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  1. Barnyard Dawg

    Cuckoo Maran

    I found some Cuckoo Marans at a feed store and purchased one hen, she is around 2 months old now, does anyone else have any of these, I hear the eggs are a chocolate color and they seem to look like a Barred Rock, anyone care to add a comment in regards to Cuckoo's.
  2. Barnyard Dawg

    Standard and Bantam chickens together

    Our rooster has gone to the pot after pecking my wife a couple of times last week. We were given a rooster which looks to be a bantam all of our chickens are standard breeds how would they get along has anyone ever dealt with this? We have 27 hens and now one rooster.
  3. Barnyard Dawg

    Rooster takes on Dog (Labrador)

    My 5 month old black rooster was feeling his oats and decided to take on my Labrador Retreiver. My wife was outside at the time and he started flapping his wings and decided to attack him with his nails. He must of grabbed him in his mouth and took him to the dog house, when I had got there he...
  4. Barnyard Dawg

    Jungle Fowl Red or Vietnamese any in California for sale?

    Anyone selling Red or Vietnamese jungle fowl in California? I would like to aquire possibly 3, a rooster and 2 hens of either.
  5. Barnyard Dawg

    Chickens love eating zucchini

    We have way more zucchini that we can eat so we will let some grow fairly large and cook them and feed them to the chickens they love em, anyone else?
  6. Barnyard Dawg

    Broody Hen how long? For eggsgalore

    One of our hens is going broody, she just whats to sit on eggs, she not quite a year old, she doesn't eat or isn't laying eggs currently, she seem to be getting thinner, how long does this go on with chickens you have had, this is the first one and it look like another is going broody. Saw your...
  7. Barnyard Dawg

    Cat a Predator?

    I have been noticing a cat that I have never seen before, viewing my chickens. Last evening the cat actually came into the yard I noticed my chickens go on alert making noise and their necks out streched, should I consider this a predator and a threat to my chickens? I would feel better knowing...
  8. Barnyard Dawg

    Green Eggs w/Warts

    One of my ee chickens lays a green eggs with what looks like warts, I imagine it has something to do with calcium but they are not smooth like all the rest of our eggs, has anyone else experienced this.
  9. Barnyard Dawg

    Memorial Day Tribute

    My wife and I just got back from the cemetery where we gave tribute to those who have served our country proudly and have made tremedous sacrifices so that we all can live in a free society, what a moving day, it makes you proud to be an American. Did anyone else attend a ceremony and honor...
  10. Barnyard Dawg

    Lost my First Chicken

    We let our chickens free-range 24/7 so when one turned up missing my thoughts were a critter took her (Barred Rock) I found no blood or feathers though, my wife had butcher our older hen that day so we had one more egg than we had chickens so we knew we were missing one. I checked the neighbors...
  11. Barnyard Dawg

    Jungle Fowl First Time Raising (Black Australorp)?

    I purchased a Jungle Fowl chick, this is the first time I have had one, has anyone else had experience with them as far as adaptability w/other chickens, egg laying, personality, etc. I only bought one and they were all mixed so I don't know the sex, my wife has a way of telling she believes its...
  12. Barnyard Dawg

    Oyster Shell Effects on Meat Birds

    When we feed oyster shell to chickens it makes for a harder egg shell, and I assume stronger bones but how would this affect the meat could it make it tougher especially the muscle meat like the legs? So if your going to consume your chickens is it better to give less than to much if that is...
  13. Barnyard Dawg

    FDA says food from cloned animals is safe

    Just read this article. How do you feel about comsuming cloned animals? I don't have alot of faith in the FDA.
  14. Barnyard Dawg

    Seriousness of Worms and Parasites

    Finally people are starting to realize the seriousness of parasites and worms even in today’s world it seems to be something most people don't what to even consider or talk about, as reported by MSNBC. Nothing is immune people (rich or poor) or animal that is why pre-caution is the best...
  15. Barnyard Dawg

    Chicken & Turtle Soup

    We cull our chickens out periodically, yesterday we culled a small white leghorn that was still laying eggs, and my wife made a soup, after butchering the chicken she butchered a turtle, for those that have a hard time with chickens I sure wouldn’t recommend trying this. The soup contained pork...
  16. Barnyard Dawg

    What Is Your Birthstone

    My birthstone is aquamarine and my wife is the diamond. I have already picked out her christmas present, what do you get your wife if she has everything, more diamonds. The cool and optimistic aquamarine provides a sense of youth and hope, like the new spring that comes each March. It also...
  17. Barnyard Dawg

    Pet chickens may be plucked from owners?
  18. Barnyard Dawg

    Quinoa Fed To Chickens

    My wife brought home some quinoa which we fed to our chickens for the first time. Quinoa is an easy food to prepare, we cooked it in a rice cooker, it has a pleasantly light, fluffy texture when cooked and its mild, slightly nutty flavor makes it an excellent alternative to white rice or...
  19. Barnyard Dawg

    Chicken Hawk SwoopsDown On Chickens

    Yesterday evening I was cutting a tree down with my chain saw, I took to a minute to clean it; my wife was raking up some leaves when all of a sudden the chickens scattered. A chicken hawk had scooped down and scattered the chickens, when I observed the commotion I had my back to them, all I saw...
  20. Barnyard Dawg

    3-Cup Fried Chicken

    My wife cooks a fried chicken she calls 3-cup chicken. She uses 1 cup of each, rice wine, olive oil and soy sauce. She will fry chicken whole then cuts up afterwards; surprisingly it only takes around 30-40 minutes.
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