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  1. stuckinthecity

    My broody hens this go around

    Just sharing pics, mostly! This little hen likes to set and hatched 4 chicks. They're almost 3 weeks old now. Really interested in seeing how her little buff chick turns out. It's from a SLW roo over a Buff Minorca hen. My "gold hen" hatched me 14 eggs and now is raising 28-30. The...
  2. stuckinthecity

    3some (male) pairing???

    I really didn't know what to call this or how to put it in the title appropriately... But yeah. I have 2 siblings, which both *appear to be male that have paired up. And now they have accepted another male into their bromance. The 3 amigos. I know the largest blue bird is a male. I'm fairly...
  3. stuckinthecity

    Excited for my new pair's clutch :) & general pigeon talk

    Good news here! I have 2 new babies born and a new clutch laid. My late December babies are from a black and white pied roller and a pretty pied homer female I call "Pie". I'm really hoping the pied baby is a hen...:fl AND my little brown(?) or red and white fantail hen finally paired up and...
  4. stuckinthecity

    hen raising chicks- normal weaning process?

    I've had chickens on and off for about 20 years and never experienced a broody weaning her chicks like my current one. This is her first time around at being a mother, and seemed to do an excellent job until she started the weaning process. First she started pecking the largest cockerel (there...
  5. stuckinthecity

    Worming and treating flock for respiratory disease at same time?

    Can you worm your birds AND treat them for a respiratory disease all at once? My gut says no, but then that brings me to a second question. Do I treat for worms first or the respiratory issue? And what are the best medications I can get at a local feed store to treat worms/respiratory infections?
  6. stuckinthecity

    Question about breeding for egg size

    I didn't do a search before posting so sorry if this (or a subject along similar lines) has been asked before, but I was wondering if the size of an egg a hen would lay is determined by the size of the egg she hatched from. That sounds EXTREMELY here's what I mean: I've always...
  7. stuckinthecity

    Birmingham, AL area- looking for LAYING HENS

    Hey, guys. Getting back into chickens (as well as pigeons) and looking for healthy, youngish, laying hens. Breed doesn't really matter, as long as the birds are in the "laying chicken" category (RIR's, Sex Links, Rocks, Orps, etc.). Cross-breeds are fine as well! I am located in Birmingham...
  8. stuckinthecity

    My broody and her chicks! (pics) and plans for my little family.

    They were hatched last tuesday, on the 7th. So, that would make them one week old!!! She hatched 7, but 1 died. (my favorite...) We have 6 little chicks and 1 very happy momma! They are in a separate cage inside the main chicken coop. The last 3 broods she has had have died because of...
  9. stuckinthecity

    Do bobwhite hens ever sit?

    just wondering if they would actually go broody and raise chicks if you gave them a "natural" surrounding. ( lots of vegetation...bushes shrubs, hide holes, that sort of thing)
  10. stuckinthecity

    Will swans nest in a house?

    If you let muscovy hens or a domestic goose raise your swan babies, will they be more inclined to use a house (or the house that they were raised in) to lay and set eggs? Also, will they come back to this house at night? One more question. If the cygnets are raised by the duck hens/geese, will...
  11. stuckinthecity

    Pics of "Before/After" Dual Purpose meat birds?

    Does anyone have pictures of their dual purpose birds (preferably roosters), before they killed/cleaned them...and then a picture of the bird fully cleaned and ready to be frozen? I would love to hear the weights as well. The reason I ask, is I'm trying to envision what my rooster would look...
  12. stuckinthecity

    1 egg a day from 10 hens...?

    Something's not right here. Yes, the girls are on their second year, but still... I should be getting more eggs then this! So... as I'm cleaning up the pen and nesting areas today, I notice a lone egg sitting on the ground on one end of the coop. Hmm... that's odd... So, I bend down, and...
  13. stuckinthecity

    Chicken's diet for a homestead

    Would it be possbile to feed a *free range* flock cracked corn and still get good laying results? I would also supplement them with cow's milk/cream and leftovers from the dinner table. Plus, being on free range would mean they would find all sorts of things to eat. So what do y'all think? I...
  14. stuckinthecity

    Help- broody hen NOT teaching chicks to eat chick starter.

    My Little EE is once again broody with 5 "RIR" chicks (probably production red) and she's not eating the chick starter/teaching them to eat it. She'll "feed" them bread when I give her a piece, and when I sprinkled scratch on to the chick starter she immediately started making the "come here...
  15. stuckinthecity

    Mama, can we help you?

    Well I saw my little grey EE hen run into the coop this morning, and I saw her chicks running after her. And I thought "shoot, I forgot to fill their waterer up!" So I walked over there and I only saw one baby... the little rooster. So I kept looking and I found this!!! I love that hen...
  16. stuckinthecity

    Ever had a pet...... Porcupine??? haha, I want one!
  17. stuckinthecity

    Turkeys and baby chickens?

    In a mixed flock, turkeys, chickens and broody hens with babies...Would the turkeys eat the baby chicks? What if you kept the mother hen in a broody cage within the chicken coop for a couple of weeks to give the chicks time to "find their feet"?
  18. stuckinthecity

    My Own Dogs?!?!

    I am so mad right now i could burst into tears. I looked outside the window today to see my dogs both have a chick in their mouth. DEAD. I ran out there with my towel around my waste and I saw 2 chicks dead, 2 live, and 1 injured. I have no idea what happened to the other 5 but i am soooooo mad...
  19. stuckinthecity

    Saw something today that made me respect turkeys

    At the zoo we went to the petting farm section and began touring the barn and petting the animals. We came to a large 12x12 stall with chicken wire, so I immediately thought "oh chickens!" and ran over to look. It was 2 turkey hens who shared about 10 babies b/n them! And they were good mamas...
  20. stuckinthecity

    Some of my favorites, and (MORE) mama hen and biddies pictures

    Here's my little half banty EE "Lil' Girl" She's so sweet! And this one's "Silver". Her color is my favorite. She reminds me of a Silver Grey Dorking hen becuase she even has the short legs like them. And last, my obnoxious little pig. NOW! For the babies! Woooooo! I love all 10 of...
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