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  • Users: pntdhorses
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  1. pntdhorses

    Rooster has poop clogging vent

    I have had a ongoing problem with mostly roosters in that they seem to get a adult version of pasty butt. Their poop hardens and clogs their vents. I had two little D’uccle roosters die last year. And I currently have 3 more roosters that I have to constantly monitor and bathe to remove the poop...
  2. pntdhorses

    Need insight on anyone that has experienced Blackhead

    So today I lost a two month old Royal Palm turkey Poult to what my vet said was probably blackhead. she literally was fine up until this morning when she was lethargic and started having mustard colored poops. No signs of any illness before this morning. She and her sister were hatched by my...
  3. pntdhorses

    Raw Apple Cider for mites?

    Has anyone ever sprayed Raw Apple Cider directly on chickens that have mites. I tried it for the first time and it actually seems to kill them! I sprayed directly on the mites.
  4. pntdhorses

    Help, Can’t get rid of mites off of Rooster

    I have a Frizzle Polish Roo that had a bad mite infestation. I’ve tried everything that I can think of to rid them from him but after almost 2 weeks he still has them. Not as bad so I’m obviously killing some but I can’t believe I can’t get rid of these things! He was very weak and mostly likely...
  5. pntdhorses

    Who has Midnight Mystic Marans?

    So I had a weak moment at the feed store today which I’m thinking I’m really gonna regret. They had 3 remaining chicks labeled Mystic Marans which I had never heard off. There are probably a little over a week old. Going by there very pale and small combs and wing feathers, I’m thinking I could...
  6. pntdhorses

    How do you keep chicken run from smelling?

    Every Spring I struggle with odor control in the outdoor chicken run. When the rains come, so does the godawful smell after. I use sand along with First Saturday Lime but it really doesn’t help much. I have heard that wood chips ( not mulch) is the answer. Problem is that I don’t know how to...
  7. pntdhorses

    Mama Hen left nest for a minute while eggs are hatching!

    I am so freaking out!! My broody hen just left the chicks that are in the middle of hatching to eat and drink! I chased her back on the nest but now I’m afraid she just sealed their fate by leaving them for a minute during this crucial moment when they need her humidity to complete the hatch...
  8. pntdhorses

    Removing some eggs from incubator to put under hen. Yes or No?

    I have 11 eggs in my incubator with 5 days to go until hatch. I also have a broody hen. Am I screwing up my chances of hatching by removing 6 of the eggs to put under my hen? My thought process is that it will increase the odds of having a good hatch vs the unknowns of the incubator. But I’m...
  9. pntdhorses

    Anybody ever used Cornstarch to get rid of mites

    I was just wondering if you could dust a chickens vent with cornstarch as a solution to rid of mites. It seems like that would be a very natural way to smother them.
  10. pntdhorses

    Help! Respiratory problem?

    I have some sort of respiratory thing going on. One girl was making noises Saturday morning. Immediately took her to the vet. Did x-rays, everything looked clear. She had no discharge coming from eyes, nose, mouth. He put her on Meloxicam and Panacur in case of gapeworm. She is much better but...
  11. pntdhorses

    Need help regarding ill Mute Swan

    This morning my female swan would not eat. She will not even attempt to drink or dabble. She just floats very slowly around on the pond. My guess is that something is wrong with her neck in that she isn’t moving it. I don’t see any swelling or obvious injury. I lost a male swan 3 years ago...
  12. pntdhorses

    Mandarin Drake question

    I’m pretty sure that I have a Mandarin Drake from some eggs I hatched in May. Unfortunately he was the only one to survive out of 3 that hatched. His bill is pink and he’s got the stripes on his sides like a male. Also I can see some orange whisps starting on his head. My question is that it...
  13. pntdhorses

    Why aren’t Black Copper girls laying?

    I just purchased 3 Black Copper Maran hens on September 21st from a local Swap/Sell meet at Tractor Supply. They are around 6 to 7 months old and just were starting to lay. I have them quarantined in a very comfortable space in my barn and they seemed to have settled in nicely. I’ve have...
  14. pntdhorses

    Question regarding breeding Blue Birchen to Black Copper I have a Blue Birchen Maran that layed the most beautiful eggs but just stopped completely. She is only 16 months old. No mites, no sickness. Thinking maybe she started an early molt as she quit laying 1st part of August. So very disappointed but I found some young Black Copper Maran...
  15. pntdhorses

    Help! Mom pecked baby as it was hatching

    I have 2 broody hens that I put Mandarin Duck eggs under. One hen is fine. One of the ducklings has already hatched. The other broody hen started freaking out the more the baby started hatching. She started pecking the duckling and now it’s little wing is bloody and I’m scared it’s gonna bleed...
  16. pntdhorses

    Roaming Dogs coming in and killing yesterday

    So, one of my biggest fears came true yesterday. Two dogs that almost looked coyote like but had collars on came through and attacked my two guineas. Luckily it was raining so none of my chickens were out free ranging or I’m sure it would have been a slaughter. The guineas were out because they...
  17. pntdhorses

    Looking for fertile Swan Eggs

    We have a mating pair of Mutes but it’s almost impossible to get any cygnets as the raccoons keep getting their eggs. I would love to hand raise some babies. Does anyone know of someone with fertile eggs that would be willing to sell?
  18. pntdhorses

    Help! Don’t know if I should assist Cygnet ready to hatch

    i have a swan egg that was rescued from predators. My EE hen has been sitting on it to see if we could hatch it. Well 2 days ago, I heard peeping from the egg. I also heard peeping yesterday. So in all reality, I expected to see a pip this morning but there is nothing and now I can’t hear any...
  19. pntdhorses

    Need Hatching advice for swan eggs

    We are having a heck of a time trying to get Cygnets. We’ve had our swans for 4 years and this year, they finally probably have fertile eggs. 2 years in a row the nest has been raided. However, this year was horrible as our male who was protecting the nest was brutally slaughtered by something...
  20. pntdhorses

    Is this a rotten egg?

    I’m currently letting my broody hen lay on Mandarin Duck Eggs. I’m guessing this one is rotten and am ready to toss it. It’s very discolored with black markings here and there. No other eggs look like this. Am I correct in assuming that?
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