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  • Users: Bleenie
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  1. Bleenie

    Sandy looking teeny mitesi

    I tried to find it online but couldn't. Someone here had told me the name before but I forgot :( My new rooster had bad mites when I got him. Treated him with Ivomec and then followed with sevin dust. Well he's got them again and I can't recall the name of them and I'd like to treat them...
  2. Bleenie

    Best way to treat Red Mites? Horribly Neglected Rooster

    I recently got a new rooster, I wasn't able to pick him up myself so my sister went and got him for me. when I got home to check him out I discovered he was severely infested with Red Mites. Ive only ever dealt with poultry Lice and have always used Ivomec topically to treat & prevent them(has...
  3. Bleenie

    Looking for a Coop ive seen here before....

    I cant seem to find this one coop im looking for. The pictures were from inside the coop and also from a house deck above the coop. It was a very large enclosed area, with gravel paths and little area where the chicks could always get fresh grass, very whimsical-looking coop was built inside of...
  4. Bleenie

    Differences between African and brown Chinese goslings

    My sister recently brought me a pair of "brown Chinese" goslings from the feed store, problem is that I know they sell Africans as well and they have them more often than BC. I'm thinking my "female" might be an African instead of a BC because she's a little stockier and had solid colored feet...
  5. Bleenie

    hen with infected vent

    I was trimming up everyones butt feathers tonight because they were pretty nasty from the rain lately. My oldest wyandotte hen , who has ALWAYS had a huge butt poof, had a god awful smell coming from her rear and after grabbing her to get a better look I discovered she has what looks like maybe...
  6. Bleenie

    I want to SCREAM, I want to cry!!

    I have been having some trouble with my 2yr old(in Nov.) female Chihuahua. She's been fully housetrained since she was about 4 months old but recently has been having 'accidents'. she has had 3 so far and ALL three have been on my bed! She's not sick, acts healthy, goes potty regularly...
  7. Bleenie

    SIGN UPS: "Blocks of Hope" Granny Square Swap (Cancer Awareness)

    2013 "Blocks of Hope" Cancer Awareness Granny Square Swap **Changed finished square size to 8" x 8" due to not being able to find any 6" patterns.** Theme: The theme of this Swap is "Blocks of Hope". This theme is based on the different Cancer Awareness Ribbons & giving hope to loved one(or...
  8. Bleenie

    LaMancha mix goats?

    Does anyone here have any goats that are LaMancha mixed? I have 2 Nubian, 1 Nubian/Nigerian mix & an alpine, they're all Does and should be ready to breed soon and I was Really hoping to find a nice Nubian buck for them but my sister is dead set on buying a little LaMancha buckling so I'm...
  9. Bleenie

    Blank Canvas - Needs a Coop!! What would you build here?

    We've decided to rotate the birds back into a field they were in a few years ago. Their old coop is now claimed by the goats though so new construction is a must, YAY!! Below is some info about what I'd like to have but I am very interested in getting other peoples' input as far as what kind of...
  10. Bleenie

    Sewing patterns for Cancer Patients?? having a hard time finding any!

    My grandmother was recently diagnosed with Lung Cancer and I am hoping to find some patterns for chemo caps or possibly even pajama-type clothes to make her. Having went through chemo myself i know how sensitive your entire body can be from the medicines so I am sure she will appreciate some...
  11. Bleenie

    Silent, SUPER fast & kills at night. What is it???

    Over the past 4 days I have lost a total of 4 ducklings & 2 chicks(tonight). The ducklings that were lost were pekins and a Buff, these were good sized babies, outside without a light at nights. the chicks that were taken tonight were 5 month old cochins.... including our favorite frizzle :((...
  12. Bleenie

    Prolapsed Chick... Why??

    One of my newly hatched chicks prolapsed what looked like ALL of it's insides. This isn't an emergency anymore, i decided right away to put it out of it's misery. But I would like to know if anyone knows what causes something like that to happen to a brand new chick??? It was fine, running...
  13. Bleenie

    Gosling ID: Embden or non-tufted Roman?

    Picked this sweet little guy up with a female Tufted Roman a couple weeks ago. They looked identical besides his lack or tuft so we just assumed he was a RT without a tuft. He's a couple weeks old now & we lost his female(hawk) and I am also starting to wonder if maybe he's Not a RT... any...
  14. Bleenie

    HELP: lamb with listeriosis - what can i do?

    A friend has a young lamb with listeriosis. I picked the baby up today to try and help but it doesn't look good to me. I am wondering still if there's Anything at all I can do to save this guy. I don't keep sheep so have no experience with them. Any helps appreciated.
  15. Bleenie

    STILL sick...

    I have been treating a large bunch of chicks for the past week. we split them in two groups for easier treatment. I kept 21 here and sent 20 to mom's place. there was some blood but i was unsure what the 'full' cause was so i treated with Sulmet & Durramycin. They're all acting better but...
  16. Bleenie

    need some help - finding angle for coop

    Needless to say I am awful at math. I am trying to figure what the degree of angle is for one of the brooder doors i have to build. left side: 28 3/8" right side: 20.5" base: 46 1/8" top(angled part): 46.75" I am hoping someone can tell me how to go about finding the angle. searched all over...
  17. Bleenie

    Need Ideas: Quarantine Coop / Area ?

    I am converting an empty shed into a brooding area. I am thinking of adding a quarantine space below the brooding space. Would love some ideas or to see some pictures of how you guys have yours set up.
  18. Bleenie

    Old, Dying Cow - Dog Food?

    A neighbor has a very old Cow that went down again(happened last year too). He mentioned yesterday that he was going to have to put her down. I am planning on asking him if I might take her to butcher for dog food. If he says yes I am hoping he might want to bring her down in his tractor bucket...
  19. Bleenie

    Internally Laying?? UPDATE: Death by Rubber Egg ***Graphic Pics***

    I noticed today that one of my Hens was acting lethargic and I hadn't seen her come down from the roost. I left her be for a while but when i gave the birds their treat she finally came out but was very slow moving and tired-acting. not really pale or anything but just wasn't acting active, like...
  20. Bleenie

    BREED ID: mystery Blue chicks

    Our local hardware store had chicks for the first time this year. They had some adorable blue ones so I went ahead and bought what they had of them. They're standard breed so I am hoping they're a type of layer. Standard chicks, single comb, blue down with white wings, slate-colored legs
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