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  1. Bridebeliever

    One Chick Hatched Not Drying Off

    I'm brand new to incubating, first timer. I had one chick hatch sometime around 4am, it's now 12pm and it still looks damp not fluffy at all. Is this a DUH, because the humidity in the incubator and it won't dry off till I take it out? I have 11 more eggs in there that aren't popping yet and I'm...
  2. Bridebeliever

    Australorp? Jersey Giant? Mix?

    I got a day old chick from a neighbor because her hen was rejecting it and my hen had just hated her babies the same day. I put the chick under her and she took it so hooray! Anyway, the neighbor didn't know what the chick was, thought it was a mixed or barred rock. It looked just like my...
  3. Bridebeliever

    CDC Safety Information for new chicken owners

    Oops it was a bad link...sorry
  4. Bridebeliever


    I've been at this for 6 full months so I'm NOT giving up easy...frankly I refuse to give up because I know how awesome compost is! Here's my pile: It's about 4 1/2 feet high, I completely turn it anywhere from 2 to 4 days. It's composed of chicken poop, pine shavings and dried leaves. I...
  5. Bridebeliever

    Why Extra Nesting Boxes

    I have three nesting boxes and 11 impatient pullets...
  6. Bridebeliever

    My FIRST blue egg! Cracked and EATEN!

    Well I was utterly thrilled and completely disappointed when my adopted Araucana of unknown age laid her first egg for me yesterday. I walked in to the coop around 8am to find in on the floor broken and half eaten! From the Araucana board the members guess her to be around two years old...
  7. Bridebeliever

    Anyone Good At Guessing Araucana's?

    I got this girl last week from our Humane Society. She was dropped off there at night with several Araucana roosters. They didn't know anything about her! Can anyone tell by these pictures about how old she is? I don't know anything about this breed. Thanks! Here she is hanging out with the...
  8. Bridebeliever

    Humane Society Adoption WhAt Is It?

    Couldn't resist! So cute with its absent fluff bottom! It was there with other "no fluff" bottoms. Any idea what they are?
  9. Bridebeliever

    16 Week Old SLW

    I usually feel pretty good guessing the gender of everyone else's chickens...why can't I figure out my own?!? This young chicken is 16 weeks old and I was feeling pretty confident that ALL my chickens were pullets. Until I noticed this tail feather the other day!!! Ack! And I was taking a...
  10. Bridebeliever

    What You Love & Hate About Yourself

    The New Year is here and everyone loves a good resolution right? Well, I hate dieting so I thought I would focus on something else. So here's the rules: 1. All BYC rules apply 2. NO physical traits, only personality traits. One that you love about yourself and one that you hate. Maybe we can...
  11. Bridebeliever

    Owl IN My Coop!

    I just had the SCARE of my life!!! (Well, with my chickens anyway!) It gets dark here at about 4:15-4:30. My daughter or I usually go out at 4:30 to close up the coop. Tonight we were late, she went out about 5:15. Well...there was a FLIPPING OWL IN THE COOP!!!!!! A huge flipping owl...
  12. Bridebeliever

    The Great Rhode Island Red - Production Red Debate!

    Suffice to say this topic is driving me a little crazy! I know there are several knowledgeable BYC'ers online right now so I'd like your thoughts. It seems every time a person comes on to ask innocently about their Rhode Island Red chicken they are kindly, or not, pat on the back..."No dear...
  13. Bridebeliever

    Anyone Good at Guessing Andelusians Gender?

    I'm amazed at how undeveloped the combs are on my Andelusians! They will have the biggest of all my chickens yet at 7 weeks old they currently have the smallest. Here they are:
  14. Bridebeliever

    Next up in the Gender Game My SLW

    Well here's the other one that has me guessing Roo because of the early color in the comb. Also 7 weeks old. Also because of the color change here on the back
  15. Bridebeliever

    The Andalusian Picture Thread

    When I got my Andalusians I knew very little about them. They were an add on whim...a little chicken math at work! I could find very few threads on here to read about them and not a great selection of pictures on Google to see them as they develope. I've been documenting their growth in...
  16. Bridebeliever

    Guess the Gender...GLW

    I know you all love playing this game! I do too! I love seeing everyone's guesses and posts. In all my reading of these posts I have found people have a more difficult time with the Wyandottes. I have a guess on this one but I want to hear from you all first. The GLW is hatchery stock. It is...
  17. Bridebeliever

    Cement floor Coop and STINK!

    We have a 7x15 coop with 9 chicks that are 6 weeks old and one Pullet that is 7 months old. It's a cement floor. The base is pine wood pellets and then there's leaves all over the top. The last two days it has really begun to STINK. I'm really hoping I can fix this. I would like to have a...
  18. Bridebeliever

    Chickens Are Like Cars!

    Yes, I said chickens are like cars! You know how you shop for a car? You test drive, you go from lot to lot, you read about them decide on the PERFECT car...and then you wind up with something totally different!! Yeah, kind of my experience with chickens. Tons of research on...
  19. Bridebeliever

    Video of my Coop - Ventilation?

    The question is in my video, but it's about the ventilation. Thanks to any that can answer!
  20. Bridebeliever

    Sneezing Chicks VIDEO QUESTION

    Don't know if this will it a try!
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