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  1. chik magnet


    I'm very new to ducks and don't know anything about them. But I'll be getting some soon, two to be exact, and I don't have the a clue what kind they are. My uncle picked them up on the after he almost ran them over on the road. When they get here I'll try to post pics, but till then I need some...
  2. chik magnet

    Chicks feathering question

    I have three silver lakenleder chicks that are 9 weeks old and I bought at the feed store.( their suppose to be pullets ) They have feathers on their heads and necks and some on their wings but thats about it other than a few feathers here and there. My question is whats whats taking them so...
  3. chik magnet


    How do you keep a more constant humidity level . I have a cabinet incubator and Its really hard to keep it level .
  4. chik magnet

    Hatching eggs

    I'm looking for some Welsummer hatching eggs .
  5. chik magnet


    I know you can make a coop out of them I just don't know how. So if you have a pallet coop or anything like it can you post pics or plans .
  6. chik magnet

    Cleaning incubators

    What do you use to clean your incubator ?
  7. chik magnet


    Can 9 week old chicks eat scratch?
  8. chik magnet

    Australorp X Black Jersey Giants

    Would I get a good sized good laying bird.
  9. chik magnet

    Raw meat

    Deer season started a couple of weeks ago and my family has shot some deer and I was wondering if you could feed your chickens raw meat cause I have plenty of it.
  10. chik magnet


    Its been down to the low 40's over here and I was wondering if thats to cold for chickens. I went out today and saw that the tips of my roosters comb have a purpleish tint to them. Is that caused by the cold? If so how do I help him?
  11. chik magnet


    I Don't know were to put this so I guess this is the best spot.I have read that you can cross a Delaware rooster to a RIR hen and get chicks of the delaware color pattern.Is this true?
  12. chik magnet

    What to Feed?

    What do you feed a meat chicken?
  13. chik magnet

    What to feed?

    What do i feed to 2 month olds?
  14. chik magnet

    Barred Rocks or Cuckoo Marans?

    I hope I posted in the right post. I resently bought 6 BR pullets well what I thought was a BR but know i'm wondering if their Cuckoo Marans. How do you tell the difference between the two ? One of the pullets has yellow legs while the rest have white legs.Sorry no pics , their around 8 weeks old.
  15. chik magnet


    My RIRs lay in the late morning to early afternoon , will they ever lay in the early morning like around 7:00 or soo?
  16. chik magnet

    Wanted Delawares in OK

    Does any body have delawares they can sell?
  17. chik magnet

    Wanted:Delaware chicks near Oklahoma

    If your willing to ship delaware chicks I'm want to buy some.
  18. chik magnet

    Will they Fight?

    I am a newbie here and to chickens and I want to add to my flock of 5 RIRs.What I want to know is if I add a couple of different breeds to my existing flock would they fight.
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