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  1. nickel chick

    worming my peacock

    Can someone repeat the dose of safeguard for worming my peacock and does it really need to be done 4 times a year?
  2. nickel chick

    My peacocks in a tree.

    Yesterday when was cleaning my peacocks pen it was snowing as he went outside. He is out all the time so I didn't see the problem. next thing I knew he had flown up into a tree again I would just call him down by sh. I know he is shaking a food bucket and he would fly down. Well this time he has...
  3. nickel chick

    My IB has lost all his tail feathers

    My IB has lost all his tail feathers and it is not even June. He is in very good health wormed, good poop,eating well and drinking his water and so on. Someone has asked if I had a heat lamp on him last winter which I did. But that's all I got. Why did that matter? Anyway why would this cause...
  4. nickel chick

    It is May is IB losing all his tail feathers? he won't have any left by June.

    He does not have a female but the chickens keep him company. This is this first year he has been let roam he is 4yrs and i have only had him a year. I stay with him till he goes in at night to his pen. His wing have been trimmed so that is not an issue. He seems to want to just sit in the sun...
  5. nickel chick


    I live in Illinois the ground is frozen and It is raining like crazy. So between the melting snow , rain and frozen ground. My pens are flooded with about 3 inches of water and it suppose to snow some more. My poor peacock has a small island about 3foot round that is above water. I am so...
  6. nickel chick

    nipple waterer

    I started using a nipple waterer for my chickens. They figured it out right away would this work for peafowl as well it stays so much cleaner and easier to refill.
  7. nickel chick

    Peacocks and snakes

    This is the second time I have gone down to my peacocks pen ( Picassio) to find he had killed a Gardener snake and was eating it. This one looked as though it had eaten a mouse. We have a lot of these snake in the yard and are nonvenomous (sp?). My worry is will these make him sick or give him...
  8. nickel chick

    3week old rhode island red

    My 3week old is not eating or drinking I was gone over night and she was fine today she is just sitting there next to my older frizzle almost 2months but still to cold at night to put out. I tried making saline water from a recipe I got from here. She didn't make but I held her till her last...
  9. nickel chick

    new chicken

    I have a new phiniox rooster. He has only been here 24 hours and has gotten out of the coop. he is behind our property in 80 acres out brush and trees. We have try to chase him back to our yard but he having none of it. He is out tonight and I am worried he will get eaten. I have put lights...
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