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  1. mirandaleecon

    Duckling with a twisted leg??

    I have a duckling, named Beverly, who is about three weeks old now who has had a rough go at life so far. Her mother was sitting on a nest outside of their pen, so for her safety I confiscated the eggs so she would go back to the pen. Only two showed signs of life so I put them in the incubator...
  2. mirandaleecon

    Home made dog food?

    It seems as though my 5 month old puppy is showing signs of having a food allergy/sensitivity. He's been to the vet a couple times and this is her best guess and makes the most sense to us. We switched his food to a different brand, which he seems to tolerate a lot better, but I would rather try...
  3. mirandaleecon

    LGD issues

    We recently got an Anatolian Sheppard to help keep predators off our land. He is about 5 months old now and we've had him for about 3 months. He seems very intelligent but definitely not a 'people pleaser' like most dogs. He knows most of the basic stuff like 'come', 'sit', 'stay', and 'paw'. He...
  4. mirandaleecon

    Getting chickens used to dogs?

    I have about 50 or so free range chickens and ducks but I have never had a dog with them until recently. We just got an Anatolian Sheppard as a LGD and the chickens are petrified of him. Understandably so because all they have known of dogs was stray ones attacking them and the day we brought...
  5. mirandaleecon

    Broody hen won't stop brooding, even with chicks??

    I believe I may have created the most broody chicken breed ever. Last year I hatched several Easter EggerXFaverolle crosses. They all started laying in Dec-Jan timeframe and by the end of Jan, I had 4 (out of 11) broody hens. Well the first one to have chicks hatched refused to leave the coop...
  6. mirandaleecon

    What's up with this rump?

    Any ideas why this chick's tail is always pointed down? Been that way as long as he's had feathers. Father was a Faverolle and mother was an EE. He appears perfectly healthy but he has a goofy waddle. It's pretty adorable actually...
  7. mirandaleecon

    Processing question?

    This may be a silly question but we are new to processing our chickens; Can you slaughter a chicken and process it the next day? Reason I'm asking is that our birds are all free range and so the only time we can really catch them is once they have gone to roost. By then it's too late (and we...
  8. mirandaleecon

    Ducks and the color yellow?

    So I have a weird observation; my Muscovy drake has a weird thing for the color yellow. I have a pair of banana yellow sweat pants (don't judge me!) I sometimes wear while doing chores. Every single time I'm wearing them my drake tries to make ducklings with me, very aggressively too. Has anyone...
  9. mirandaleecon

    Antisocial or sick chicken?

    I have an Easter Egger who has been acting weird for several weeks. She has been hanging out in the coop or on the roost more often than not. She was going through a pretty rough molt so I figured she was just uncomfortable and didn't want to deal with the rest of the flock. She is now fully...
  10. mirandaleecon

    Hatching chicks for selling-Questions?

    I am starting to hatch some chicks to sell to people and I have some questions for anyone who currently does this; What do you do if you can't sell all of the chicks as day olds? I'm sure there will be times where the demand isn't as high, so I'm just wondering what to do with different aged...
  11. mirandaleecon

    Moving a broody hen?

    Well my White Rock hen, Cliché, has gone broody for the third time this year, in the middle of December. I'm starting to think she likes chicks more than the rest of her flock mates. The problem is, Cliché is a bit forgetful and after her daily walk, she will return to the wrong nest. I spent...
  12. mirandaleecon

    Brown eggs not developing, genetics or fertilization?

    I have been noticing in my hatches that there seems to be a pattern emerging. All of my blue/green eggs always hatch great while a majority of the brown eggs I set either never develop, perish sometime during incubation, or hatch late. I'm starting to wonder if there is some genetic...
  13. mirandaleecon

    Need some ideas!

    I am working on making a turner for my mini-fridge incubator and I'm kind of stuck. I plan on incubating and hatching all in the same incubator but the turner that I'm building will not be chick-safe as is. There will be three shelves that pivot side to side and I'm just going to use egg...
  14. mirandaleecon

    Thinking about getting turkeys, some questions!

    Hello! I have been thinking about getting turkeys and have a few questions... Right now, I have chickens, ducks, and peacocks, all free range. They all get along fairly well (although one drake and peacock have some rough fights every now and then) but I got them all when they were young and...
  15. mirandaleecon

    Alternative to medicated chick starter?

    What is the best alternative to medicated chick starter? In the past, I have used game bird feed but I'm not sure that is the best. It's nearly impossible to find a good source of non-medicated chick starter here. It's usually sold in 5lb bags for more than the 50lb medicated bags cost. Seems...
  16. mirandaleecon

    ISO BBS Ameraucana or Faverolle hatching eggs!

    I am looking for BBS Ameraucana or Faverolle hatching eggs. I'm in Panama City, FL so I can pick up if you are within an hour or two from here but otherwise I would need them shipped. Looking to get as many as there are available (with reasonable price). And maybe more in the future. Thanks!
  17. mirandaleecon

    My new mini fridge incubator! $60!

    I just made an incubator out of an old minifridge. Here's how; I paid $25 for the fridge, but if I was patient, I probably could have gotten one for free. Just posted an add on craigslist, got quite a few responses and a couple were willing to give me one free but they were too far away. I cut...
  18. mirandaleecon

    Where to get real Ameraucana hatching eggs?

    I know it's the off season for buying hatching eggs but I was wondering if anyone knows of a source of quality Ameraucana eggs? So many places just use it interchangeably with Easter Eggers that I feel like I might get the wrong ones. If I have to wait until spring, I will, but I would like to...
  19. mirandaleecon

    Building an outdoor aviary?

    I am planning on building an outdoor aviary for my Macaw and Eclectuses and was wondering if anyone has done this? I've seen a few but none of them seem big enough for them to fly very far. I would like to build it to be about 15' by 30' maybe. Even bigger if it's not outrageously expensive...
  20. mirandaleecon

    Breeding Free Range Chickens-Keeping Breed Integrity???

    Hello! Since I've started raising chickens, I never really thought about breeding them so I always just got whatever was available at the feed store. Now I have a mixed flock, a Faverolle rooster, a bunch of Easter Eggers (which were sold to me as Ameraucanas :/ ), a Barred Rock, a Plymouth...
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