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  • Users: MissMonty
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  1. MissMonty

    Lets talk nest boxes!

    We have added a lot of a lot. :gig We have a huge coop (big outbuilding we turned into a coop) and we are dividing out to multiple coops but for the main egg laying flock we should end up around 20-30 hens we will end up keeping that will be in the main coop. I've only have 5...
  2. MissMonty

    Ayam Cemani - Take a guess? (6 weeks)

    What do you all think so far? Is "Rex" a pullet or cockrel?! I have been leaning towards cockrel for a while now but this week I'm not at sure. He is right at 6 weeks old
  3. MissMonty

    Lots of snow in Ohio, toddler demands pictures so we stop for a picture! <3

    My youngest loves to help with the chickens "Nacho" is his favorite and she lets him carry her around everywhere. (Ignore her missing tail, we unfortunately had a run in with a predator, thankfully we found were it got in and fixed it before anyone was killed. Just some missing feathers) In...
  4. MissMonty

    Asian Black Genders?

    It may be too early but I'll post updated pictures as they get older. They're roughly 5-6 weeks old I believe (I got them 3 weeks ago from Rural king in they were super discounted because they were too big and growing feathers about to escape their bins lol). I am starting to believe I have a...
  5. MissMonty

    Hello stinky brooder.....

    I clean our brooder regularly. Its in our laundry room in the house currently so I don't like the nasty chicken smell so I keep it very clean. Well Friday I cleaned the brooder, scrubbed it down completely, like DEEP clean. Yesterday evening I noticed they had tipped over their water jug. It...
  6. MissMonty

    Rough day for some of my baby goats <3

    Its been a bit of a rough day for one of my groups of babies, its weaning day! Momma pretty much has already self weaned them but they just hadn't been away from her yet. They're not so happy about being separated so my boys gave them some extra loves! (They've been getting loved on since day 1...
  7. MissMonty

    My Ayam Cemani hatch-a-long!

    So I tried to hatch out some eggs last month, only had a single chick hatch out of 8 eggs. Big bummer! I had a couple days where my humidity was really off so I think that came into play a lot. So I'm trying again, I set 29 eggs this time! 3 of which are pretty old and were lost in the mail for...
  8. MissMonty

    Pygmy goat ready to pop!!

    One of our pygmy goats is ready to pop! Her udder got huge over night! Her due date is Feb 3 but with how she's acting I'm wondering if it'll be sooner!! She's really timid and scared of people or I'd feel for ligaments to get a better idea on when she'll deliver but for now I'll just keep...
  9. MissMonty

    Rex needed a new friend....

    So recently we had hatched out a single Ayam Cemani chick. I was REALLY not looking forward to having him alone but none of the other eggs hatched. So I went on the look out for some buddies, I asked around all the local chicken people I know but unfortunately its just not the time of year most...
  10. MissMonty

    Anyone want to take a whack at feather sexing a day old Ayam Cemani?

    Meet "Rex", he hatched out yesterday. Anyone want to take a whack at feather sexing him/her? I believe Rex is a Roo but he is the first one I have ever tried to feather sex so I was hoping to get more opinions! Plus heres just some photos for fun <3
  11. MissMonty

    Help get to the bottom of what went wrong

    I'm always trying to learn from my mistakes. On 1/2/21 I added 8 Ayam Cemani eggs to the incubator. They have low hatch rates compared to other breeds AND they were shipped. So lots working against me. I candled around day 14, 2 had no development at all so I tossed those right away leaving 6...
  12. MissMonty

    ....and I thought chicken math was bad....I am out of control with hatching eggs that I had one chick hatch I must think I'm like the hatching guru because I now have 27 more Ayam Cemani eggs on their way...... Which leads me to my problem. In this buying spree (bought from multiple sellers) I wasn't actually counting how many eggs I was buying in total until the...
  13. MissMonty

    Egg pipped over 24 hours ago

    How soon until I should worry? The first egg pipped over 24 hours ago and made some progress over the day but then zero progress since last night. I can still hear him chirping in there. He pipped a day earlier than expected, the other 3 eggs in there that developed this far haven't started...
  14. MissMonty

    Rescue Mission? Help me decide if I should do it or not!

    Someone local just posted looking for someone to pick up some chickens. Didn't say number just that there is hens and roos both. Apparently they were at a trailer park that is being demolished but were abandon. The person who picked them up doesn't want them nor keep them she just got them out...
  15. MissMonty

    Going away for the weekend - what to do with the eggs

    We are taking a quick trip away this weekend and I currently have Ayam Cemani eggs in our Nurture Right 360 incubator. Its super dry in my area in the winter so I find myself adding water every 2 days or so. The eggs have 11 days from hatching. We are leaving this Friday and will return home...
  16. MissMonty

    Finally! Ayam Cemani eggs are here!!

    My Ayam Cemani eggs have finally arrived!! This is actually the second batch I ordered, the first batch is MIA with the post office....still (it was supposed to arrive almost 2 weeks ago) I ordered these and had a moment of panic at first when they were late but they arrived a day later so all...
  17. MissMonty

    New years additions!

    We have been raising and breeding goats for a few years now. Pygmies, myotonics (fainting), and mixes of the two. We decided to step back from the mixes and invest in some registered stock :) One of our first goats was a well bred registered Pygmy buck but all of our others were unregistered...
  18. MissMonty

    My poor eggs :(

    I have not been having good luck with my eggs this week. Yesterday I picked up some hatching eggs from a friend's farm. Nothing super special just barnyard mixes to test the incubator with. Got home, sat them on the table next to my incubator because today I was due to get a few other eggs in...
  19. MissMonty

    Winston, our mini horse, had a bad day yesterday

    Yesterday was the day I finally got around to having a vet out to geld the little booger! Its been getting put off due to COVID but it was time! Here's the face the poor boy gave me after he woke up, clearly he's a little mad at me....if looks could kill
  20. MissMonty

    How long to test incubator?

    I just got a Nuture Right 360 incubator in the mail yesterday evening. I set it up last night to get it tested and I have a separate temp/humidity gauge in it to check for accuracy. So far it was auto set to 99.5F and 52% humidity. So far so good. The separate guage is sitting on the outside...
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