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  1. Happy Novogens

    Bees in the feed?!

    Hey, anybody have any suggestions? I have bees going after the feed in the bucket feeder! I had been seeing one or two buzzing around the opening port on the bucket feeder. Today there were dozens-- around the feeder and in the bucket itself. :eek:
  2. Happy Novogens

    Proper pronunciation of ISA, as in ISA Brown

    Knowing the letters are an abbreviation, how do people actually pronounce the name when referring to this breed? What do you think? Is it like "It's a..." (but without the "t" sound) or Is it like "eye sah..." or Is it like "ee-sah" or Is each letter pronounced "I. S. A. "?
  3. Happy Novogens

    Pronunciation question for ISA

    Silly question but how does one pronounce ISA, for ISA Brown? Is it like "It's a..." (but without the "t" sound) or Is it like "Ice a..." or Is each letter pronounced "I S A "?
  4. Happy Novogens

    1st time dealing with crop impaction -- 4 mos old

    Found one of my baby girls with an oversized crop early this morning. I've massaged it and just put her in a broody breaker crate so she cannot access food (as I was recommended). I've been reading up and seeing suggestions to get her some coconut oil (which we have on hand). I'm also seeing...
  5. Happy Novogens

    3 gals - - thought they were EEs, but not sure?

    These were among our first ever chickens. We got all three from the same family that had a backyard flock for many years. I suspect they were just allowing random breeding from the several enclosures I saw. These were about 4-5 months old when we got them (almost 1 year ago). I chose these 3...
  6. Happy Novogens

    Can two runs/coops be connected with walkway to maintain "one flock?"

    I currently have a 10' x 20' enclosed run that includes an airy roosting area (we live outside Phoenix -- it's 112 F right now). Also contained in that area are the nestboxes, food & water buckets (4 total), wading area (in summer), and dog crate (broody breaker or intro cage). I mention this...
  7. Happy Novogens

    Growing wheatgrass fodder indoors -- sharing my method

    For those interested in growing their own fodder, just thought I'd share how I'm doing it. Before I started, I spent much time seeing (on internet) how others grow fodder and then gleaned info from there. There is a great thread on this forum about growing fodder here (that I read before...
  8. Happy Novogens

    Swallowed snake.

    Not sure whether to be concerned or not. One of my hens just caught and swallowed a snake (pencil thick & about 18" long). The other chickens tried to steal it but she slurped it like a noodle. She's behaving normally at the moment. I'm wondering if the length is an issue. (Snake was half...
  9. Happy Novogens

    Can this Safflower seed be used for growing chicken fodder?

    Is this seed safe to feed if I grow it as fodder? It isn't sold as "growing seed" but I assume it's ok to use.
  10. Happy Novogens

    ISA brown/gold sex link- what does that mean?

    I'm not understanding the sex link terminology. The link here on byc talks only of red or brown sex link (& I did not understand it). This is what was on the label at TCS. Does this mean they are a cross? Between what?
  11. Happy Novogens

    What should I do with this- whatever it is - near vent?

    My store-bought chick has a hard thing on (I think) her fur. It is below the vent opening. Pretty sure it was there when we brought her home 4 days ago. Not sure if I should let it be (will it come off on its own?) or try to take it off. If I have to take it off, not sure what method might be...
  12. Happy Novogens

    One pullet not her usual self. Early sign of a problem?

    My friendliest pullet (she'll by 1 year old in April) is not her normal self this morning. She always greets me whenever I am out back. If I approach the run, she's usually right by the door. When I enter the run, she follows me around. Today she stayed in a secluded spot when I went in the...
  13. Happy Novogens

    What does chicken poop tell me about their health?

    Is there something to look out for in the run? I've read that the time of day can affect what their poos look like. How do I know if something is not right?
  14. Happy Novogens

    Unknown breeds seen in ad. Any ideas?

    I've been looking to purchase our first chickens (hens for laying). On Craigslist I've seen some possibilities. One person posted the following photos. I inquired about their breed and age. I was told they are 4/5 month old pullets, but they do not know the breed. I realize these photos are...
  15. Happy Novogens

    Help comparing among 3 available breeds/mixes

    Hot, dry climate (Phoenix, AZ area). Looking for 3 hens (our first chickens) to lay eggs. Originally was set on Buff Orpingtons. Found someone selling some but they are currently 6 weeks old, so no way to ensure sex. I have found 2 other options on craigs'list. One is for "red star aurcana...
  16. Happy Novogens

    Question on the bucket feed system (DIY)

    Decided to make the bucket feeding system/ Revolutionary for my future (3) hens. We put it together today and am wondering if the reach down is correct. We had to tweak it a couple times. Does this look correct?
  17. Happy Novogens

    Will this work as a ramp?

    Don't have chickens yet. No experience with them. Working on run. Is this something that can work as a ramp to the nest box? If not, what needs to be fixed/changed?
  18. Happy Novogens

    How much overhead space for roosting perch?

    For Orpingtons. How much space above the perch is recommended? (Ie. how close to ceiling? )
  19. Happy Novogens

    How steep an angle to prevent sitting?

    So I understand that flat surfaces (like a small coop roof) that are angled will help prevent a chicken from sitting (ie. pooping) on it. So I was wondering how steep the angle needs to be (roughly).
  20. Happy Novogens

    Oyster shell- anything to know?

    Was looking at oyster shells for when I get chickens. I saw 2 brands at Cal-Ranch -- both 5 lb bags, but one was $7.99 while the other was $12.99. That's quite a variance! Is there any reason? Does it really matter or is there something to know regarding oyster shells?
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