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  • Users: TheTwoRoos
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  1. TheTwoRoos

    Weight loss/very concerning

    I have a quick health question.I have an Orpingtons who is over a year old who has lost an extreme amount of weight.The bird use to be fit, and great in health then suddenly she started having soem appearently problems.About 2 months ago I noticed the bird had a literal egg shell hanging out of...
  2. TheTwoRoos

    Hens breeding hens/Masculine chickens

    So I need soem help understanding this.I have a year old polish HEN,100% girl,who is most defiantly all FEMALE.Lays eggs,has female feathering so and so fourth.I have these two brown favorolles in my flock who are older then the rest (not sure picked them up way alst year when my birds were...
  3. TheTwoRoos

    Constipated chick + turkey issue

    I am in need of help for one of my chicks.I wasn’t sure where to place this as it’s involving two different situations so I figured here would be ok. One of my bantam is having serious issues using the restroom.I have cleaned it’s butt several times but it just gets reclogged up,and then it...
  4. TheTwoRoos

    Chicks and cold weather

    I currently picked up 7 chicks and two turkeys from the feed store.I have been dealing with chickens for awhile however this will be my first time keeping them in the shed and my first time purchasing them this early.I live in Missouri and it’s gotten pretty warm very early here (compared to...
  5. TheTwoRoos

    Are foxes more intimated by male dogs?

    Curious if anyone knows the answer to this.I am having a fox issue,and this issue actually went away for awhile.I currently have a Great Pyrenees,who is a male.I wanted a boy because I feel as if when it comes to predators and other dogs males are more Intimidating.I am just assuming this based...
  6. TheTwoRoos

    Fox Thread,share tips

    Thread for people having fox issues,I need tips on getting rid of them.My “Fox Issue” originally started years ago,up until my pit bull reached his teen years and became the yard defender,he was the reason the fox issue actually died down,other then oen time when we shot oen.Him and our other...
  7. TheTwoRoos

    What’s this roosters breed

    Woek up this morning to get a text from mom saying her coworker had a rooster show up into her yard.Were the only people she knows with chickens so I figured hearing about the condition he was in,why not.I love roosters.Currently have four.Two adults,and two babies.This guy will be coming home...
  8. TheTwoRoos

    Can’t stress this enough,get your puppies parvo shots!

    I recently picked up a lab mix about a week and a half ago.I also found an abandoned puppy.Every Hong was going good till Monday morning.I noticed my puppy become quite lethargic although at first I thought it was him being lazy.The behavior worsen so I thought it could be the new feed we...
  9. TheTwoRoos

    Toms or Hens?

    I was at a local store and they were having a poultry sale and I decided to get a few chickens and ran across the guys while I was there.Though of having turkeys has cane to mind and finally decided to get them.I would say they were about two weeks when purchased and are about five maybe six...
  10. TheTwoRoos

    Blood in poop along with worms

    Have been noticing blood in my hens (I have 20+ Birds)poop,as well as worms.Quick picture Only found this one.None are acting relatively sick,other then one hen separating herself from The flock regularly,but she isn’t acting ill,did just switch them to a new feed they have been on it for about...
  11. TheTwoRoos

    Tips on potty training pups

    About a week and a half ago I got a lab mix,come along two or three days later I got a Great Pyrénées.Its fun having puppies until they get to lazy to use the restroom and get in bad habits of using it in the house.The lab is Max,usually good about pooping but this morning he was lazy and...
  12. TheTwoRoos

    Rhode Island Red thread

    Figured is make a new one since I have not seen any lately. Just to show them off and talk About them Here is a few of mine-
  13. TheTwoRoos

    Bully pullet,what to do

    I have a flock of all different ages.Hatche don’t five chicks and picked up three chicks awhile back to add to my broodies bunch of chciks.I later on picked up two Easter Egger hens,and two Buff Orpington pullets who were about two months at the time.Its now a couple of weeks since we have had...
  14. TheTwoRoos

    How much would you sell a rooster

    I recently hatched out two cockerels.Both mixes.Based on looks.One may actually be a pure New Hampshire and the other night quite possibly be a Production red.I also have a Cochin bantam who may end up going out the door (quite possibly they may all stay)depending on who I choose to stay.Their...
  15. TheTwoRoos

    How I sex my chicks

    Making this to help out and because I’m bored,but Also because I have actually been accurate on all my roosters and hens do I must be doing something right. I get chicks almost every spring and right off the bat begin guessing their genders.A lot of what I base off is behavior,although it’s...
  16. TheTwoRoos

    New puppy new training help

    The craziest thing happened today.On Thursday I picked up a lab mix to keep my German Shepherd company while they take on the wild outdoors together.He listens(Soemwhat) and I love him dearly actually cause he isn’t that difficult to train.The owner had him in bad conditions so I’m sure he is...
  17. TheTwoRoos

    Lab/Mastiff mix-How well are these as farm dogs?

    Just curious.Went and picked up a puppy and he is lab/mastiff mix,mainly lab though considering his parents are lab and mother is the lab/mastiff mix do her son we picked up isn’t too much mastiff. Recently wanted him because my German Shepherd needs a night/outdoor buddy and a “Killing” buddy...
  18. TheTwoRoos

    Do roosters mimic hens nesting behavior?

    No,I am no talking about the courting behavior,I am legit witnessing a mimicking behavior in my three year old manly roosters Zeus. He has been a great guy and has a huge obsession with nests,showing hens where to nest,showing new pullets where to nests,lobes to court his ladies.But,he does...
  19. TheTwoRoos

    Roosters spurs won’t quit bleeding help

    recently remover my roosters old spurs to expose the new,their we’re getting long so I used They potatoe method and this morning he is still bleeding,any suggestions,or is it no big deal.
  20. TheTwoRoos

    Which roo more stressful-young or old

    Recrntly hatched two male chicks along with a few pullets and went and bought a few more pullets from tsc. I currently have been debating on who should go and who should be separated.As I can’t make any huge decisions with the two sons being only five weeks old. I breed from a rooster who has...
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