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  • Users: tess36
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  1. tess36

    Has anyone taken chicks from outside to put with single chick inside?

    I took two, one week old chicks from a mama to put with a single chick (from same clutch) that's in a brooder to give it friends. Has anyone done this? Backstory novel for context: I had a Silver Hamburg go sneaky broody on me and she appeared last Saturday with six chicks according to my son...
  2. tess36

    Questionable malposition with external pip, let it ride?

    Today is day 20 on six Lavender Orpington eggs in the incubator given to us from a friend. The friend had apparently left eggs under the hens until the day before he passed them onto my husband to bring home so I have been worried about different development stages from the beginning, but I've...
  3. tess36

    Malpositioned chick.

    Hello. This is my first time incubating and hatching eggs. The eggs are from my own chickens. I had 6/7 fertile. Two BCM and four blue eggs (could be my Isbars, Legbars, or blue laying mixes). Obviously, the four blue were easy to candle and gauge development. The BCM, not so much. I was...
  4. tess36

    Day 23-25, broody still sitting, no sign of chicks?

    Hello. I posted over the weekend about my broody BCM we discovered sitting on 5/14 under a mower. On 5/17 I saw her briefly out to address her needs, I counted 12 eggs while she was off. A little later I found a dead chick. Members here estimated chick's age at 19-21d. She does not appeared...
  5. tess36

    Broody mama on the ground (dirt), day 21, no discernable action

    I posted a couple threads on Sunday afternoon/evening about my broody Marans. She went sneaky broody on me under a mower in a pole shed, on bare earth. We did not discover her until this past Thursday.. On Sunday, I actually saw her up eating mid-afternoon. I ran over and counted 12 eggs...
  6. tess36

    *Trigger* (pic included) How to tell age of dead chick

    I'm sorry if starting a new thread that is tangientally related to the one I just posted is a no-no, but I have a new issue. Beside my broody hen (under a mower) I found a broken egg. When I went to remove it, I found a dead, wet chick next to it. I'm not sure if I should post a pic, but I'm...
  7. tess36

    First time broody hen and first time human overseer

    Hello! I apologize in advance for what's probably going to be a lengthy post. I've got a Black Copper Marans that got sneakily broody on me. This is her first clutch and my first time worrying about one, lol. About a month ago, one of my three BCMs met me at the food bowls early in the...
  8. tess36

    Barred Rock broody in the cathouse, leave her?

    Hello everybody! I've not been on lately with keeping up with the small boys, but my flock has been doing great. We finally culled our WCBP rooster last Wednesday night after nine months of everybody telling us to. This morning I found my Barred Rock in my cat's house. She did not come when...
  9. tess36

    Raptor (I think a Red Tail) vs LF Chickens & WH Ducks?

    A couple weeks ago I had a raptor attack. I just happened to be next to a window when I noticed everybody scattering; ducks running under the Tahoe and chickens in the process of flying under the azeala bushes up by the house. I realized, as my mind was still trying to process what I was...
  10. tess36

    Blood on egg, should I worry (pic in comment)?

    I'm pretty sure that I know which two of my three EEs are laying as I have witnessed one leaving the coop after singing her egg song and finding a warm blue egg and a couple weeks later surprised another in a nesting box, only to find a blue egg in said box approximately an hour later. They...
  11. tess36

    Venison stock leftover veggies for chicken treat?

    I have about 1.5 cups of onion, carrot, and garlic cloves I have from my bone stock I've been cooking since yesterday. There is no salt added yet, just venison shank and hindquarter bones and the veggies. I'm still a little fuzzy on the definition of 'leftovers' for chickens. The crock pot...
  12. tess36

    Was this egg fertilized and already starting to develop?

    I am very much a newby and we just started getting eggs two weeks ago tomorrow. I've seen pics of the bullseye on the yolks searching here, but what I have seems past that point, or not that at all! This egg was quite larger and weighed 67grams as opposed to the 40-47 grams my other eggs from...
  13. tess36

    Population planning for upcoming spring

    I have fourteen hens and a cockerel that is about to get the axe, literally, due to unprovoked aggression issues. I know I don't have to have a roo in my flock, but I have grown accustomed to the crow and presence of some 'yardly testosterone'. My run and coop was built to the 4/10 rule...
  14. tess36

    I'm conflicted about my roo, advice welcome

    I have a WC Black Polish cockerel I received free with my order of fifteen chicks the end of May. I have always respected his role as head man on campus and have never attempted to 'cuddle' with him like I have some of my hens. I have always given him berth but have also never 'shied' from him...
  15. tess36

    Do I have WH drakes in my mix?

    My six WH ducks turned six weeks on Monday, and except for the fact that 'nobody loves me', they are doing fantastic. They are supposed to all be ducks, but I have two that I keep looking at and wonder if they may be drakes. I can't really tell by voice because they move around the yard 'en...
  16. tess36

    3wk WHs outside and nightime temps

    I graduated all six together to the 'big girl brooder' yesterday and they all love being together. At the time the lowest predicted nighttime temps for a week out were not lower than right around 50. Now there are weekend nighttime lows predicted into the upper 30s! I'm in central Virginia...
  17. tess36

    Big girl duck poo! Give it to me straight, I can take it!

    My sister and I both have just recently fallen down the feathery rabbit hole of chicken ownership this past spring. Loving our chooks, we decided to get some WH ducks. We both settled on three each. Even though we both felt that we had adequately researched what we were in for we have both...
  18. tess36

    Dead 4wk old chick, immunized at hatchery

    I posted a bit ago that one of my barred rock chicks died tonight while i watched. A poster suggested treating for coccidiosis. My concern is that my chicks were immunized for this before shipping and I found a few different sites that mentioned not to treat if previously immunized. Does...
  19. tess36

    Just watched one of my four week Barred Rocks die, worried about my other chicks.

    Hello all, I have lurked for a while in preparing to ne nrw chick owner, but just joined tonight. I have sixteen four week chicks of varying breeds. Yesterday my husband changed their water and fed them as i had worked the night before and he was trying to help me. He did not note anything...
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