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  1. Lamaremybabies

    Polish crosses

    So I’ll be getting some eggs to hatch from a family members friend, and she has black jersey giant and California white hens and a silver laced polish rooster. So I was hoping there would be people who have already crossed these breeds and could show me what to expect? I’m a highly impatient...
  2. Lamaremybabies

    Hens legs and feet are turning green

    Hello, My friends have a hen who hasn’t been doing well for quite a while oily green poop, keeps tail completely tucked, trouble walking/standing, and just now noticed that her feet and shanks have turned green... she eats a ton, drinks, and her comb head looks nice and bright, and she’s quite...
  3. Lamaremybabies

    Should I put my rooster down?

    I wasn’t 100% sure where to post this so I’ll do it here.. I have a rooster who is two years old, he hasn’t been doing well at all this winter. It’s been really cold and he got too cold and was almost frozen. So I brought him in the house for a couple weeks, and he got a little better but I...
  4. Lamaremybabies

    Hen keeping her tail down and walking funny

    hello everyone, I’m looking for assistance with diagnosing my friends hen. She told me her hen has been walking funny, keeping her tail down, and sleeping on the floor of the coop at night. I asked her to look at poop and she said it all looks good, her comb and eyes look great and there’s no...
  5. Lamaremybabies

    Fermented feed

    Now I know there are a bunch of threads on this and I have read a few, but I have some questions about fermented feed and figured it was easiest to just ask instead of spending hours searching all the threads for my answers. So I have heard about fermented feed a long time ago and know how good...
  6. Lamaremybabies

    Duck genetics

    I’m planning on hatching some ducklings when my girls start laying again, but this is my first time where I don’t have a pure flock. I don’t really know anything about how the color genes work and was wondering if anyone who does could explain? I have four pure pekin hens and a chocolate Drake...
  7. Lamaremybabies

    What kind of duck is this?

    I'm not currently home and this is the only picture of the duck that I have. My family was contacted this morning from a neighbor asking if the duck was mine, it's not but we are the only house on the street with ducks. So we are going to catch it and see if (I'm assuming it's a male) he gets...
  8. Lamaremybabies

    Gander mounting ducks

    I got a three month old pilgrim gander a few months back to protect and accompany my four pekin ducks after my drake was taken because they were acting depressed. Anyways, my gander is super sweet and loveeees the ducks and they obviously like him but... he has started trying to mate with them...
  9. Lamaremybabies

    Pallet shed ideas?

    I currently have two small coops one of which I bought super cheap (which I realize now is because it is super cheap) and is starting to fall apart, housing 16 chickens, 4 ducks, and a goose... Plus I have a broody with 13 eggs under her. I'm hoping to keep all females that hatch and sell the...
  10. Lamaremybabies

    What should I expect?

    I'm away on vacation and my father is watching my animals for me. He just contacted me saying he found that one of my hen has stashed a bunch of eggs away and is now broody. I told him to let her have have the eggs to hatch sense she went through all the trouble to be able to. Anyways my only...
  11. Lamaremybabies

    What kind of egg?

    Not sure if this is the right area to ask this but my chickens are moulting and I started getting one egg a day but it's a small egg that non of my known layers eggs look like. I have 14 hens (possibly 15, one of my silkies has me confused) 5/6 of my hens are laying age and I know one of them is...
  12. Lamaremybabies

    Possible gape worm in duck?

    So I posted early this morning trying to find out what is causing my duck to have such awful trouble breathing and only one person responding saying she was probably choking and to massage her throat to dislodge whatever it is. This seemed logical and highly probable so that's what I did...
  13. Lamaremybabies

    Young duck is not breathing right

    Hello, I have a duck who will be 1 year old in a week I noticed yesterday evening she was breathing really heavy but I assumed it was because it was 90 degrees and humid, so I gave her a tub with fresh cold water and I figured she's cool down and be fine... I was wrong. I was outside with them...
  14. Lamaremybabies

    Cocker Spaniel Puppies attack chickens and ducks

    Hello, So I've been looking for a thread that might help my situation and so far I haven't found anything. I have two 6 month old cocker spaniels who are just so sweet... until they get close to my ducks and chickens. I know cocker spaniels are hunting dogs and i can't seem to find anyone who...
  15. Lamaremybabies

    Pullet with swollen eye

    I noticed a couple days ago my pullet had a puffy eye and I was looking today and it doesn't look any better. I know there are quite a few threads about chickens with swollen eye(s) but none of them seemed to be the same as mine. Obviously it's swollen but there isn't any discharge and there...
  16. Lamaremybabies

    My pullets been acting stiff.

    I have a 15 week old pullet who's been acting odd the past few days. She always seems very stiff if she isn't walking around, it's only when she's standing still or laying down. Is this normal? Or is something wrong? She eats and drinks fine.
  17. Lamaremybabies

    Day 29 and nothing..

    So I have 6 duck eggs in my Incubator and it's day 29 I think... I read that you shouldn't count the set date as day 1 so if that's correct then it's day 28. The temp reads at 98.9-99.1 degrees and 55% humidity, but I still don't see any movement or pipping. Should I try candling them quickly to...
  18. Lamaremybabies


    I went outside a few minutes ago to give my chickens some food and change their water and while I was changing the water I noticed one of my chickens start acting like they were having trouble swallowing so I went over and took a look and she had some food stuck in her throat so I gave her some...
  19. Lamaremybabies

    Average growth rate of a Sexlink chick?

    I was casually reading BYC threads as I do, and I was curious if there were any threads on the average growth rate of a chick and there wasn't. So now I'm curious to see does anyone know the average growth rate of a Sexlink chick? Haha the things you think of when reading BYC threads :P
  20. Lamaremybabies

    Rooster help!

    Hello, So I have a friend getting 6 Polish crested (straight run) but she already has 2 roosters (and like 15 hens) so she said if she gets any roosters she has to get rid of them, and me being duck and chicken crazy volunteered to take a rooster if she gets any. Now that's all swell except...
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