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  1. jwchicklady


    I have heard that weasels can decimate a flock of chickens in no time. Today I found a dead, baby weasel on my driveway---i think the cats must have gotten to it. Any how that makes me very nervous because now i know there is a momma weasel in the vicinity! I have never seen a weasel in the...
  2. jwchicklady

    I solved my predator problem

    I lost a few chickens last year to coons and hawks, but not anymore. friends of mine had to move out of state and could not take their farm dog with them, so he is mine now and doing a great job of keeping the predators away. He is a collie/shepherd mix and he stays in the paddock where my...
  3. jwchicklady

    I picked up my little girls yesterday!

    I am so excited, I just got 2 8 week old dairy goats and will be looking forward to raising them and then breeding and getting milk next year. They are lamancha/oberhasli cross and are adorable!
  4. jwchicklady

    where to put a window or 2?

    My coop is an 8x8 previous goat house with no windows. I put in vents (but need more)and would like to have a larger window type opening with hardwire covering (covering part of it in bad weather with plywood flap or something). What side should I put it on? The East and South sides are...
  5. jwchicklady

    just wondering??

    why do you have quail? I really know nothing about them. just wondering why quail versus chickens? meat or eggs? do the eggs taste like chicken eggs? as you can see, i am very ignorant about quail, but would like to learn. thanks!
  6. jwchicklady

    grit question

    I bought a big bag of grit from the feed store--I asked for medium grit, but they gave me the fine, chick grit instead. Well I can't take it back because I dumped the bag into a 5 gallon bucket before checking to make sure they gave me the right kind. My question is whether I can still give...
  7. jwchicklady

    what is the difference?

    How can i tell the difference between a black australorp and a black orpington? I just bought a black pullet from a guy who said he got a bunch of different chicks from a hatchery--so he doesn't know what they are. I am guessing that she is either a black sex-linked or black australorp? How...
  8. jwchicklady

    the poor things!

    I just got 6 new pullets from a guy and brought them home--gave them water and they wouldn't stop drinking. I filled up 2 good size bowls and they kept drinking and drinking till it was all gone. They must have been so dehydrated.
  9. jwchicklady

    help with a broody hen--please!

    I had put 4 eggs under my broody hen--they are due to hatch today. (I really think only 2 are viable) Today, I hear chirping coming from an egg, but no pips. My problem is that broody hen is off the nest right now and letting another hen sit on them. I tried putting the broody back in, but...
  10. jwchicklady

    is it a dud?

    my broody hen has been setting on 4 eggs for 2 weeks now. she keeps kicking out one egg, the same one all the time. should I just take the hint that it is a dud and get rid of it? It is a small pullet egg that when candled shows a dark area, but is very porous--lots of blotches on the shell...
  11. jwchicklady

    bantam question

    I saw bantam chickens yesterday for the first time, they were adorable. I have regular size and am wondering what people keep bantams for? are they just for show or fun, I can't imagine they have very large eggs. do you keep them for eggs? or just the fun of it. they are so cute!
  12. jwchicklady

    coop within a large barn??

    if any of you have coops or chicken pens built inside of a large barn could you please show me some pictures? I have a coop out in the paddock, but would like to get more chickens than it can hold. So I have a large barn that had a bunch of our junk in it--we are clearing it out for animals (...
  13. jwchicklady

    would this work?

    I have a broody hen setting on 5 eggs. She was in the main nest box that everyone uses (a community nest) and she was stealing all the eggs,plus trying to keep the hens out of the box. So I put a pet carrier (large one) with shavings in it in the coop and moved her nest. She let me move her...
  14. jwchicklady

    how does this work??

    I have a broody hen setting on 2 eggs, will she keep laying eggs until she has a bunch under her? and if she is sitting on 2 now and then more later does that mean the eggs will hatch on all different days?
  15. jwchicklady

    close call!!

    my chickens were out free ranging today in the woods next to our barn. I looked out the back doorwall and saw a grey fox running across the back hill of our property--not too far from where the chickens were ranging. I ran outside and yelled, sent my dog after the fox and got all my chickens...
  16. jwchicklady

    hen raising chicks?

    I am letting my broody hen set on some eggs and am new to chickens this year so I have some questions. Can I leave her in the coop with the flock or will they kill the chicks when they hatch? She is in a nest box that the other chickens don't use. What do I do once they hatch? just let the...
  17. jwchicklady

    hens pecking roo's neck??

    I just noticed tonight that my hens have pecked all the feathers off the side of my roo's neck--both sides. It looks pretty red and raw. Any suggestions on what is going on and how to stop the girls from hen pecking him?
  18. jwchicklady

    free isa brown roo Howell MI

    I have a 6 month ISA brown roo who needs a home--I got him with 2 free pullets, but hubby won't let me keep him. He respects me as head roo, but tries to go after my kids. He is good with the hens.
  19. jwchicklady

    selling eggs??

    Are there any laws about selling eggs to your friends and neighbors?? Do they have to be in new egg cartons or can I use already used ones? Do you wash your eggs before selling them?
  20. jwchicklady

    free ISA brown roo Howell, MI

    I am looking to get rid of an ISA brown roo that I acquired from someone giving me 2 free hens--her stipulation was that I had to take the roo too. So, my hubby won't let me keep a roo--this one is bout 5months old and very nice. doesn't crow until l let him out of the coop in the morning, so...
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