumbler pigeons and I just read an article that said that Tumblers don't fly, but roll on the ground. I specifically chose this breed because they could fly. Any help would be great!
  17. ReseisCL16

    Rooster Eye Swelling...?

    My Rosecomb rooster, Octavian, just got over an anemia episode. He seems all right now (he's perky and alert and is now crowing a little more), but his eye is still funky. I haven't noticed any problems with it before he had anemia, but now it is swollen and puffy. It seems to irritate him...
  18. ReseisCL16

    Old English Game Bantam ?'s

    Hello! I am more of a hobby farmer, but really enjoy showing my feed-store hens at shows, even though they don't usually place high. About a year ago, I decided to invest in a breeding trio of Black Rosecombs. The hens were about 2 years old when I got them and, due to weak genetics, both...
  19. ReseisCL16

    Mixing Chicks and Poults

    So, I've done the drill with chicks; I've raised quite a few batches quite successfully while owning chickens for eight years. I know that all chickens/chicks are carnivores and can be cannibals if they see blood or a weak chick (hence the reason for red light bulbs). I have two chicken...
  20. ReseisCL16

    Rooster Tail Molt?

    My beautiful Rosecomb rooster's tail is slowly falling out. He loses about 2 large tail feathers a day. Not that you can really tell, he has so many, but I'm worried. Is his tail just molting? He's not losing feathers anywhere else. Actually, I've had another older rooster who lost all his...
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