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  • Users: Mutt Farm
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  1. Mutt Farm

    Foreign language? What just happened?

    I returned to NEW POSTS. The page is in a foreign language. I shut down, ran a virus scan, checked my settings re-booted, the whole page is whacked! How do I fix it?
  2. Mutt Farm


    Does anyone give out an info sheet when they sell fresh eggs? So many people here are trying farm fresh eggs for the first time. I was hoping to find an information sheet that describes the benefits, differences in color/texture, nutritional benefits etc. I was hoping to find one on the threads...
  3. Mutt Farm

    What's Up With This? Mini Egg?

    Crazy tiny egg. I only have 3 blue layers, all laying consistent nice sized eggs, usually 2/3 per day. 3 blue eggs yesterday, then this today. ??? Is there a Robin in my coop? Guess one has a hitch in her getalong.
  4. Mutt Farm

    Give Me Back My EGGS!

    This is WAY to funny not to share! Edit to add the right video!
  5. Mutt Farm

    What predator is killing your chickens?

    Predator Management for Small and Backyard Poultry Flocks I found this article and thought it might be useful to many.
  6. Mutt Farm

    PAY IT FORWARD, a feel good thread

    Howdy! This thread is about sharing, lending a hand. Feeling good about helping a neighbor, someone in need, doing good deeds. Ideas to help a community, innovative programs or just giving some eggs to someone that's struggling. A thread to reaffirm that folks are kind and to share the joy of...
  7. Mutt Farm

    Yikes! "Overrun with chickens"?

    What happened? I was just "chillin with my peeps"! I thought that was funny, especially with how hot it is here and my hen sitting on a block of ice.Guess at 500 posts the title changes? Need to hush up and find a new avatar.
  8. Mutt Farm

    Trick to catch a Lovebird? Help?

    This is a long shot: A beautiful lovebird showed up in my trees 2 weeks ago. He chatters and chatters. It breaks my heart. He stays up high. He won't last with no food and hawks. Doubtful, but does anyone have a trick that might work to catch him?
  9. Mutt Farm

    FACT or FICTION Boil eggs with lemon? Peel easy?

    FB post said boiling fresh eggs with a lemon wedge makes the shell slide right off. Anyone tried it? Fresh eggs are a buggar to peel!
  10. Mutt Farm

    Vanilla REALLY works! These stinking FLIES!!!

    IT WORKS LIKE CRAZY! Hi all, there's a thread on BYC that said Vanilla car fresheners worked great for repelling flies. Yeah, right...but I was at my wit's end, so I tried it. IT WORKS LIKE CRAZY! I can't get over it. No kidding, I had thousands of flies coating my barn walls, my garage...
  11. Mutt Farm

    My Ice Cold Clean Water for 5 days Maintenance free project

    Summer heat and watering is challenging here with my chickens. 100-105 deg isn't uncommon. I love having them, but need to keep the workload low. Needing to be home to put ice bottles in the waterers and change them every day got old quickly. I got creative. Here's my solution. DIY nipple...
  12. Mutt Farm

    Really dumb genetics question-inbreeding

    Hope this the right forum, looked like the closest match. I see that lots of folks order a bunch of straight run chicks of a certain breed from the same source. If I want to raise babies of a certain breed and let the babies I ordered at the same time breed, wouldn't they possibly be inbred...
  13. Mutt Farm

    Don't understand the importance of "non GMO"

    I see folks searching for the $$$ non-GMO feed for chickens. Why? I found this article. Eggs in their natural state — in their shells — are not a genetically modified (GM), or bioengineered food. In fact, neither chickens nor eggs are genetically modified. While the large majority of corn and...
  14. Mutt Farm

    Nest Box help from the Eggsperts please?

    I have a couple questions. 3 BO's 19.5 weeks, 3 EE's 18 weeks, the rest are younger. No eggs. Nest box has been in the coop for 1 week, Timothy hay bedding, fake eggs in 2 boxes. Chickens don't seem even slightly interested in the boxes. Boxes are on 2 cinder blocks, so say 20 in off the...
  15. Mutt Farm

    Nipple Waters on Coolers?

    Hi again, more advice needed. I started an extreme desert heat thread and would appreciate any suggestions. I want to build a nipple watering system on a cooler, like the round construction coolers. Can anyone who has done this tell me which nipples will work and can someone tell me how many...
  16. Mutt Farm

    Battling Extreme Desert Heat

    Hello from So California! Living close to Palm Springs, extreme DRY heat is a constant. 95-108 isn't rare. I was hoping to start a thread specific to HOT arid conditions and chicken keeping during a drought. Keeping happy chickens. I'm envious of foliage and green grasses and the bugs. Other...
  17. Mutt Farm

    Nest Box is done

    After reading the do's and don'ts on BYC, we finally finished building the nest box. I'm really pleased. We re-purposed an old whelping box, so it's a little overbuilt, but only needed to buy 2 1X3's. It has a slanted roof to discourage becoming a hangout as it will be inside the coop. We...
  18. Mutt Farm

    Roost question

    What is best height design for a roost? I made this one , it's 4' H. My EE's seem to want to be WAY higher. Is this one alright for 15 hens?
  19. Mutt Farm

    Catching Chickens for Dummies (me)

    So...I hope this amuses ya'll. I'm a brand new urban chicken mom. My 5 mo Easter Eggers are sketchy and flighty as heck! Roosting on top of an 8' barn stall wall! So Dad says "gotta clip a wing". Right? But that means I "gotta catch a chicken! Hmmm... K. So I watch videos of how to chase them...
  20. Mutt Farm

    Feeding different Ages

    Question from a newby I have 15 egg chickens. Oldest are 5 mos, youngest 7 weeks. do I hold off feeding lay mash or let the youngsters eat it?
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