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  1. FluffyColor

    Old friends are new again...

    Not sure if anyone remembers me... in case you don't know, I was that girl who was on here back in the dark ages known as 2009 disappeared for a couple of years, came back a few months ago, and then left again. I just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is. I started my new school, and I'm...
  2. FluffyColor

    Chickadee (A poem I thought you all might like)

    Here are some poems about chickens- and the impact they have on one's life (or at least my life)- that I thought you all might like: "Chickadee" Eggs are in the incubator, Temperature 100 exact. I can't believe there's life in there When there is in fact. For three weeks straight it's...
  3. FluffyColor

    I Am Officially Mature and Rational Now

    Hi, you guys. Seeing as I just returned to BYC two days ago after a 3.5-year leave, I wanted to see some of my old threads again from before I left. I was reading some of the things I posted, and now now I have to ask: a) Do you guys have, like, your own language, and I just forgot about...
  4. FluffyColor

    It's been a really long 4 years... I miss you all so much... :(

    Hi, you guys. I don't know if anyone remembers me. I disappeared from BYC around three and a half years ago, and I haven't even gone on here since, until today. You have no idea how much I've missed you all. I saw the web address for BYC in my sidebar a few days ago and I just knew I had to come...
  5. FluffyColor

    How many threads have you bumped today?

    This is just like the 'How many threads have you killed today?' thread. Just tell us how many you've bumped instead. As for me- one, so far.
  6. FluffyColor

    I am freaking out!

    Tomorrow I have an audition for a musical! We have all been waiting for this since the last one ended. I can't believe the 30th is almost here! Now, I was originally going to sign up for the 28th, but 50 people got to the sign-ups before me, therefore I had to sign up for Thursday. The play is...
  7. FluffyColor

    The second 'most posts' thread

    Let's see how many posts we can get this time!
  8. FluffyColor

    15 wk chicken with a waddle...roo?

    My 15 week old "hens" have been doing great. Today, though, I noticed the RSL's comb is bigger compared to the Cochin's. "She" also has a waddle growing. Not big like a grown chicken's though. The Cochin has a tiny flab, but no real waddle. Does this mean "Henryetta" is indeed "Henry"?
  9. FluffyColor

    How many eggs to hatch?

    A few days ago, when I saw a contest for a "pet-look alike", I decided I wanted a black chicken. Buying it as a chick sounded way too complicated, so I decided to hatch a few eggs. I was thinking maybe 3-5 eggs. I can take up to about 5 chickens. I have two already. How many eggs should I hatch...
  10. FluffyColor

    Help me please!!

    Well, today I was reading one of my favorite magazines. I haven't read it in a year. I was looking at the contest they always do. They said their next contest was for a "pet look-alike." My hair is black, so I thought...."if only I had a black chicken...." "Yea, if we kept Blackie..." my mom...
  11. FluffyColor

    Smiley Wish List

    This is a list of all the smilies I would like to be added to BYC: A 'crazy' smiley A smiley for each season The 'devil banana' smiley An 'angel' smiley and I'd like the thunder smiley back Thank you for listening. Post your smiley wish list, together we can make up a wish list and send it to...
  12. FluffyColor

    Funny YouTube video

    This is a funny YouTube video that I found. It's a parody of "Fifteen". There is one curse at the end. Enjoy! The characters remind me of people I know.
  13. FluffyColor

    A Day At Nifty's-Role Play

    Welcome to A Day At Nifty's-Role Play! This is a thread where we role play that BYC is Nifty's house. Forums are "floors", sub-forums are "sections", and threads are "rooms". Someone will have to play "King Nifty." I will be "Queen Terrie", and we will need 5 "moderators". To start a...
  14. FluffyColor

    Chick doesn't like being held?

    One of my chicks, every time I hold him/her, he/she peeps loudly and kicks, once scratching me. The other chicken is calm if you pick her up (I'm near sure it's a her.) Why doesn't this chick like being held? Is that a sign it's a rooster?
  15. FluffyColor

    Is this true?

    I heard that if you keep a roo in a dark box (big, with air-venting holes) He won't crow until you take him out of the box. I could take him out once a day but make sure he keeps quiet. Is this true? -Fluffy
  16. FluffyColor

    I just had the strangest illusion..

    WHY am I on BYC chatting about who-knows-what, when I just got back from a chatroom party, at 12 in the morning, when I SHOULD be in BED? I need some water...
  17. FluffyColor

    Anyone wanna go to a chat party?

    Chat's been kind of dead ever since our ball. I told the peeps in chat I would lasso you all up so we could have a party. Anyone wanna come?
  18. FluffyColor

    Do capons crow?

    I have a chick who I think is a rooster. I've been thinking about getting him caponized. My question is, do caponized roosters still crow? If they do, are theu loud still? Also, do you know of anyone that can caponize a rooster near here?
  19. FluffyColor

    Why does no one understand this?

    I'm sorry, I just had to stop the forum for my silly complaints. As most of you know, my mother has Grade 2 cancer in her brain. Her memory was completely blacked out from about May to February. She couldn't remember anything with a number in it-like Social Security numbers, phone numbers, and...
  20. FluffyColor

    It's raining and cold/ Augcember is a pain

    It's been raining since yesterday, and we're in the lowest temperatures since June 9th!!!! It feels like December over here. I cheered up by pretending it was snow. It feels like it WAS snow- I even saw something white fall. We probably will see real snow in about a month if this keeps up. And...
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