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  1. BuffOrps416

    Chicken's Legs Don't Move - Can't Stand or Sit Up - HELP

    Hello, my 3.5 year old BO's feet stopped moving around and she can't stand or sit up on her own. She makes clear efforts to try and get up but can't. I helped her sit but her body is in a weird position and doesn't bend down to meet her legs (hard to visualize but her legs are down as they would...
  2. BuffOrps416

    Lethargic chicken with green droppings and pale flopped over comb

    I have a 3.5 yr old BO hen who stopped laying a few months back and began molting about a month ago. She has been eating much less than normal lately and Wednesday no one was able to go tend the coop so Thursday she was not doing well at all. She's my last hen and very dear to me so please help...
  3. BuffOrps416

    Chicken Acting Wierd - Not Eating, Not Even Favoirte Treat

    Hello. I am in need of help. My 3.5 year old Buff Orpington hen hasn't been eating much in the last week. She stopped being excited for meal worms today and her crop usually feels almost empty at night. She won't eat her pellet food but a few days ago was eating a little compost and a few...
  4. BuffOrps416

    Healthy vs Unhealthy

    Hello, I have one Buff Orpington Hen, Canela, and like all of you am looking for more information so I can be more aware when she gets sick (which fingers crossed she doesn't). I am looking for images and/or descriptions of healthy/unhealthy chicken behaviors and physical looks. Especially early...
  5. BuffOrps416

    Bumble Foot Help Please

    I have one chicken and I have noticed that she has bumble foot on both feet (one worse than the other). I have found multiple methods including surgery (which I really prefer not to do), Epsom salts, Tricede Neo, and Betadine. The latter was suggested to me by a vet in training I know who...
  6. BuffOrps416

    How often should chickens dust bathe?

    I have one chicken left and she stays in the coop until I get home and then I supervise her while she is outside. She doesn't dustbathe very often so I wanted to know how often is good for hens? Right now she does it about 1 time every 1.5 weeks, but that seems too long of a time period in between.
  7. BuffOrps416

    Back 1/4 of hens comb is purple

    My chicken, Canela, almost always when I see her has a purple/dark colored comb on the back part. I know it's not frostbite or anything because this has been going on even when it is still warm out. I haven't really been able to get a good picture, but on the carrousel on the home page there is...
  8. BuffOrps416

    Motts Applesauce

    So I want to make my chicken a homemade treat block, but I don't want to use eggs as it says in the recipe. I have Motts Applesauce and I know the treat chart says they can eat applesauce, but won't it be too sugary?
  9. BuffOrps416

    Question for People with One House Chicken or One Chicken in General

    So recently a hawk got one of my hens and now I have one left. I don't want to keep her outside unless I'm by her side, so she is staying in a corner of my screened in porch. But, I leave early in the morning and don't get home until around 4 some days, leaving only 30 min before the sun goes...
  10. BuffOrps416

    Only One Chicken Left - Don't know what to do!!!! - Want to make her a house chicken - Don't Want he

    Earlier today I found that one of my beloved girls got killed by a hawk/big bird. After looking for the second one for about an hour, she came out of her hiding place but I don't know what to do. I want her to be a house chicken now because I don't want her to have to be in the coop/run etc. by...
  11. BuffOrps416

    Moving 1, 500 miles away and want to know how to transport chickens!

    I'm sorry, because I probably wrote this in the wrong forum (I couldn't figure out what it fit under), but anyways, I'm probably moving from RI to FL and want to know how to do this with chickens. They have only been in the car once before, it was like a five minute drive in a cardboard box and...
  12. BuffOrps416

    Birthday Cake Ideas for Chickens

    Hello, I know this may sound crazy to some people, but here goes. Soon my chickens are going to turn two and I was curious about what types of "cakes" I could give them and what they would like. Last year, I had the state competition for my school science team right near their birthday and I...
  13. BuffOrps416

    If it's possible, how do I delete a post?

    I'm not sure if this is in the correct forum, but I was wondering if there is a way to delete a post. Multiple times I have said something that someone already said before, but I don't know what else to put so instead of just writing something like "Oh, sorry, I didn't see someone already put...
  14. BuffOrps416

    Chicken with really pale comb. It's super light pink and doesn't look good.

    I will try to post a picture as soon as I find my camera battery. My 2.75 year old Buff Orpington has had a really pale comb for the past two weeks while she was molting, but she finished like 6 days ago and her comb is still extremely pale. Her face is rather pale too. Her comb looks really...
  15. BuffOrps416

    Predator Proofing my Run

    Hello. I have two chickens that are 1.75 years old and they live in a 4 by 4 coop which is on one side of my open topped run which is about 15 by 23 feet. The other day, while my girls were free ranging a falcon swooped down, luckily I scared it away and I've seen this falcon once again. I want...
  16. BuffOrps416


    Hello! Today I fed my two chickens a small normal pretzel each (like the hard ones that come in bags) and I know that things in moderation aren't bad, but just to be sure… Chickens can eat pretzels right?
  17. BuffOrps416

    Do dried mealworms expire? Also, has anyone used the Royal Wing mealworm brand?

    I just got back from TSC and I was buying mealworms, but I saw that on the Happy Hen Treats brand there is no expiration date for the dried mealworms. Do they expire and are they good/ safe to buy if there's no expiration date. Instead I bought the Royal Wing Mealworms that has an expiration...
  18. BuffOrps416

    My molting hen has a pale face , is not eating as much as usual and is acting strange. What should I

    I have a 1.5 year old hen who started molting like a two weeks or so ago and recently she's not eating much but some sunflower seeds and probably bugs she finds. Every day I give both of my girls Purina Layena Pellets and cracked corn and they haven't been eating much. The other day I got home...
  19. BuffOrps416

    Chicken Trauma

    Hi all, last week my two hens were attacked by a hawk or falcon and was about to snatch one when my dad ran to the rescue and scared it away. Now though, one of my hens, the nicer of the two, will not go near me and seems as if she's scared to death and that I am going to hurt her. I heard...
  20. BuffOrps416

    Apple Cider Vinegar - Essential Everyday Brand?

    Hi all, I have two chickens and as winter is getting nearer I want to start giving my chickens ACV. I just remembered today, and I found that I have a one gallon acv from the brand Essential Everyday, and was wondering if it works for chickens. I was reading an article about apple cider...
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