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  1. plaidpantsuit

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Whatcha'll think? Thanks!
  2. plaidpantsuit

    Pullets or Cockerels? Icelandic

    Icelandic, about 4 months old. Thanks!
  3. plaidpantsuit

    Emergency CoolerBator time! Tips please!

    Due to a series of unfortunate events, I have eggs but no broody. it's my first time diy-ing a foam cooler, first time using an incubator, first time hatching by myself! Ahhh, what am I doing? Scrounged up a reptile heading pad, two accurate probe thermometers, humidity sensor, water tray and...
  4. plaidpantsuit

    Question about rooster 'gameness'

    I'm introducing my 5 hens to their first (gamefowl) rooster, all has gone well, a few bloody scurfuffles with my top hen through a fence, but they all settled down, and free range together now. Been doing a lot of research here on rooster behavior (he's my first) and there seems to be two main...
  5. plaidpantsuit

    Breed Identification Help?

    These three handsome specimens adopted my yard after wandering all over the neighborhood for months. I asked around in a wide radius, no one has any info, so I guess I'm keeping them! (they're in quarantine now) Anyone know what breed they are? Is the rooster a different breed? Hamburg? Some...
  6. plaidpantsuit


    I have three free-ranging hens, given to me (as pullets) last autumn by my next door neighbor. At the same time she gave another neighbor two of the same clutch. Apparently, living conditions have been unsatisfactory at neighbor#2 (small cages, neglect, underfed) and one hen dies. Tsk, tsk...
  7. plaidpantsuit

    Treatment for possible trachea/windpipe puncture?

    Racoon attack yesterday night on my 6 month old Wyandotte resulted in what appear to be puncture wounds on neck and comb area. Visually, damage seems minimal, just neck bruising. But she is so lethargic and limp, doesn't stand or even sit up, no drinking or eating on her own, super limp neck...
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