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  1. AtropineCaffein

    Almost 100% Muck Free Brooder

    It's a good thing ducklings are cute because they can muck up a brooder in 37 seconds flat . This design might have been discovered by others already, I don't get to the forums as often as I should, but this is what I have found that really honestly keeps a brooder almost completely muck free...
  2. AtropineCaffein

    May I show off my mutt ducks? :)

    These are from a clutch of 21 eggs I found out of my ducks (appleyard, cayuga, runner,saxony, "white layer"). 8 hatched. 4 look like swedish (not sure why, I have no swedish) BUT 4 look quite different and very pretty, especially the drakes. They have dark chocolate heads, brown laced...
  3. AtropineCaffein

    Ducks have "hairball"?! Help

    I have eight GORGEOUS (I will try to post a pic--they have laced feathers and come in slate grey and a brown grey). mutt ducks that were hatched out of a runner boy and a white layer (we think. I found a nest of 21 eggs, 8 incubated and hatched). They are about 3 months old. This morning they...
  4. AtropineCaffein

    Warring Duck Factions-Advice Wanted

    Hello All...any advice welcome. Sorry this is long--much like international politics, this is complicated. Last spring we bought a group of ducklings. We were too male-heavy, so we bought a second group of all female ducklings a couple months later. We also got rid of three males. We lost...
  5. AtropineCaffein

    Worth starting a breeding program for green eggs?

    I have a few different breeds. One of the ladies (not sure who, may be more than one) lays pale blue tinted eggs (which is pretty, but also pretty common). However, I also have someone who is laying more green (though not quite olive) colored eggs. Even when the bloom is rubbed off, you still...
  6. AtropineCaffein

    Does getting Rid of Drakes Improve Egg Production?

    We had a flock of 25. We were on the lookout for signs of "too many drakes" and found that the Saxony drakes were ganging up (if one mated, the rest ran over.) and were overmating one particular saxony duck. So we got rid of the drakes last thursday and suddenly we are getting a lot more eggs...
  7. AtropineCaffein

    Pure Saxony and Runner Drakes

    3 Saxony drakes. 8 months old. Pure Holderread stock. Great for farm or meat. Heavy, beautiful, easygoing birds. 2 Fawn and white Indian Runner drakes. 8 months old. Pure Holderread stock. Not skittish, but respectful (when I throw out scratch, they stand a few feet away and just look...
  8. AtropineCaffein

    Free Range Duck Egg Laying Questions

    I have 25 ducks (saxony, runner, welsh harlequin, cayuga, white layer, silver appleyard--we wanted to try a few breeds to see which we prefer). We had be overnighting them in a run and were building them their own run, but they suddenly decided they wanted to stay overnight at our pond instead...
  9. AtropineCaffein

    Dumb Question re: spots in chicken meat

    I bought some boneless (but still had skin) chicken thighs from a local butcher (I have only two meat birds and I need her to lay eggs and him to make her happy until I can get more). Almost every chicken thigh I was going to cook had a small greenish black spot, about the size of a tiny pea...
  10. AtropineCaffein

    Ducks dominating Ducklings--help

    I have three pekins (a duck and two drakes, I believe--yep, I am adding more female ducks, see below). I also have 15 assorted half grown ducklings (saxony, appleyards, 1 cayuga, 4 runners). They are almost fully feathered. I also have a large pond for them. Yesterday, I took the ducklings...
  11. AtropineCaffein

    Duck behavior ??

    We have four Pekin ducks about 8+ weeks old. Three drakes and a duck. After the brooder, we moved them to a section of our chicken run. I went out there almost every day to give them and the chickens scratch, fruit, earthworms, etc. The ducks as a whole are wary but 3 out of the 4 will eat...
  12. AtropineCaffein

    Day 4 of prolapse--Feedback?

    Hello All.... History: we live on a farm with 14 japanese black tailed whites and 4 ducklings. Sick hen is approx 18 months old. The other day we noticed that one of our hens was not coming out for scratch. Her tail was straight to the back (she is a japanese black tailed white, and they...
  13. AtropineCaffein

    Our Dollhouse Coop

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to share the coop that TWS made for our Japanese bantams. :) TWS has been wanting chickens for years, but in AK, it was too cold, too dark, too everything. So we decided to have them when we retired. We had planned to build one big coop when we moved here, but we...
  14. AtropineCaffein

    Hello from Alabama!

    My name is Steph (or Atro, I go by either). My husband (hereafter known as TWS for The Wonder Sweetie), our two children, and I live on some acreage in North Alabama. We moved here from Alaska after TWS (see, you know who I am talking about already! We are going to be GREAT friends.) retired...
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