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  • Users: Xephyr
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  1. Xephyr

    Chicken Proof Garden's 2015

    So after our lab dug up/ate my old garden ...I gave up for awhile. Then I got chickens......they very cutely ate everything :-) I think I had green withdrawal so decided to Lab/chicken proof and make my own gardens. Here is the first that was ready to plant I used this plastic (very light and...
  2. Xephyr

    Easter Egger - found lost wandering the forest--Rooster or hen?

    So My husband has been working up in the hills nearby and has been telling me of this easter egger that would follow him around at the site begging for food. We started to feel sorry for it as it was getting kinda skinny. He finally brought it home, and I was wondering ...Hen or rooster?
  3. Xephyr

    Can chickens over eat themselves?

    Hi there So I normally steam up veggies and chop lettuce/cabbage etc. tomatoes whatever I have and throw it all into a big casserole dish for my 4 chickens. My husband was concerned that I was going to over feed them ---like they were like goldfish that you can over feed and kill. Is that...
  4. Xephyr

    Are chickens smart enough to stay out of a backyard campfire?

    So my backyard has chickens. Also my backyard has a campfire pit so we can pretend we are camping. Would the chickens be smart enough to stay away from it if lit? I wouldn't want one to leap and fly into it .
  5. Xephyr

    Fun with Worms

    Good Morning! I just wanted to share the little movie I made of my 2 chicks catching their first worm.....and fighting over it. They are so cute! Xephyr
  6. Xephyr

    ReUsable nesting box lining?

    I was reviewing nesting box lining.....those little nesting box pads I have seen look good but are disposable. I am thinking of the vent filters we have that are washable, is there any such thing for nesting boxes that we can wash and dry ?
  7. Xephyr

    Greetings! Yep I'm New *waves*

    Hello everyone! I am loving the site and decided to join. I am new to chickens. My sweet pet Indian ringneck flew away a few years ago. I put out missing posts and stapled flyers in the town. Never did find him or have him come back. After waiting 2yrs, I decided I wanted a bird that doesn't...
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