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  1. FoxholeFarm

    What are early symptoms of Scaly Leg Mites?

    My barnevelder hen has some redness on th shanks of both legs and seems like some of the scales on herlegs are slightly lifted. Is this the erly symptoms of scaly leg? If so, how should I treat it? Do I need to treat all my chicken even if they show no symptoms? I have PYthon dust as well as...
  2. FoxholeFarm

    Friendly Cockerels to Good Home

    Hatched 6 weeks ago, and hand-raised on organic soy-free feed. They are extremely friendly and hop into your lap. They are easy to catch while out and about and are comfortable around children and dogs. This ad is for rehoming only as I can just as easily eat them myself when they are big...
  3. FoxholeFarm

    Pullet got stepped on! Help!

    Ive recently been in the hospital so my mother was helping with my nightly chicken duties. She wasn't looking, and she stepped on one of my favorite pullets because she wasn't looking. I put her indoors in a crate with water and the pullet she is bonded with to keep her company. Her cheeping...
  4. FoxholeFarm

    Feather Footed Mixies!

    Show off your feather-footed mixed breed birds! Some of my favorite babies are D'Uccle mixes and they have the fluffier legs and feet!
  5. FoxholeFarm

    What are your favorite wormers?

    Hey y'all, I need to worm my flock soon and I'm looking to get input on various wormer options. I'm interested I hearing what product or remedies you use and why. I have a medium flock of 18 birds so I can do them individually, but would rather treat the flock. We worm the dogs with garlic...
  6. FoxholeFarm

    Breed puzzle - help figure out my little roo

    I did a hatch from a mixed flock. She came out of a blue egg, so mom was almost certainly an ameraucana, and for the past couple weeks I have just assumed that dad was a RIR because of the bare yellow legs and mixed red plumage. However, as his feathers grow in, he has developed white mottling...
  7. FoxholeFarm

    Black orpington hen

    This listing is for a one year old black orpington hen from Just Struttin Farm in Novato, CA. She is skittish, but easy to catch and doesn't mind being held. She does well with standard size and heavy chickens, but is aggressive towards my silkies and polish bantams which is why she has to go...
  8. FoxholeFarm

    Is it bad? (Don't enable me!)

    Is it bad that I'm actually secretly a little tiny bit happy that my mother's favorite chicken is a bully to the bantams? It means I am likely to get a second coop to separate the flocks into LF and Bantams. I'm a terrible person taking advantage of my bantams' plight like this!
  9. FoxholeFarm

    Free blue and red EE Cockerel

    We bought this boy as a chick at Mike's Feed in San Leandro, CA because he was so gorgeous. Little did we know he would turn out to be a boy. We cannot keep him and because he is so pretty, we would rather find him a home than eat him. He has been handled daily for 6 weeks and is sweet as can...
  10. FoxholeFarm

    Wanted: APA or ABA Standard of Perfection Color Edition

    I am getting into showing birds but can't afford the APA standard of perfection guide in color. I hope someone can help me by selling their copy or gifting it. I can afford no more that $20. Thanks
  11. FoxholeFarm

    Chicken Math and how I ended up with 18 chickens

    A little over a year ago I was given a a pair of bantams by a friend who couldn't keep the cockerel. They were a beautiful pair of Mille Fleur D'Uccle bantams. We used to have chickens when I was a kid, but the coop was pretty run down. These bantams were never going to lay much and we had...
  12. FoxholeFarm

    Picking, pecking, and my mixed flock.

    I keep a mixed flock of bantams and standards. Right now it's 8 bantams and 4 standards. The four big girls have seniority here and are picking on my new little ones something fierce. In particular, I have a black Orpington who is at the bottom of the order among the big girls who is actually...
  13. FoxholeFarm

    East Bay Bantams

    This thread is for folks for folks from the San Francisco Easy Bay Area who keep bantams. Bantams are a wonderful solution for many small backyard farmers and hobbyists who like variety in their flock. These days almost every breed comes in miniature and many are great egg layers too! Bantams...
  14. FoxholeFarm

    Protecting the Plants - Advice needed

    Any tips for protecting winter veggies from foraging hens and pullets? I want to let the girls free-range for the winter but I still want to grow some things.
  15. FoxholeFarm

    Can you help identify these?

    I'm posting on the mobile site so I can only post one photo at a time in replies to this. The Roos in the flock were a mature 2yo mille fleur D'Uccle and several RIR cockerels that we only saw one mount from. The hens are a wide variety of pure and mixed birds, mostly heritage including...
  16. FoxholeFarm

    New(ish) Member from Berkeley, CA

    I've been using BYC as a resource for years and finally joined last month. I work at a small feed store and keep chickens. My family calls me a plumage slut because I just have to have every kind ever in my flock, which is hard to manage when the run is only so big. We fluctate from 5-15...
  17. FoxholeFarm

    What to do with a pecked bloody chick

    I've seen lots of threads on the immediate treading but because I went ahead and made a decision before reading up I think it's easier to just confirm that what I've done is enough, and get advice for what to do now. I have one hen-hatched chick that is around a week old that three days ago I...
  18. FoxholeFarm

    When should I assist the zip?

    This is my first incubator hatch. I have a bantam that pipped 24hrs ago and zipped half way overnight, but I don't see a beak up to the egg anywhere. I though pip to zip was supposed to be 24hrs max. How do I know if I should assist with the hatch? How long should I wait for her to finish her...
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