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  1. abigalerose

    Milking a cow... for the first time

    Yesterday my jersey cross heifer had her first calf, i got her as a milk cow, only problem being.. I’ve neved milked a cow before! So can i get some tips/advice/instruction? I do know how to do the actual milking and get milk out, i did so this morning while i was helping baby out (long story)...
  2. abigalerose


    I'm currently buying 5 acres (with a house in the middle) and I'd like to fence it for a couple horses and a cow, I plan to do t-posts and 5 strands of barbless wire and 1 strand of hot wire at the top, that way there's no barbs, but the hot wire keeps them from leaning, and if the hot wire gets...
  3. abigalerose


    So I've always loved taking pictures (I'm one of those people with 12,000 pictures on their phone) and I finally bought myself a camera, nothing too fancy, a Nikon D3400, and I'm totally inspired and addicted to taking pictures! But what does it take to be a "real" photographer? And what can I...
  4. abigalerose

    Horse Talk 2

    Well, I can't find my original "Horse Talk" post that was a million pages long, I'm not sure if it's just because I have no idea how to work this new site, or if it's gone forever, but I guess it's time to start a new one! So, @Bunnylady, @Kusanar, and everyone else who's usernames I just can't...
  5. abigalerose

    Photography... camera help!

    Photographers! I'm wanting to get into photography and I could use some suggestions for a "starter" camera... as in, I'd like to take better pictures than what I'm getting with my basic walmart camera, but I'm also not quite ready to spend $4,000 lol
  6. abigalerose

    Milk cow questions

    I have a Jersey cross heifer who'll I'll be breeding next spring, but I'm curios about some things. I live alone and really don't use hardly any milk, and just an average amount of butter. I plan on freezing some milk and butter, and giving some to family, but if I milk her twice a day every...
  7. abigalerose

    Tiny house.. thing

    Okay so I know I should post this on sufficient self but I can never get it to work right on my phone so I'm posting here. I have my own house but I spend more time at my parents and grandparents house (like ALOT more time) and I have my horses, cow and chickens at my grandparents and my dogs...
  8. abigalerose

    Chest pain, birth control, PCOS

    Okay so totally not chicken related, but I wanted to see if anyone else has experienced anything like this, or has any ideas what it may be, because I'm going crazy sitting around thinking about it. My doctor told me about 3 months ago that I have PCOS. She put me on birth control about 2 and...
  9. abigalerose

    Collie coat color questions

    Any collie experts out there? I'm wondering if the white spot on this pups head will disappear? I know it is not important in the big picture, but am just curious
  10. abigalerose

    All My Creatures

    So since I'm animal crazy, and no one else in my family is, I've decided to share all of my animals here. And to all you other animal fanatics, PLEASE post pictures of your pets and share your hopes and dreams. First is Roxy, she's my best friend, she's a 6 year old chihuahua, I picked her...
  11. abigalerose


    I'm starting to plan out this years garden already, I don't want to slack like last year. This will be my second garden, and I'm wanting add in fruits this year. I plan on planting cherry, apple, and pear trees. I also want blackberries, strawberries, rhubarb, and raspberries. Is there...
  12. abigalerose

    Selling stuff online??

    Technologically savvy people, I need your help. I'm going to be selling some stuff online but I'm severely technologically impared. I'm trying to find a safe, anonymous, way for people to pay where I can redeem it as cash (e.g. NO visa gift cards) The problem with PayPal is that it's not...
  13. abigalerose


    So can anyone here tell me roughly what I should price my camper at to sell? I don't know much about these types of things so bear with me. I can't remember what year it is, I'll look on the title sometime to double check, but I think it's a 95. I have the title but I never got around to...
  14. abigalerose

    Saddle worth??

    Okay, everyone who knows anything about saddles! I've got these two saddles here and I don't have a clue what they're worth! First one is really old, I think 30's, and the little label says T.M. Lumly - Maker - Cushing Okla. that's the one I'm really curious about, I was told that it's a...
  15. abigalerose

    New to goats

    I might be getting my first goat on Sunday, a Nigerian dwarf goat, I've done some research on what kind of pen and shelter I need and I'll be putting that up this weekend, but beyond that, I have lots to learn. So tell me anything and everything that may come in handy! *lll be milking this goat
  16. abigalerose

    Dehorning an older calf?

    I have an 8 month old jersey cross heifer with little horns, they're obviously already attached to her skull, but they're still pretty tiny, she's a small cow in general, is it still safe to dehorn her? I would use a vet, but even so, what are the risks? If I'm going to risk losing her I'll just...
  17. abigalerose

    Antique incubator!

    Today I was up in the very scary attic of the old farm house I'm moving into (been in my family for at least 4 generations), there's about a hundred years worth of junk on the house but I hadn't been in the attic yet. Well I found and old incubator! It looks like you must of had to use a gas...
  18. abigalerose

    Neckrope - horses

    Does anyone have any recommendations on where to buy a neckrope? I can't seem to find anyone in the U.S. that sells them. At least not very pretty ones. I love these ones but they don't ship to U.S.
  19. abigalerose

    Bareback saddle pad?!

    Okay so I have a bareback saddle pad on my birthday list, becuase I like riding bareback but I'm not very balanced yet. Initially I wanted a pad that had a cinch, a handle, and removable stirrups, so that I could practice with the stirrups until my balance got better and then take them off and...
  20. abigalerose

    raising cornish crosses?

    Im highly considering switching my dogs to a raw diet (If anyone here has done that feel free to tell me more about it) and I'm thinking, since I have adequate space and building for plenty of chickens, why not raise my own meat for them? Problem is I'm bad at math, so can anyone tell me how...
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