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  1. C


    So looks like it's gonna be a trail cam set up, putting one of the cats out there or me "going camping" in the barn. I found rodent poop in a feeder! HOW how how how how did that blankity blank get in???? Last time I found rodent sign in there I found that they were getting in by the gutter...
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    Cosmopolitan Rednecks And The Neighborhood Chickens

    OK, so, for as many pictures as we take of our chickens and as much as I go on about them I figure why not just start a thread of my own about these little feather headed fluff butts? So here I am. I may ramble from time to time but if that's ok by you, well read on and feel free to let your...
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    We lost our Tippy After 2 trips to the of which was going to do procedures Wednesday Feb. 10th...we lost Tippy. On the morning of the after the second vet visit, she was so much worse we decided to call it. There was no...
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    Barn Cleaning Fun Run

    OK so I had this need to spend time with my teen chickens this morning. Quality time, you know? Their hen house is basically a barn in micro-fashion. 8 x 5 x 12 center height with a mini loft. We even painted it red and we store their hay bales in there with them along with feed buckets, D.E...
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    over crowded chickens

    My wife's about to do a chicken intervention....she's away with girl scouts this weekend and just texted me they came across a 5x10 coop with 3 hens and 4 cocks...everyone's pecked to near bald around their necks and heads
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    trying to figure how to do a movie sorry if it dont work

    <iframe src="" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Cricket n Chickens</a> from <a href="">WJ Pielmeier</a> on <a...
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    2 roos

    OK so 2 of our young hens turned out to be handsome young roos. From what I hear from like a million people, it's "got to get rid of one" to they'll be fine since they grew up together long as they eat, roost and hang out together." Well, they were raised together, have slept side by side...
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    Figured it out...

    Took a few early evenings hanging out with the chickabees before nightfall but I figured out what Tippy's been staring and clucking at me for. CHICKEN RIDES! 2 FOR A DOLLAR! Think I'm doomed to give her piggy back rides to the hen house for bedtime now that I let her have her way...
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    OK, Is Our Sweet Gentle Norma a Norman?

    , Ok folks! Is our sweet, sweet as can be Norma a Norman? 10 - 11 weeks old young chicken, Norma is the more.. "manly" looking light sussex in the picture. Not that it would make a difference...we LOVE her/him. Sweetest chicken ever! Loves hugs.
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    10 -11 week old our sweet, gentle Norma a Norman?

    We have 4 great young chickens we love dearly. One of the twins looks...manly. Should we rename Norma, Norman?
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    Can't find "spa treatment" vedio

    So few days back I came across this story oh how this gal noted one of her chickens not acting her usual like. Story had a picture of this horror show...close up..ew. Poor darling had a soft shell hanging out of her port side. She gave it a "spa treatment" and this particular shows this...
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    New chicks for "cosmopolitan rednecks"

    That's my wife's handle on us, city dwelling rednecks. She's the light of my life and a born n breed Tampa Florida girl. I'm a transplant from parts near and far, last place being El Paso, Tex. We just got 4 lovely little girls, Marilyn, Thumbelina, Norma and Jean. (buff orpington, speckled...
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