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  1. Critter Crazed

    Day 24 bobwhite quail incubation - nothing

    Hi all! I'm on day 24 of incubation for my bobwhite quail. Temp is 99F, humidity is 70-75%. I put them in lockdown day 20. I have a still air LG. I had one pip about 15 hours ago but I don't think it broke the membrane. It was just a small break in the shell. It moved slightly a few hours ago...
  2. Critter Crazed

    Help with bobwhite quail egg lockdown!

    Hey guys! This is my first time hatching bobwhite quail and I have a quick question! I just candled them all as today is day 20 and there was movement/complete opaqueness in 28/33 eggs (yay!). However, I noticed that only about 10 out of the 28 were almost completely opaque and the others still...
  3. Critter Crazed

    Help with bobwhite quail egg lockdown!

    Hey guys! This is my first time hatching bobwhite quail and I have a quick question! I just candled them all as today is day 20 and there was movement/complete opaqueness in 28/33 eggs (yay!). However, I noticed that only about 10 out of the 28 were almost completely opaque and the others still...
  4. Critter Crazed

    If you need a smile... *major pic heavy*

    Post your cute chicken pics Chicks, chickens, ducks, geese, whatever you want. Here are mine WOW I take way too many pictures! I hope some of them made you laugh cuz I know I laughed when I put these pics up!
  5. Critter Crazed

    Can chickens get depressed? Update: he's sick instead

    I have a bantam cochin rooster in with one silkie hen and the silkie hen recently went broody so he's stuck all alone in his run. He's acting almost depressed-like.. kind of lethargic and I want to know if he's either sick or if he is actually depressed from being lonely. Poor little guy. He's...
  6. Critter Crazed

    My flock

    Well, I've posted a lot here and I thought I'd show you guys pictures of my flock! Here is Colonel, the bantam cochin rooster and then Luna my silkie hen. They're 1 year old now. I hatched them and hand raised them myself! Here's another picture of Colonel. (pronounced like kernal) I just...
  7. Critter Crazed

    Silkie x cochin cross. Rooster?

    I'm not sure about the gender of this chick. I always thought rooster but his brother (definitely a rooster) has such a more prominent comb and wattles. Help? Oh and they are about 5 1/2 weeks old! Here is the question chick. This is Drew! Okay now here's my definite rooster! This is...
  8. Critter Crazed

    4-5 week old Cochin gender? 7-8 week Brahma gender?

    I have a Cochin chick I got at a swap.. I think he is 4 or 5 weeks old. Can you help me on his gender? These pics were taken just today! p.s their water is yellow from their antibiotics. These are from almost a week ago Now I have a buff brahma I also got from a swap. I'm guessing...
  9. Critter Crazed

    One Spoiled Rooster

    I think I've officially spoiled my rooster rotten. I hold my rooster a lot and snuggle with him almost everyday. I let him and the girls outside this morning and I was inside the house when I heard my rooster, Colonel, screaming his head off. I run outside and I see a wild cat. I shoo the thing...
  10. Critter Crazed

    Tetracycline dosage for chicks?

    I have 6 chicks that are about 4 weeks old now. They are on medicated chick starter and I noticed there is quite a bit of bloody poop in the brooder. No other symptoms. I bought tetracycline. I'm confused on the dosage though. My waterer is one quart. Can anyone tell me how much I should put in...
  11. Critter Crazed

    ** NEED some advice. Roo beating up broodies badly

    I have a flock of 6, one bantam cochin rooster and 5 silkie hens. 4 out of the 5 silkies are broody right now. Whenever one tries to go out in the run to get a drink or something, my rooster just attacks her and beats the crap out of her! Not like normal roos will do.. I need to figure out a...
  12. Critter Crazed

    Lots of pictures of my May 14 hatch

    I had 4 silkie cochin crosses hatch two days early. They hatched on day 19! Anyways, here are pics of my hatch!! First of all, here's my incubator! An LG still air. That black thing on the window is a flash light. My first pip. More pips and they are getting bigger! Another pip Pips getting...
  13. Critter Crazed

    My new babies! Hatched May 14! lots of PICS

    4 silkie cochin cross chicks I hatched them myself! They hatched May 14th on day 19 of incubation which is two days earlier than normal! I think they are blue, am I right? I love em!!!! I missed having little chicks around...
  14. Critter Crazed

    Humidity HELP day 18

    I can't get my humidity up! I don't know why! I put three wash cloths and two sponges and a bowl of water in there and it's lower than it was when I put one washcloth in there. Somebody please help I don't want to shrink wrap my eggs. I have a LG Still air and the humidity is at 50% day 18...
  15. Critter Crazed

    Show off your Silkie Cochin crosses!

    Hi. I'm going to let my silkie broody hatch some silkie x cochin eggs and I want to see what they will look like! I've googled images but there aren't very many. So if you would please show off some of your silkie cochins, that would be awesome. From chicks to full grown birds! I have a blue...
  16. Critter Crazed

    Will an unfrizzled frizzle roo give a frizzle gene to his offspring?

    I'm so confused about this genetics stuff.. if this is a stupid question please forgive me! I have a blue splash bantam cochin roo that is an unfrizzled frizzle. Meaning, he was supposed to be a frizzle but he didn't frizzle out. I think his parents were a frizzle roo and a silkie hen. I have...
  17. Critter Crazed

    Does anyone have chickens that think you are their moms/dads?

    I have a rooster. He is 21 weeks old. A bantam cochin. Ever since he was 5 weeks old, every night he insists on "roosting" with me. Right before dusk when it's sleep time, my rooster will literally whine for me. He sounds like a dog! He'll run back and forth from the coop to the house until I go...
  18. Critter Crazed

    17 week old silkie pullets turning red in the combs. Normal?

    First of all, I'm really new at this whole chicken raising business thing so if this is a really stupid question, I'm sorry. My 5 silkie girls are starting to turn red in the combs and even around where the wattles will be growing in. Is this normal? I'm almost positive they are pullets...
  19. Critter Crazed

    Really different colored silkie...

    Anyone else with a silkie this color? It's head is white and then it slowly turns gray! He's really pretty. I had to give him away a week or so ago because he started to crow. I'm just curious if anyone else has seen a silkie this color before. His name is Rambo and he was about 15 weeks old in...
  20. Critter Crazed

    I think my rooster has fowl pox! :(

    First of all, I will take pictures when it is not snowing out so I won't wreck my camera. Which will hopefully be tomorrow. But in the mean time I would like to know any precautions or treatments I could do for my chicken if he really does have fowlpox. I have read up a lot about it but I...
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