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  1. lexiredhead

    Sick chick?

    Hi!! I have a lavender chick that is hollering her head off unless she can see me but she doesn't do it all day. Just random times she'll start up again. I have recently noticed that she is sneezing a good bit - is she gonna be ok? She acts completely normal and is pretty active. Thank you!
  2. lexiredhead

    Yellow blob on butt!

    Hi!! So I reckon this yellow stuff is unabsorbed yolk but I'm wondering if she's gonna make it? Do I need to do something for her?
  3. lexiredhead

    please help my chicks are throwing up

    It's awful! i went out to feed them and they all ran over to eat but when they started eating they all started to vomiting up brown liquid and they kept eating i fixed their water and they went to drink and threw up again! please help! i dont want them to die... oh and their crops are swollen...
  4. lexiredhead

    All chickens acting weird??

    So I noticed all my chickens will not come out from under the coop? It's like they are hiding?? It's been like this all day and it's been very windy and it thunder stormed last night. This one hen who is usually very active and friendly is now acting "depressed" she will drink and slowly eat...
  5. lexiredhead

    Leg not working??

    So i have this 6 or 7 month old silkie rooster. He was always happy and healthy. Until the other morning I walked out to my pen and he was laying down and i thought ok he's just chilling. So I came out 2 hours later and he still hadn't gotten up so i lifted his body to see if he was ok and he...
  6. lexiredhead

    Chicken with a cold?

    My Rhode Island Red is sneezing and sounds like her nose is stopped up. Is this serious? what can i do to help her? She is acting fine eating and drinking she just sneezes a lot and coos funny. Please help! Thank you so much!
  7. lexiredhead

    Red dots on ducklings feet??

    So I noticed that two of my three ducklings have red dots on their feet almost like popped blood vessels one of the two babies died and I'm really worried please help
  8. lexiredhead

    My duck has the hiccups and they won't go away!!

    So I have a pekin male and he does this thing where he lifts his butt and head then hiccups and sounds funny almost like a donkey sound! He has had them for the past two days and it only seems to happen in the pond?? Please help!
  9. lexiredhead

    Hatching egg!! Please help!!

    Hi guys!! So the egg is hatching I have never done this... I opened the incubator and I put a damp towel under the egg - is that bad will the egg live?!? I also chipped off a pease it's been at least 5hours and he had barely done anything.. Did I kill it?? Oh my gosh sorry I just really want...
  10. lexiredhead

    Please help! Guinea pig bedding?

    I just wanted to know if I Can I use like guinea pig bedding for them? Thank you?
  11. lexiredhead

    The dark egg?

    Hi! So this is my first time incubating eggs... The first egg was supposed to hatch on the 28th. But it didnt. But now when I look at it the shell appears to be getting darker. What is that all about? When I candled it this is what it looked like Is there any way it could still hatch? Thank...
  12. lexiredhead

    Bald chicken! Please help!

    So last night something happened because when I went out this morning she was bald and the eggs she was sitting on we're scatter all over the coop plus her tummy where she plucked her feathers put is wet and it smells funny.. What is happening???? please help thank you!
  13. lexiredhead

    Mean male duck....

    Hi guys! I have this drake who loves to bite me whenever I put my hand near him. He real loves to go after me when I walk away or when i pet his girlfriend. I don't understand this! Can anyone please help me to stop him from doing this? I have already tried grabbing his beak but he still...
  14. lexiredhead

    Which duck to get?

    Hi everybody! How are you? I was wondering which duck to get. I really want the duck to be friendly! To alarm me when something is wrong. I was thinking Rouen, Muscovy, or pekin. Which duck should I get? do you have any suggestions? Thank you!
  15. lexiredhead

    chickens and geese? Can they be together?

    Hi everyone! so i was thinking of selling my ducks and replacing them with a female toulouse goose. Can geese and chickens (which are hens) be together in one enclosure? Will they fight? should I just keep the ducks? If so what kind of breed of goose is the best choice? thank you so much!
  16. lexiredhead

    My drake is mating with my chicken hen

    HI everyone! PLease help me! I have two drakes and two female hens and they are mating. I am so afraid they will get hurt. Should I get two females , a goose to try and stop them mating, or a rooster? Thank you so much!
  17. lexiredhead

    Rabbit breeding and showing?

    hi! So I would like to get three Creme D'Argent rabbits. I would like to breed them - could you please give me some pros and cons- is this a good idea? I would also want to show these rabbits is this a good idea? thank you so much! What's the best breed of rabbits? Thank you so much!
  18. lexiredhead

    Indian runner - too many males?

    Hi everyone! SO four months ago i adopted 2 Indian runner ducklings - well it ends up that they were both males. I got them only for eggs and ducklings. So female wise, should i buy one or two full grown females, or should I get them as ducklings? Would the males over mount her if I get one...
  19. lexiredhead

    Indian runner - can they be friendly

    Hi everyone! Does anyone have a friendly indian runner? Does anyone know how to help me bond with mine? Thank you so much!
  20. lexiredhead

    Silkie chicken help - male crisis

    Hi guys! Pease help me. I have two female silkie chickens and need a male for chicks. Should I buy him as a chick , which have been DNA tested, or a juvenile and quarantine him? I want him to be kind to the females and not attacking me. We are also going to buy two other female silkies. What...
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