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  1. greginshasta

    2 sick hens - one older, one young

    Our birds have the run of our large fenced yard during the day. Lots of grass and greenery to peck and scratch at. For the past couple weeks I noticed that a young Polish hen (6 months old or so) has been very sluggish. She comes out of the coop and seems to move around but in the afternoon...
  2. greginshasta

    Broody Phillis under the deck

    Our buff Polish has parked herself deep under the patio deck, directly adjacent to the wall of our home, and is sitting on about a dozen eggs. It took days of her disappearing and showing up again to eat before vanishing like a ghost before I was able to hang out long enough to observe where...
  3. greginshasta

    Full term peeps dying in shell. Help!!!

    We have a hen sitting on a clutch of eggs. Three have hatched but two full termers died before making it out of the shells. Momma hen pushed them out from under her shortly before or just after they died. Why is this happening? It's pretty hot today (90). Are they drying out too fast? They...
  4. greginshasta

    polish hen - prolapsed vent

    On of our Auracana's had a prolapsed vent a while back, and after cleaning/prep-h/shoving it back in 3 times it stuck and she was good. We have a polish whose vent is prolapsed as well, but we can't seem to resolve it. We've cleaned her up 5-6 times now, and kept her isolated for a week in a...
  5. greginshasta

    Dripping + bleeding vent (warning - graphic photos)

    Our Auricauna has had the runs, now it's turned to bleeding. She runs around the yard with everyone else, walks a bit uneasily, and she is gradually losing weight. We put her in a plastic tub at night with water and medicated chick feed. What else would be appropriate help for her at this point?
  6. greginshasta

    Broody Silikes

    2 of our silkies became broody a few weeks ago. Each are sitting on a combination of standard and silkie eggs. Is the gestation period still 21 days? They have been sitting, I'm certain, for more than that. Is it possible that those tiny little bodies are too small to warm 4 eggs? Do I...
  7. greginshasta

    Adventures in broodyland - postpartum broodiness?

    Our dear Momma Maran became broody in the spring so we gave her fertile eggs from a friend (we didn't have roosters at that point), she sat on them and hatched out 5 at the end of May. She did a wonderful job caring for her chicks and teaching them how to be chickens, only separating herself...
  8. greginshasta

    what are these breeds?

    We bought these little cuties in the spring along with some other chicks but we can't figure out what we have here. The black one has feather feet like a silkie, and the black/tan was supposed to be a Lakenvelder, but according to a book they are supposed to be black and white. Theye are both...
  9. greginshasta

    Chicks abandoned by hen

    We have no roos in our flock, at least no mature boys at least. So when our Maran and Australorpe became broody in the Spring, we obtained fertile eggs from a friend. The Maran parked herself first, and the Australorpe followed her by a week. Since both had showed strong determination last...
  10. greginshasta

    Young Polish won't play on the grass

    We have 3 young Polish that are around 6-8 weeks old. A blue, a buff and a gold laced. Not sure why but they differ widely in size. The gold laced is the tallest, followed by the buff who is 1/3 smaller, and the blue is the size of a fat cockatiel - she is simply tiny. Very cute, but what a...
  11. greginshasta

    New chicks and heating

    We have raised a couple dozen chicks, a dozen at a time, keeping them in a large plastic tub with a heat lamp. These are chicks that we purchased from the feed supply. Last Friday our Maran who has been sitting on fertile eggs hatched out 5 chicks. Once the chicks hatched we moved her and the...
  12. greginshasta

    Broody hen playing musical eggs... Help please! lol (5 new chicks!)

    This nutcase hen is making me crazy. We got her a bunch of (hopefully) fertile eggs on Friday after she sat on nuttin for a couple days. I really wish I had marked the eggs with a pencil or such given the events this morning. So on Friday we put the 8 fertile eggs under her and feel like...
  13. greginshasta

    She's going broody again - any point in trying to break it?

    We have a maran who went broody last year. No roo, thus no fertile eggs, but there she sat for over a month. Then 5 months passed before she started laying again, which was just a couple months ago. I know there are posts that discuss strategies to try to break them from broodiness, but I also...
  14. greginshasta

    Bloody egg this morning, bloody poo tonight

    I was preparing eggs today (eggs were not today's but within the past few days) and when I opened one it was totally bloody. Not little spots of blood - so much that I wouldn't eat the others which were already in the bowl becase the amount of blood discolored the entire bowl. This evening...
  15. greginshasta

    chicken coops - $225 (Redding CA Area)

    This is not my post. Just passing it along for anyone who may be interested.
  16. greginshasta

    Soft-shelled eggs

    Cross-posting here since the other post isn't getting any love. Anyone have an idea on what I might do?
  17. greginshasta

    Soft shells?

    One of our hens consistently lays eggs so thin that they break - possibly when another hen gets in the box to lay. If the egg does survive, it frequently has an end that is soft to the touch, and more easily cracked open than the rest of our eggs. We have a seperate feeder with oyster shell...
  18. greginshasta

    Australorpe sitting in empty nesting box (5+ weeks and she's done!)

    What do I do about this hen? She set up housekeeping in a nesting box a couple days ago and won't leave. No rooster, eggs are not fertile, and in the mean time I removed all the eggs that had been left in the box.
  19. greginshasta

    Eggcentric Eggstravagance gets a paint job

    I shared photos last fall when we were building our coop, but as we completed the structure the snow flew, and we completed some of the construction details this season. So here's the status as of today. I have to tell you - I realize that this scale of a house could have been easily avoided...
  20. greginshasta

    Buff Orp - missing since May 28 turns up 3 weeks later (photos)

    One of our BO's didn't come home on May 28. We thought a predator got her. Turns out she had found her way behind sheets of plywood in my barn to hide her eggs. (BTW, 2 days ago we found 25 eggs under the deck where another hen is hiding them.) I noticed our golden retriever has been...
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