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  1. critterkeeper25

    5 yr old Dominique hen cannot walk, teeter-totters front to back(head to tail)

    Hello, We need your help. We have a 5yr old Dominique hen that is not acting normally. I noticed last night that she was having difficulty walking (was staggering) and was standing with her tail bent down. All other hens are fine. She is approximately 4 lbs. There are no outward signs of...
  2. critterkeeper25

    Chicken seems to be vomiting piles of wet feed.

    HI all! Been a while since I've been on here. Working 2 jobs to support car insurance, etc..... Have been treating a 4.5 year old Rhode Island Red hen, approx weight NOW is 2lbs. She's emaciated to the point where no muscle at all can be felt along the keel bone. Been treating her for past...
  3. critterkeeper25

    Oregano oil adied to diet.

    Has anyone used Oregano oil as a supplement in their chicken's diet? I have a hen with EYP that I think could benefit from its antibacterial properties, but I have no idea what the dosage would be.
  4. critterkeeper25

    Trying to identify what killed my hen. Graphic puc.

    One of our hens went missing Monday. I searched for her everyday. This afternoon I found her out in the open, where I looked several times before. I don't know if she went off, hid, and died, and an animal found her, or if she was a victim of an attack. There was no blood, that I could see...
  5. critterkeeper25

    Sick Hen

    I have a 3 yr old RIR hen. She was ill about a week ago. Listless, not eating, standing alone, tail up however it appears as though saggy bottom? We treated her with penicillin injections last week. After a couple of days she perked up and began eating, however she never ate enough to enlarge...
  6. critterkeeper25

    Where there's life, there's hope.

    Hello all, I am posting this as I have been through what many of you are experiencing right now. I am posting this to show you the little glimmer of hope, at the end of the tunnel. It all started for me on 11/2. My hen exhibited the usual signs of illness, listlessness, not eating, isolating...
  7. critterkeeper25

    Expressing my gratitude!

    I am not sure if there is already a place for a post like this, if there is I cannot find it. I would like to begin by saying that I have visited this web site more times than I can count. It has been an invaluable resource for answers to common questions as well as excellent advice on various...
  8. critterkeeper25

    Do chickens get fatty tumors?

    We recently lost one of our Buckeye hens to what we think was sour crop. Sent was listless, and wasn't eating. Her crop was large and squishy, and didn't empty over night. I isolated her, gave her probiotic, and treated her with miconazoleas someone on here had suggested. Within 3 days she was...
  9. critterkeeper25

    Lethargic hen

    Today when I let my hens out to play, one of our Buckeye hens remained in the run. She was just standing there with her eyes half closing. I went in the house and changed into my grubbies figuring that I would have to do some inspection which may mean that I would be in contact with a poopy...
  10. critterkeeper25

    Possible vent gleet?

    Hi, I was just outside with my husband and noticed that one of our hens had a nasty poop-caked butt. I wanted to clean her up so I tasked my husband to go catch her. She is very wary, over a year ago we had to treat her with penicillin injections for egg yolk peritonitis. She hasn't had...
  11. critterkeeper25

    Can I substitute wheat bran for wheat germ when making my own "Flock Blocks"?

    I have found it nearly impossible to find large Flock Blocks in any of my local feed stores. The only ones I have found are brick size, and they won't last long with our 14 hens. I need them to keep the girls busy when they can't get outside of the run due to foul weather. The large blocks I...
  12. critterkeeper25

    Hen walking really weird, then it rubs its breast on the ground. What is causing that?

    Hi all, I was sitting at my dining room table watching our hens walking around outside when I caught a glimpse of the weirdest thing I have ever seen any of them do: One of our hens, we call her Smarty, began walking all twisted up (neck bent in one direction with her head bent in the other)-...
  13. critterkeeper25

    Fox attacks

    We have now lost 3 of our hens in 2 weeks! It all started over Columbus Day weekend. We went away and left the Friday before, and left the care of our animals to our very good and competent friend. My husband always insists that the chickens be left outside for the day even when we are away...
  14. critterkeeper25

    What the heck is this?

    I went to collect the eggs today and found this laying on top of the eggs! I picked it up with my fingers and it has the texture/feel of a piece of cooked chicken. I don't know why, but it made me want to throw up. LOL It also has a right angle to it. I am assuming that it is an egg without...
  15. critterkeeper25

    Help! No-See-Ums eating us and chickens alive!

    We are in desperate need of advice! Our chickens have been scratching and losing feathers, stomping on the roosts at night and scratching their heads/combs. We were thinking that we were having a serious mite problem, so we stripped down the entire inside of the coop, dusted it down and sprayed...
  16. critterkeeper25

    Missing feathers

    I am going with my gut with this and am probably going to dust/spray for mites/lice. We have 17 hens,no rooster, and have been having issues with feather picking. First it was just the colored part of the feathers on the hen's backs. Then the downy portion was being broken off. Now their backs...
  17. critterkeeper25

    Black Snakes

    Is there a way to keep black snakes out of the coop? We have no other unprotected openings into the coop except for the automatic chicken door. That is the only way I can figure that the snake is getting into our coop. I found it in the nest boxes the other day, looking over the partition at...
  18. critterkeeper25

    Egg cache found in tall ornamental grass

    The other day, while I was grilling dinner, I saw one of our hens disappear into one of our flower gardens. Curious as to where she went, I walked around the garden, but couldn't find her. I decided to crouch down and look under the 3ft tall ornamental grass that we have growing in the garden...
  19. critterkeeper25

    HELP! Chicken making weird sound when it breathes!

    I'm in a panic! While getting myself together this a.m., I heard through the window (shut) a sound similar to a giant bumble bee buzzing around a flower. Trying to figure out what it was, I opened the window, and low and behold, it was coming from one of our hens. At first I thought it was...
  20. critterkeeper25

    Just A Little Thank You

    I don't know if this is the correct place to post this but I am sure that it can be redirected if it isn't. I would like to take a moment to thank those who created this wonderful Forum and those who have answered all of my questions or have given me solutions to my problems with our flock. I...
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