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  1. flocktastic

    Any ideas on breeds??

    I had gotten some rare and some "rainbow" pullets random breed choices of the hatchery and trying to figure out what some of them are. 96% of our order should have been pullets with the possibility of having anywhere between 1 & 4 Roos but not sure that anyone is a roo just yet...
  2. flocktastic

    Grow out pens/coops??

    So I want to have 1 or two pens for growing young chickens out (basically to where we can decide pullet vs roo, etc and if we're selling or keeping) So I'd love to see some ideas or actual grow out pens with coops if anyone has any. Say for up to 20-25 chickens. Thank you in advance!
  3. flocktastic

    What is this little one??

    Can y'all PLEASE help me??? Lol this little one has me perplexed!!! What is he/she??? This little one will be 2 weeks old tomorrow and looks pretty different from all the others in its age group! It's not bigger than many of the other chicks but seems tallish when it stretches itself out to...
  4. flocktastic

    Salmon Faverolles owners!!!

    Hi all! Just wanted some input on this breed - I've got an opportunity to get this breed but haven't had them before. How is their egg production? Temperament? Any other info to add?? Thank you in advance!
  5. flocktastic

    HELP! What is up with my older flock????

    So my older flock has 9 hens and 1 roo. Last summer I tried integrating a barred rock in with them and they pecked her like crazy. She seemed ok after a bit and when we went out one day after work, she was near death because they'd attacked her that day and really did a number on her. I figured...
  6. flocktastic

    HELP! Heat lamp vs mama heat pad vs brinsea warmer

    I know this is highly debated topic for many - I'm about to have chicks in the brooder (tomorrow or Wed) and my husband is insistent that a heat lamp is fine - he was raised on a farm, that's what they always did and everything was always fine. We're keeping the brooder in our garage so we are...
  7. flocktastic

    Shouldn't have gone near the chick bins at TSC!!

    I'm already in the Easter HAL and also have chicks arriving this coming week... But DH and I had to run in TSC quick for some cubes and I, of course, had to swing by the chick bins. I saw THE MOST ADORABLE - what I'm 99% sure was a little silkie bantam in the bantam bin...little black (grey?)...
  8. flocktastic

    Anyone ever get charged by Meyer AGAIN after initial order??

    So we placed an order for some chicks at the end of Feb (due here next week) and we got our total (ordered online), paid and thought all was said and done. I was going over our bank statement and see an ADDITIONAL $43 charge, 6 days after our initial order was placed. Mind you, I never...
  9. flocktastic

    American Bresse anyone?

    I've been reading about the breed but wanted personal experiences with them - I've got an opportunity to buy some American Bresse (white variation) hatching eggs from someone local. Thanks for any input! (One picture of the stock the eggs are coming from)
  10. flocktastic

    American Bresse anyone?

    I've been reading about the breed but wanted personal experiences with them - I've got an opportunity to buy some American Bresse (white variation) hatching eggs from someone local. Thanks for any input! (One picture of the stock the eggs are coming from)
  11. flocktastic

    Had to have these!!!

    So my littlest guy (almost 18 months) needed some new t-shirts for Spring/Summer and I saw these and COULD.NOT.RESIST lol! My husband says I'm a bad influence but our little guy already loves chickens! (Proud momma moment!!)
  12. flocktastic


    My mother in law has a blue lacy (male) and we brought her a border collie (female) from someone who wanted to give her up. Both dogs are amazing ranch dogs. Their puppies arrived 3 weeks ago yesterday...she had NINE!!! The most amazing part? The day her pups were born someone local found a...
  13. flocktastic

    Fertile or not?

    This is the first time I checked some of our eggs as I made breakfast this AM, to see if they were fertile...input?
  14. flocktastic

    Incubator recommendations?

    Happy Sunday everyone! Would love to hear/see recommendations for incubators! I'm new to hatching my own eggs & im trying to get an incubator that's pretty easy for a newbie like me to start with. I'm looking to get one asap because I'm participating in the Easter Hatchalong...prospective...
  15. flocktastic

    Help with this girl...?

    So I took this hen from someone local here that was downsizing her flocks about a year ago. She didn't say anything to me about breed or history on her - I know they were well taken care of and I was in a hurry when picking her up along with a couple others that day. I think she looks "black...
  16. flocktastic

    New again lol...

    Hello!!! I came and posted many many months ago and we just got so wrapped up with life, I haven't been back for awhile! So I thought I'd re-introduce myself...I live in North Texas and we finally expanded our flock once my husband built me a bigger coop. I've got 9 hens (varying breeds) and...
  17. flocktastic

    New here!

    Hello! We're assembling "my" first flock...I'm new to chickens but my husband is not. He grew up farming & raising chickens, cows, goats, horses, etc. I have SO many questions though and want to do the best for our chickens! Our flock runs around the same age...we are taking 4 super friendly...
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