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  • Users: blueclip
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  1. blueclip

    Racoon in coop

    Found a racoon sitting in one of my nestboxes in the coop this morning. Luckily, all of my birds are fine. I chased him out and he went up a tree, my questions is do I have to worry that a racoon was laying in the coop? I'm obviously going to throw away the eggs that he sat on but is there...
  2. blueclip

    Shotty rooster tail

    I wasn't sure where to put this, but my one year-old Dominique rooster has a really bad tail. He had a good tail up until 10 months old and then it started to fall apart. It's more like a half tail he does not have the large circle feather that is characteristic of a rooster. He has been this...
  3. blueclip

    Super interesting question for ya

    Hey! I had two roosters, a dominique and a dark brahma bantam in with 8 hens. I lost the brahma to a fox a couple of months ago after he and the dominique just turned a year old. Now that he's gone, I've noticed that my dominiques spurs have grown much larger in a short period of time. Is this...
  4. blueclip

    Sickle Feather-less

    Hi, I've noticed that my 1 yr old Dominique rooster has been missing his big sickle feather on his tail for the past 4 months or so. Why is that? Will it grow back? He just turned one and hasn't molted yet. Thanks.
  5. blueclip

    Red star eggs

    My red sex links just started laying the other day. They are in with a flock of dominiques and the dom eggs are much bigger (see pic below). I was told that red stars lay extra large brown eggs. Is this because they just started laying? Will the eggs get bigger?
  6. blueclip

    Does a rooster crow change over time?

    My guy is 11 months old and has a decent crow although it is pretty high-pitched. Does it get deeper as he gets older and/or does it change at all?
  7. blueclip

    "Reds" from Tractor Supply

    Hey all! I picked up these three pretty ladies today. The owner told me that she got them at tractor supply and that it said they were "reds." She asked if they were RIR's or something else, the employee was unable to answer because he/she did not know. Anyway, here are some pics, please let me...
  8. blueclip

    Bubble eye

    What's wrong with this hen's eye?
  9. blueclip

    RIR or Red Star?

    So I'm about to get some more hens and I put an ad up on craigslist and a lady near me who doesn't know much about chicken breeds said that she has "reds" available and that she got them from tractor supply. She asked the person working there if they were rhode island reds and they did not know...
  10. blueclip

    Effects of free-ranging vs. confinement

    Can confinement make chickens aggressive? Inversely, can free-ranging make chickens less aggressive? Picture this scenario, let's say you have a flock of RIR's, if you let them free-range would they be less aggressive vs. cooping them up? This is an otherwise "bossy" breed, I'm wondering if...
  11. blueclip

    Dropping new chickens into a flock

    Just dropped three 2.5 month old chickens into my established flock of seven 10 month old chickens 4 days ago. Was this a bad idea? How long will it take for them to integrate into the flock? I have separate feed and water stations and they all stay in their own space. My lowest ranking hen will...
  12. blueclip

    Australorp hens or roosters?

    Someone near is giving these lovely birds away. Trouble is I can't tell if they're girls or boys, please help. Thanks.
  13. blueclip

    Chicken butt

    This hen walks VERY slowly. Notice how her butt is in the position to either poop/lay. I picked her up and tried to put pressure on a certain area to see if I could "squeeze" out whatever might be in there. Does she have an egg stuck? If so, what should I do? And can she die from this? Please help.
  14. blueclip

    Adding a dog to the flock?

    I've been thinking about this one for the past two days now: Is it a good/bad idea to get a dog to protect your flock of chickens? Here's my scenario: I have a small backyard flock, my backyard is about an acre of flat land with some surrounding trees and I live in a colder area. I had a fox...
  15. blueclip

    Introducing a to?

    Would you go about introducing a rooster to an existing flock (hens only) the same way you would with a hen? I heard it's best to introduce any new chicken by partitioning them with chicken wire so that they can see each other but not touch each other, would this apply to roosters as well? Or...
  16. blueclip

    What does a rooster do when a new hen is introduced to the flock?

    Ok so actually I have a question before I get to the main one: When's the best time to introduce a new chicken to the flock? Some say at night, some say keep them separated so that they can "see each other but not touch," and then let it loose after a week. Any thoughts/experiences to the best...
  17. blueclip

    What breed of roo would you recommend?

    Which roos are generallt good towards humans, yet good at protecting their hens? Please give name of breed and your personal experiences with how they were. Many thanks.
  18. blueclip

    Does anyone own/ed dominique hens and/or roos?

    I'd like to know if these birds get along well with other hens in a mixed flock. I would like to add some different breeds to my flock of doms. Tell me, arethe doms toward the top of the pecking order in a mixed flock? They seem calm and friendly to me, but are they mean and bossy to other...
  19. blueclip

    What's the difference between a welsummer rooster and a black copper maran rooster?

    Anyone know the difference? The only difference that I found was size, and maybe the coloring of their legs. Other than that how would one tell the difference? or IS that the difference? P.S. has anyone ever owned a rooster in either of these breeds? if so, how were their temperaments...
  20. blueclip

    Low-quality pic...hope someone can still help

    This is a sentimental pic of my grandfather's chickens. I say sentimental because he's gone now and I loved his chickens. I am actually in the pic with him as well as my two sisters however I cut all of us out so you all would be able to see the chickens better. Anyway, it would be good to know...
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